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Everything posted by yikai

  1. looking good the xenia. pulsing already? really mesmerising to watch them all pulse..
  2. i no worms but alot of big crabs T_T and rescaping a 3ft tank that is on top of a cabinet is soo hard and backbreaing! no palce to keep coral and stuff also. sian. hav to ive with the crabs. or catch them 1 by 1 when i have the chance to trap!
  3. they should make a great singapore LFS sale right? got john little....great singapore sale....but no LFS sale! tomorrow GO got shipment. go there and $$$$$pend haha
  4. nice xenia looks like u got it afterall haha
  5. if the bubble coral is covering the skeleton entirely and no healthy skeleton is exposed, it is ok. i believe the algae is growing on the outer skeleton and not the inner skeleton where the flesh is covering? if its just outside, its ok. but if the algae grows on the inner skeleton, it means that part of the bubble has pulled away from the skeleton and left it exposed for the algae to grow on. if the algae only growing outside on the unfleshy part, u can scrub it or leave it alone i dun think it is a concern. but if it is growing on the skeleton that was once covered with healthy tissue, it can grow and take over the coral.
  6. Hi. have a friend who is letting go a BK SM200 for $1850. condition is 9/10 very good condition and used for only 5-6 months only. seller is very trustworthy. seen the skimmer and its good condition. pilots please steer clear. if interested, sms me at 97555430 or pm me. interested can post here too. thanks!
  7. garden must have butterflies, bees, insects. how come dun have? put butterfly fish inside XD tomorrow wake up become your marine disaster =x ok la jokes aside. ur tank really very nice. i agree with adding a sun inside the cave! will add alot of colour and pizzaz haha! perhaps when ur ich crisis is over u can add 1 or 2 cute fishy. (:
  8. LPS and zoos will change colour according to light one. dun worry its not dying. like the LFS and the sea and your tank lights are all different. the coral will adjust its colour to filter out which light it needs more or dun need. if im not wrong, (please correct me if i am), it is turning green because ur light has too much "green spectrum" in it. as far as i know, white light has 7 colours of the rainbow. could be urs have too much green, and the prata is changing to green to reflect the green. (you see green because green is being reflected into ur eye). thats why the coral turns green to filter out excess green. the logic is more or less correct according to science, but im not sure if it applies to corals =x
  9. they grow dam fast and eat ALOT! if u wan them grow big faster so u can cook it, pump them with alot of food. 1 day feed like 10 times. they are super greedy one. eat non stop. and easy to feed to. in 2 months they should be 2-3x their size. few months can cook liao! haha! are they even edible? yes right??
  10. XD i think i also know. but ya it was really beautiful! quite suprised its stil there after so long. good buy good buy!
  11. D: u bought that gorgeous red cyna isit?? if yes, woah!! thats a great piece!! nice niec
  12. maybe can try ocean nutricion angel formula. got sponge i think
  13. sure bro. but not so soon ah dun get ur hopes too high
  14. wa very nice kings. what is the branch in the middle for may i ask?
  15. never crossed my mind ok la when im free will take video. but takes so long to upload on youtube... haha
  16. do keep the temprature lower. maybe with a fan. below 29C is idea. 29 is hanging by a thread. above 30 is dangerous. Especially with ur euphyllias and cataphyllia. very suseptible to "melting" and getting brown jelly in too warm waters.
  17. eh! thats a very special blue tang!!! the face got black!! upz for u. wa nice nice
  18. ya so happy! ur tank nicer la!
  19. wah...speechless. very breathtaking
  20. yes. LPS can be dyed. even gonios and pagoda cup corals.
  21. very nice rockscape (: underneath also can put gems hehe. those lesser light demanding corals
  22. oh dear...those are golden trevallys. they can grow reaaaaaly big and reaaaaaaaaly fast. max side in the wild is 150cm. they wont grow so big in the home aquarium, but you get the idea
  23. ya! true true. thanks for the well wishes! hope to see ur new buy.
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