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Everything posted by yikai

  1. nice zoos! i like the bottom right hand the rock. so much coraline algae
  2. i think they will only eat certain kinds? my moorish idol used to love sponges. but only certain kinds. especially the white and common ones found on liverock. i had a blue and orange sponge in my tank which it refuses to touch. perhaps u could ask ppl donate those sponge to you haha. the common white ones..
  3. ya! a wavebox will make disco disco inside my tank. good question. i also dunno. haha. alot of ppl find the overflow very ugly...but i kinda like it. or should i say, don't mind. i actually try to cover it many times liao. but always not to my liking....so....i just decided to leave it bah. maybe in time the come, the GSP at the base will grow onto it and make it green (:
  4. zzzz. ya! so dam hot. u know i drink water spill on floor but lazy to clean. 10mins later its all gone evaporated. yea dam hot nowadays. good thing i just got a chiller....set to kick at 27C and stop at 26. ensure all my livestock enjoy cool water.
  5. haha! no la no more tanks. probably have to frag or sell the corals when they get too big.
  6. and finally, FTS. comments are welcomed...negative or positive
  7. new clove from iwarna. and bottom shot of the tank
  8. never do a FTS for awhile already. school starting tomorrow! better do my last FTS before i have no time to meddle with my tank haha. right side!
  9. ya. i prefer this though (: the yellow against purple very striking.
  10. the anthias doesnt look like purple queen leh. looks like female purple anthias to me. pseudanthias tuka. the males look very similar to purple queen, but the females are different because they have yellow lines on the tail and back (like yours). female purple queens are entirely purple. nonetheless, they looks really stunning!!! hopefully easier than the notoriously difficult purple queen
  11. went to GO today to meet up with wilson to return his pump. promised myself to not buy anything. but........ the fact that i am typing here means what? means i cannot keep my promises and that GO is a fantastic place to shop T_T saw this very nice favia in their "show tank". colour quite unique coz i mostly see red + green coloured ones. it glows in actinics too! also bought a small red blasto. never open yet never take foto. anyway its common red kinds. no pattern also. the first pic is under actinics. the second one is taken with flash. actually is a very nice powerdy purple and green when seen in person. but somehow my camera captures it as blue-ish....
  12. i thinkts its the price of an orange haha just kidding. thats a really nice yuma. how come want to sell leh? sis ming
  13. yes good idea. haha. what time u intend to go.
  14. yalor.... zero DOA man. was so suprised. they also came in one big shipment of cloves...cannot tahan bought one also. shame on me ): lol. now so many liao.. btw, when are you free? i wanna return you the pump haha. before i forgot.
  15. good u bought the xenias!!! very nice right? pine pulsing liao. but the wave there quite strong so the pulsing very negligible...turn off wavemaker then will pulse faster. ya bali is part of indo haha the mushy found a place. haha oh ya *edit* xenia from my personal observation like to pulse in very low to no flow areas. like mushies. i got 2 colonies in different areas of my tank. one pulse and the other doesnt pulse at all. but when i do WC and off all pumps and wavemakers, both will pulse. so i think they dont like the flow....but positioning is quite hard la. so i dun care if they pulse or not. dun die can liao...
  16. nvm its ok. cloves look like that one. they look ugly when they are not open. anyway, mine tooke 4 days to open up. just wait awhile luh
  17. i tot u cycle? how come drive car? haha. wa nice or not ur car? any updates from CF? they got new shipment or not? btw bro onizuka u got ur cloves?
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