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Everything posted by yikai

  1. LCK still have eight line wrasse 2 gem tangs. (i think one is reserved if im not wrong) the 3 huge AT and the HUGE queen angels are reserved flame back angels flame angels small yellow tangs, medium and large sohals some clowns. the blue stripe ones. exquisite wrasse radiant wrasse leopard wrasses (female and males. the divided wrasse) neon goby red head goby alot of the blue zoos with yellow skirt and mouth. (good price and very beautiful. i bought one home to try ) LPS. favias, euphyllias, elegance, etc lots of super sun CF 1 yasha goby left rosy scale randall's goby alpheus randalli pistol shrimps yellow tangs flame angels ALOT of baby blue tangs. even the size of one keyboard key also have! lots of other fishes.
  2. i think its pooping. their anus is at the top of their heads
  3. today bad thing number 2 happen. suddenly out of no where power from, my tank trip. smelt a "burning" smell. got so panic. i suspect is coz i overload the switch with too many plugs. solution : went to add another extension plug elsewhere to reduce number of plugs in one circuit, and turn on the main switch from circuit breaker. heng nothing happen....
  4. male barlett from iwarna's recent hawaii shipment. first time keeping one. feeding on pellets and mysis on day of purchase!
  5. yes i am sure that bicolour/helraldi hybrid was at CF... or at least another speciment that looked 90% identical. i ask the aunty and she said she wasnt sure too.
  6. coral farm had this last weeek. what is it do u know? *edit* upon closer look. coral farm had this EXACT same one. dunno what it was. so cool
  7. its like the mishaps are deliberately rooting for us to fail... sigh. mishaps. ever wondered why they only happen to us when we are not around?
  8. hi-5! flooding is a pain in not only the ######, but everywhere else. summore my floor is wood laminate...the stickyness is really annoying.
  9. very beautiful elegance and orange prata!
  10. i found it hard that u find that even remotely funny... anyway, worst thing that happen to me was a flooding caused by my chiller's return hose not being secured properly. resulted in an empty sump and a flooded living room.
  11. SL din hav any bandits when i was there. iwarna had one supposedly, but din see it at all. i saw a big stack of packed bags with fishes inside. these bags were in red plastic bags. i think reserved by other customers. perhaps the bandit is inside.
  12. there were two that day. hope whoever bought the other one takes as much care of it as u did with yours
  13. managed to go to sealife just now in the evening. saw one burgess (not sure spelling) butterfly flames yellow tangs one wrasse. red colour dunno name. looks quite unique elegance left 3 purple tangs asfur emperor angel female watanabe female bellus pearlscale butterfly black pearlscale threadfin, raccoon, saddleback butterfly 6 line wrasse potter's angel red line anthias 1 medium size copperband green chromis foxface mandarin (both kinds) blueface some others i either forgot, or not sure name.
  14. if anyone see any small copperbands don't mind posting here please. ty =x
  15. i think should be can. had a talk with a bro just now on msn and he said should be fine =) i'll just feed less and do more WC. anyway its only 5 days
  16. thanks all. so it should be fine? just do water change and feed less. thanks!
  17. tuxedo urchins saw some at ahbeng last week. coral farm have also. cerith snails never see anywhere. maybe i blind. there are no royal grammas at iwarna.
  18. Hey reefers, my skimmer today spoil. im planning to take this chance to upgrade to a deltec APF. however,s tick is coming in on tuesday only. how long can my tank last without a skimmer?
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