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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Pracheilinus Lineopunctatus courtesy of Marine Life. He's awesome when he flashes! streaks of metallic blue.
  2. bro you are right i think so far in my tank thread u ask me to cover my overflow quite a few times. and i 100% agree because its getting quite an eye sore. maybe will build a small liverock mount and put some corals in it ya
  3. fully agree with bro VTEC!!!!!!!!!!!! i have been pestering him for photos of his exquisite for dunno how long. nice flashing alpha male
  4. very dam tempted to get that elegance..
  5. depends on which part is broke. not sure.
  6. not sure if this helps, but i show u my FTS. this is the scape which i opted for.. tall tower. coral placement very easy and in the middle have huge hole for fish to swim in and out.
  7. resun chillers are famous for boomz. (hehe. pun intended u can try calling the repair man to see whats wrong. in the mean time, blow a big standing fan directly into your sump. i did this for 5 days when my chiller was being fixed and so far ok.
  8. Here's my latest FTS.. My old 1 ft long elegance coral passed away a few days ago... -sigh-. died due to my neglect which i could have avoided. was so healthy and because of my carelessness.... don't wanna dwell on it but everytime i think about it.. makes me so sad. sorry fragmaster T_T i let your coral down. keep so long and was a very healthy specimen which could have lasted for years to come. coz of my itchy fingers now its no more :cry2: :cry2: :cry2:
  9. small baby 1 inch clam from PR! first time trying out a clam.... not sure if it can survive with T5s. will just try it out first
  10. Dottyback collected by a nice reefer. thanks bro take good care of it! thread clsoed.
  11. this the one from pinnicle? very nice
  12. hi bro. np for the frag! glad you enjoyed it! yea some of my corals never open fully because i turned on the lights about half hour before you came. nice to meet u too thexder! thanks yea the flasher wrasse is nice
  13. tiny 1 inch clams spotted at the aunty shop opp ahbeng!! not much left so chiong for those who want them.!
  14. thanks bro maybe it is a little bleached but cannot tell the difference. you are right because i bought it on shipment day haha. will let it settle down and see if the colour improves. meanwhile will try to feed it some food once in awhile hehe.
  15. if it died in the liverocks, nassarius snail may go and find it. depending on how deep and how high. they usually scower the sand bed. however i have seen mine crawl up glass. but never on rocks.
  16. i've taken the time to rad ur thread from page 1 to page 20. i realise that u had many many good scapes in the past. wat happen? my advice is once u have a scape u like and its nice, dont touch it anymore. because no matter how hard u try, u cannot ever regain ur old scape. only gets better or worse. its hard to give advice on scaping because all live rocks are different shape... my advice, since u have a big tank, create a valleny formation. i have always envied people with bigger tanks, because personally, valley is my favourate scape but cannot be done in my 3ft tank.
  17. Have this coral for many months now and all this time i have always thought of it as a favia. however the flesh of this coral seems fleshier than that of favia species. summore, it doesnt release long sweeper tentacles at night like faviids. rather, it sometimes extrude mesenterial filaments (their guts, btw u can see a little of it in the picture.) out to digest nearby corals, which i believe is a trait that most acans posess? looks like favia but behave like acan? the more i see the more i feel it is an acan.. since favias dont extrude mesenterial filaments to kill other corals.. but need confirm coz i never intentionally buy acans before.
  18. dont think its bleached.. camera cannot capture the green. anyway its healthy so i wont worry about it.
  19. and the result of a fruitful frag exchange.
  20. super luminous bubble coral and a 5 head duncan coral frag seen tru a betta box
  21. new baby clowns to replace my old grumpy one
  22. updates!!! finally the picture function is working. new true octo. like the transparent one to match with my already existing brown one
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