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Everything posted by yikai

  1. hi bro bigbird, the M.niger trigger is found circumtropically. all tropical oceans, but is most often collected in hawaii.. the other one, M. indicus is only found in the indian ocean, red sea and east african coast. hope this helps.
  2. the one u have is a melichthys niger (as bro terryz have pointed out). very easy to keep, as most triggers are, but i dunno about aggression. never kept this niger before.
  3. after alot of thinking, i decided to sell my Mooish Idol. this baby has been with me for exactly 2 months. eats heartily on anything from dry to frozen food. coral mucus, fish poop and basically almost everything edible. seeing as how faithful and healthy this specimen is, i feel bad for housing him in a small 3ft tank like mine, where space is an issue for him. breaks my heart to see him swim left to right in just under 2 seconds. with this decision, i have decided to sell my moorish idol to a good fren, reddevilz. the fish will officially leave my tank on thursday when red gets back from his trip. hope he survives well in ur giant 6ft tank. with ample swimming space, im sure he will feel happy. feeding him will not be a problem. greedy as anything this guy. enjoy ur trip red! and have a good flight tonight. A pic to remind me of what a great companion this guy has been to me. not many of you guys survive the trade and you have proved to be a trooper! good thing is i get to enjoy him for a couple of days more before i say my final goodbyes haha. and lets hope he survives till thursday for his new home!
  4. my mushies also curl up at night. no worries
  5. i believe carpets are not easy to keep? if such luck happen to strike u today, then this anemone and you are fated!! ur clown really enjoy playing in the lucious sofa anemone XD
  6. another reason why i should karikiri myself for missing iwarna's shipment today. looks like there were alot of gems!! damn.hope there are some left for me tomorrow T_T
  7. HOLY SMOKES NICE CARPET! haddoni isit? where did u get it
  8. all ur corals drinking orange juice now vit C! ok la should be normal. even tho i never use before...should clear up soon. did u read the instrcutions? turn on ur skimmer after the designated time. ur skimmer shuld go crazy
  9. i dun think the flies should have any impact... they did not die and rot as u mention, its quite recent and some still alive. and i dun think they are poisonous because well, they are delicious. lizard and frogs living in my old house enjoyed them XD just observe ur percs.
  10. Sorry my previous thread was unclear on the topic title. looking for a eheim 1260. pls pm me, reply here or sms me 97555430. thanks
  11. WTB eheim 1260. pls pm me if u have one for sale, or sms me 97555430. thanks
  12. brain corals come in alot of different shapes and sizes. as long as its expanding nicely (like urs) shud be no problem/ thats a gorgeous brain
  13. any updates from iwarna..? any cloves? any of them left?
  14. glad u decided to keep the lobo (: thats a really nice piece. good decision
  15. wanted to get the blackfooted ones too. but scared my false perc destroy the living daylights out of them. make them from black foot to eat foot.
  16. hope she recovers nice black foots. saw some in sealife. the same one right?
  17. how come one of the clowns have white patch on the eye?
  18. haha. not fragging it =x sorry. the shape is nice now becoz its big. frag liao ugly =] sry
  19. my dream will come true for all the angel lovers. lol.
  20. i quite like that algae...lol. looks quite nice. my tank, however hard i want algae, NO3 so high STILL NO ALGAE! my snails and abalone are starving because of my algae-less tank T_T have to buy nori and feed them. very ex for a couple of cheap snails...
  21. actually i got 1 more purple torch and 2 green ones. but cannot find the foto...
  22. and although not euphyllia, the very closely related cataphyllia.
  23. some of my collection. hammer, torch, frogspawn.
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