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Everything posted by yikai

  1. didnt go iwarna today. cannot make it coz got other commitments
  2. i don't like normal shrooms that much too. thats why i only have 2 big rocks of red and blue ones. stunning colours. i have a blue mushroom grew out of my liverock from nowwhere. now have 3 polys
  3. ah yes. its true potential has been revealed
  4. very unique way for ric.floridas to be reproducing this way. never see b4. anyway here's my grandfather yuma pity its not even half as good looking as ur florida.
  5. i got a 1 inch specimen from the aunty shop opposite ahbeng. she's bringing in them this weekend if im not wrong. they are all mostly doomed to die. have even seen dyed jellyfishes before
  6. pray hard lor. i had a firefish that was severely injured from my dottyback. the tail was bitten all the way to the "flesh" of the tail. and it never grew back. left a stump. actually maybe can grow back too. dunno. make sure the damage isn't too severe. if the flesh is injured, easy to get infection.
  7. giv ur urchin some time. after a few weeks, mine started eating red slime aka cyano bacteria very greedily. diatoms too. btw, the pectoral fin wont grow back if ur flame hawk bit too deep into the fin. if the soft bone and rays deep within the joins of the fin near the body is damage, probably wont grow back...
  8. hehe u wrasse expert mah. alpha male or not?
  9. LCK has a constant stock of them... everytime go also have. still have some left over from previous carribean shipment.
  10. get 1 each lor haha if u have all female, 1 will morph to male regardless of species. btw royal gramma at lck still got plenty
  11. got the new elegance last week. was a very stable and healthy specimen at the farm. doing great now. slightly smaller than my old one,but same colour. finding owner is easy... its trapping it thats difficult. don't know why they name it coral beauty anyway. should be "coral so-so only not say very nice looking"
  12. Took better pictures of my new exquisite. all time favourite wrasse. little wonder why right? its still in his betta box because coral beauty outside seems intent on killing it. hmm...probably have to get rid of it before i release Mr.Exquisite. feeding very aggressively even inside the confines of the betta-box.
  13. medium flow is best good that u palce them on sand. dont put on rocks. haha enjoy ur corals. im off to bed, busy day tomorrow
  14. hehe. giv robin ur handfone number. he will sms u when they having discount or clearance. how u thik i get so many nice gems for affordable prices?
  15. yes of coz. elegance hmm...once u get a super healthy specimen, please dont be so careless like me to kill it T_T still cant get over it. nvm i have a healthy one now so its ok lo.. elegance u wanna look out a few signs when ur in LFS. most elegance in LFS are doomed to die because of elegance coral disease. the name of this sounds very made up, but there is a very detailed article written on a reef magazine explaining the different pathogens causing this. as of now, the actual cause of this ailment is still very much unknown, thus the term ECD or ECSyndrome is given. If u see bloated elegance corals with shrunken tentacles, or ones which produce excessive slime, not retracted to full glory, melting, or exposed skeleton, leave them. the most tell tale signs of ECS is the extremely bloated appearance with shrunken tentacles. ECS can spread from an unhealthy elegance to a healthy one, so if u see a tank with 10 elegance, and 1 with ECS, i will rather u leave all of them. coz u do not want to take the risk. i learnt from my mistake...a very painful mistake. i find that elegance from fish farms tend to do better as compared to fish shops. this is just my personal experience. why? because shops usually carry alot of them. like when a coral shipment comes, usually will have like 10-15 pieces? the chances of one of them having ECS is higher and chances of all being contaminated is very high. whereas u see pasir ris farm and LCK for example. each tank hold only 2-3 elegance. chances are slim for the disease. I have bought 4 elegance from shop and none survived showing signs of ECS. farms for me have moer success with 3 of them surviving many months with healthy polyp extension. Once you have aquired a healthy specimen, full body, no tissue recession, no ECS, u want to bring it home and place it in a position it likes. many people place elegance coral on rocks. all elegance are found in muddy dirty sand beds in the wild and they should be kept like this in the home aquaria. Not on rocks which is unatural for them. the rocks might rub against their massive body when they contract and expand which will irritate it. Dont need strong lights as in the wild, they are found in rather murky water shaded by sea grasses. No need strong blasting water movement. gentle wave enough to sway their tentacle is enough. most elegance come in a cone shaped skeletal base which u can insert and place in the sand bed. this is how they prefer to be placed. u can put on rocks lah, but not advisable. if they fall, tissue damage is very high as they expand up with water during the day, thus making them very heavy. more suseptable to damage. thats all i have to say about cataphyllia. becareful of their sting because its one of the most powerful of all corals.
  16. yes i agree with u on this. somehow find maldive lyretail looks much better. support ur decision for dwarf only tanks. be sure to include hybrid lemonpeels hehe
  17. slightly more than 2 red notes got it from henry quite some time back.
  18. feeding on everything. nori, pellets, brine, mysis, henry's food.
  19. lyretail anthias are usually from maldives. they come in some other more common shipments too? nt sure isit indo or phillipine? but maldives ones are nicer IMO. hawaii shipment, usually only bartletts anthias. other nice anthias are dispar anthias, borbonius anthias. these 3 are the more hardy ones IMO...the purple ones are almost always CMI especially purple queen. if u wan keep a school of the same kind, 1 male and a few females are good. or all females also can. because the dominant one will morph into a male. i have 1 male bartlett and 1 female lyretail. dun wan too many of the same kind because bartletts are expensive....
  20. can call and reserve mah or next time hawaii shipment i go down there reserve for u a nice male one for u. i go iwarna buy water to do WC anyway
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