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Everything posted by yikai

  1. u mean THAT shop? pfft.. had terrible experience with them. never visiting them there again too..
  2. err..forgot leh. sry. din really pay attention as i was in a rush.
  3. nice tank bro. sorry to hear about ur velvet bug. im afraid i might be coming down with that too...suspect it was from a fish at CF =( btw how did u upload pictures?
  4. iwarna has 2 gigantic red carpet anemones. quite beautiful.
  5. they should be safe. mine is a freak case. feed them pellets or chopped seafood are fine. dont need to overfeed. just make sure they are eating something/
  6. not really since they usually hand around rocks. my bumblebees are very secretive and alwas hiding. whereas my nassarius always getting stung.
  7. becareful. they are very aggresssive when comfortable in ur tank. and they might not even bother eating those worms in your sand. its a risk you'll have to take.
  8. no problem bro. these starfishes are easily identified by their uneven leg sizes and uneven number of them. have seen those with even 1 leg. they multiply quickly by dropping their limbs and each of them will regenerate into new stars. they feed on corals if im not wrong.
  9. gentle reminder for those keeping nassarius snails. they need to be fed. feeding on fallen food and detrisus may not enough if you have many of them. becareful of corals lying on the sand bed. if hungry enough, they can steal food from pratas or brains living on the sand. becareful of powerful stingers on the sand such as anemones and elegance corals. i have lost 5 nassarius snails because of my huge huge elegance. everytime they crawl around the elegance, they get stung on the foot and die.
  10. if u use 100% dead rocks, it will ultimately remain dead. dead rock can only become liverock in the presence of other live rocks. that way, the "live" things can spread and make home in the dead rock. also, the variety of microfauna and other wonderful things that grow on your dead rocks will be determined by your live ones. more live rock = a greater number of microfauna. fully cured liverocks free of pests are one of the best things to have in an aquarium. good biological filtration, abundant live forms and great hiding places for your fishes.
  11. 1) ReDDeviLs - devilsbar@hotmail.com 2) Jojoe - jojoecute@hotmail.com 3) tazperlin - Alex_3554@hotmail.com 4) dkk08 - dkk08@hotmail.com 5) R6-rossi - r6-rossi@hotmail.com 6) angelfishlover - weird_blacksmith@hotmail.com 7) Ah-Lim - xlimx@hotmail.com 8) LaW - lost_law@hotmail.com 9) chercm - chercm@hotmail.com 10) bboytrez@hotmail.com 11) steve_chang20032003@yahoo.com.sg ( staying at east side) 12) larryng21@hotmail.com ( But i am not 21 year old .. lol ) 13) bugattilambo-bugatti_lamborghini@hotmail.com 14) Vlamingi_cont - doug_tham@hotmail.com 15) jyoon - sotongnabe@hotmail.com 16) bluedumdum@hotmail.com here's mine 17) Teayk@hotmail.com - (lemonlemon)
  12. bro. dun say that lah. its a fair opportunity for all anyway, don't think i can go any higher.
  13. bro. dun say that lah. its a fair opportunity for all anyway, don't think i can go any higher.
  14. wanted to get it from the website the last time. but was very afraid that it would DOA.
  15. ohh!! this is the one i wanted to get online!! ok ok. $12
  16. lemme help u bro! they also have long nose butterfly threadfin butterfly juv emperor juv koran green chromis assorted damsels flagfin angel many many baby and small sized clowns (so cute i had to get one) pyajama cardinals algae blenny blue tangs pearl scale butterflyfish corals have white xenias green and orange chalice (yummy!) acan maxima blue seafan purple seafan many colourful zoas clove polyps cauliflowers red rhyzos and.... the rest i also forgot. and to answer bro digiman's question, the assuie clowns at RD are only black occelaris. all of them come in pairs with varying intensity of blackness. small sizes too.
  17. very easy corals. i have plenty of them. they do not like too strong flow, as these will impede their ability to open. plus, they don't look good swaying too much in the water. place them in moderate flow is best. enough to see them open up like flowers. lighting wise, moderate is enough.
  18. spam marine fish nvm lah...but spam adult sites.. not good =(
  19. recently so many spammers in this forum. its getting harder to ignore. btw, isit me? or did SRC change a little. forum wise. topics are now in orange?
  20. assuie shipment at RD acan lords, duncans, sps, chaoti leopard laboutei lineatus scotts and many more! this info was taken from another forum.
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