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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Can you guess what are inside these buckets? Assorted fishes featuring a juvenile Bodianus rubrisos, a pineapple fish, Cirrhilabrus roseafascia, Cirrhilabrus pylei, Liopropoma sp (yellow tail), Plectranthias sp, amazing new Roa sp,
  2. Cirrhilabrus roseafascia and Chromis alpha collected during Bishop museum's philippine expedition
  3. Any one tried this method? Relatively new, and i think there are some users of this method already. care to share more info? there's a nice write up on reefbuilders about it too. http://reefbuilders.com/2013/12/18/triton-interviewed/ http://reefbuilders.com/2013/01/29/video-tour-triton-reef-leave-jaw-floor/
  4. The flame potter and potter fishers are legends. Some of the rarest hybrid Centropyge
  5. japan shipment at iwarna - Meiacanthus kamohara - kamohara blenny, very limited pieces. rare, beautiful, i can't say enough about this fish. - Eviota bifasciata - beautiful little eviota for peaceful and nano set ups - Scalpel tang, Prionurus sp. - Elegant blenny - Auripes butterflyfish (Chaetodon auripes) - japan filefish
  6. not rare anymore, but rare at this size. 2.5 inch paucifasciatus butterfly.
  7. too difficult to even find living pics. infact this are the only live pics i found from palau.
  8. one of my favorite deepwater chromis species and like its latin name brevi-rostris meaning short snout, it shows clearly the aptness of the name.
  9. another 3 pictures of Chromis brevirostris in the wild, including a super small juvenile!
  10. this thread title is soooo misleading uncle mike
  11. beautiful and rather rare Ptereleotris uroditaenia. 2nd nicest after P. grammica.
  12. ruby red pair. the female is always very pregnant and they spawn nightly. both eat pellets but only if they float and land in front of it.
  13. Another two trimmas in my fuge. they are like insects that perch on the plants all day.
  14. Gorgeous helfrichi. Such a nice little fish. Ca 500 is ok. But check your hk and mg for any fluctuations. Actually withou SPS your parameters can be relatively experimental. Your hammer and zoas wouldn't mind. That red skirt green face one is beautiful btw.
  15. There are a few fishes living in the fuge. but the dense macroalgae forest and small fish means that i don't get to see them all the time. here's two, a Trimma annosum and a Plectranthias inermis.
  16. There are a few fishes living in the fuge. but the dense macroalgae forest and small fish means that i don't get to see them all the time. here's two, a Trimma annosum and a Plectranthias inermis.
  17. my refugium nano tank has been scrapped. all corals previously inside have been shifted to the display, and i have begun growing macroalgae ever since. *as what a real refugium was meant for anyways* It's tiny and pretty much useless as a nutrient export. just keeping it going for its aesthetic values and as a home for some small fish. Reds, purples and greens. A vey colorful salad. pardon the unsightly plastic cup. holding some frags.
  18. gorgeous regal with severe misbar. an old piece at NYAquatics
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