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Everything posted by yikai

  1. ohh thats the deflector! i tot it was the foam lolz
  2. elemental chlorine is acidic not alkali. chlorine bleach, however, is alkali. anywho, using vinegar to clean off the chlorine is a good idea, but please be careful. and note to bro vlamingi, if u are using chlorine bleach, please wear gloves. according to macrovan's reaction, chlorine bleach + vinegar will help neutralise it yes. but adding an acid to chlorine bleach may and WILL release elemental chlorine gas. which is very poisonous belonging to group 7 elements. should be alright unless u are doing it in very large portions. if u see greenish yellow gas being evolved, run the other direction
  3. skimmate looks likce ice cream lol
  4. super lol. tranny wif badly drawn lipstick hmm....i think i saw ur fish somewhere near the durians at a certain street..
  5. oh my %$%#. the xanthic regal, queen and the majestic is....MAJESTIC OMG?!?!!? &*^#&*^&*@^ KDBGUISGBYIGBEUIRGBEURG
  6. LCK - lots of catalina - neon goby - red head goby - lots of yellow tang - previous ORA shipment alot left - many flame hawks. saw about 6? maybe more - flame angels - royal grammas - zebra moray - chevron, AT and black tangs. dunno if reserved or not. CF - venustus angel - lots of powder blue - a few candy basslets - exquisite - ghost boxer shrimps - foxface - 2 joculators. one big one small. - copperbands - longnose - ONE Centropyge colini. rare i suppose?
  7. elegance place on sand bed will do better. rocks will disturb their fleshy body. place in area with low and gentle flow. thats about it i guess. there are a few very good elegance coral articles in the net. i lost 2 elegance coral before this to elegance coral disease. u might wanna read up on that too HTH ^^ haha. so busy, hardly have time to go lfs. not much updates. same same bah haha.
  8. ahbeng- 2 very unusual dottybacks. peach-white with numerous red spots all over the body and red margnis around fin. got 1, left 1. dunno wat it is eagle eye zoos small marinebetta. very cute other fishes normal ones
  9. its most likely ich. my neon goby had the exact same thing when all my other fishes had ich too. now all recovered
  10. yep white spots. somehow they are raised on neon gobies. mine had these but was later cured
  11. new corals from GO. frogspawn, octo and anthellia
  12. haven updated photos in awhile. busy lately. first up, exquisite wrasse from coral farm. on the first day of purchase, this fella jumped out into my overflow without my knowledge. and was there for 6 hours! goodness.... i thought he was going to die. but lucky he recovered and is now eating like a swine. 1 or 2 missing scales from his body, which i hope will recover. anyone knows if fishes can regenerate scales?
  13. the last one look like exquisite? from fiji or something... not the normal one? O.o
  14. grape caulerpa got eaten 3/4 by my snail and coral beauty. remaining 1/4 went asexual. threw it away before anything bad happened. asexual algae and i are like friends now. so far all algae i get goes asexual. even ulva no luck. got a true octo from GO amongst other things. one of my clown has a small white thing on its lower fin. maybe lympho? i dunno. on a happier note, both my clowns have started hosting my torch coral, finally after so long. They seem to be courting. both will shimmy shimmy next to the other very often and will swim side by side. looks like they are going to mate soon. they seem to be healthy so i probably won't look so much into that white thing....hopefully its lympho and will go away in due time. they seem to favour the torch best, but occasionally visit my elegance and frogspawn. is this normal? its like they cannot decide where to host... i shouldnt be complaining. ever since i started the tank i wished my clowns hosted something, anything. now that they finally have, im so happy
  15. looks like a sebae anemone that has been dyed purple. feed it more often since its zooxanthellae and photosynthesizing abilities has been compramised by the dye, and hope it recoveres.
  16. thats a sea cucumber with an emperor commensal shrimp on it. the shrimp is indeed lovely. bro onizuka, ur creature is most likely a sea cuke bah. tentacles on the head, i dun think many other organisms fit the bill.
  17. super busy with school. lots of tests and the supplemental japanese classes are no joke either. bought myself an exquisite and a filamented flasher wrasse from CF over the weekend. both very healthy specimens and feeding on pellets. very beautiful too. but the filamented wrasses seem to be reacting badly to aggression from my mating clowns, and have now decided to stay in a corner. we'll see how it goes....hopefully it doesnt get too stressed and die on me ): will try to get photos this weekend.
  18. just came back from CF. still have exquisite wrasses, lots of filament andd whip fin flasher wrasse. one rosy scale at 2.5 red notes. wa irene got exquisites ah. shud hav gone there to see see b4 going to CF. neaerer to my hse ):
  19. Can baby fishes survive in the average reef aquarium?? just tonight i went about my daily check using a flashlight and i discovered a very very tiny baby fish inside a small hole in a rock. im quite positive its a baby fish.. shaped like a tear drop with 2 eyes at the top that reflected against my torch light. looks like those very very very small baby guppies. same shape. i don't have many pairs of fishes. the only pair of fishes i have are a pair of banggai cardinals and a pair of false percs. definately not the banggais. im guessing its the clown.... but i never see them spawn, din see them guarding any eggs, they arent hosting anything, and no eggs at all. din see any of those. so could it really be a baby fish? could my clowns have spawned without even me noticing it? they do guard their eggs very carefully dont they?
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