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Everything posted by yikai

  1. nice! lineopunctatus. need to train mine to start flaring more often too hehe
  2. thats a sunburst anthias my fren iwarna has them
  3. now u know why i wanted this fish right? his is super duper alpha male.
  4. xxx got fantastic tank and fantastic photography skills too
  5. zoos open up already. its just a common pink center, but the skirt colour is quite unique. love it.
  6. ok ok ps. din see the stripes properly. blue angel. holacanthus bermudensis.
  7. hehe royal gramma defending his deed to the land against yellow wrasse. "go away!"
  8. Got this little cutie from PR too. feeding on mysis when i put it in the betta box. hope it survives. my little sunburst anthias. damage, 1.5 red notes.
  9. starting to try out clams... so far ok. decide to start with small and v cheap ones. colour not nice lah but as long as they survive im happy here's a new one from the aunty shop opp ahbeng. cost me 1.2 red notes.
  10. Just came back from PR. got this very unique zoo waiting for it to open. cost me 1 red note.
  11. up for you bro! i would get it if its smaller. pity no more frags.
  12. yikes. i wont worry lah. u being able tor breed fishes is a testiment to your good water quality. im sure that 0.25 NO2- is nth to worry abt.
  13. iwarna - very small and cute rock beauty, - juv french angel - juv queen - royal gramma - black cap - sunburst anthias - nudis, shrimps, snowflake moray ahbeng nth much aunty shop opp ahbeng got - small cute clams - plenty of elegance - cynarina - blastos - other assorted corals.
  14. strage haha. well, if ur livestock ok then i won't bother about it. my tank is perpetually 100ppm NO3 but no adverse effects, so i didnt btoher about it haha..
  15. did u test with distilled water already? curious to see the results.
  16. coral beauty sold and collected by a nice reefer. sry boonsemarine
  17. got my inspiration from ur tank lor hahaha. LPS tank can also look nice. but mine cannot compare to urs la
  18. my this exquisite is kena poison by bro reddevilz one haha. its the bug
  19. soooooooooooo cute ah. number 1 3 4
  20. hehe. think u need an antidote for the recent overdose of poison
  21. mine keeps doing that to the yellow wrasse. trying to show who's boss hehe. bro hellbliss, ur new clam got open big big? hehe
  22. release it at night lor should be fine. i didnt even betta box mine. they are not timid fishes and will hold their own against aggressors. u will get to see its unique behaviour sooner or later mouth open wide wide and scare off potential threats. easy fishes. they feed easily. feed them meaty foods and pellets will be more than enough.
  23. heard there are a few different lettuce nudis? some specializing in bryopsis, helimeda, caulerpa etc? think the clarki and the T. crispata looks coolest. so much ruffles just like the potato chips
  24. yes. very interesting "nudibranch" in a sense that it is fairy easy to keep in the home aquaria. it isnt exactly a nudibranch though, so it is non toxic. it harbours chloroplasts in its own body from plants it eats, and photosynthesize to make its own food. of course that alone is not enough and it has to be supplemented with algae. my avatar picture is a lettuce nudibranch....its blue for some reason colour variation maybe? or just bad photography skills hehe
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