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Everything posted by yikai

  1. My exquisite wrasse and linopunctatus wrasses were flashing the whole evening today! First time seeing them FLARING and FLASHING! i was kicking myself because i didnt have a good enough camera to catch this amazing behaviour. The lineopunctatus is really a stunner. his whole body will turn purple and his dorsal fin, lilac. Really alpha. Managed to get a shot of him flaring, but not flashing =( they swim too fast... My exquisite is following suit too. I'm very happy to see flashes of neon blue and purple streak across his body. Though not alpha male yet, Im very pleased with his flashing abilities only spending a little more than a week or 2 in my tank!
  2. i also like lol. but everything looks bleached and the YT looks soooo bright.
  3. golden octopus high end corals that command more than average price. but the corals are fantastic.
  4. ya under T5. mid lvl of the tank. so far none died but growing alot at the sides
  5. My mum suddenly say my tank looked very nice today. Im happy she is starting to appreciate my tank. first time i see her so interested. even took photos of it. but dunno wat she do make the colours so saturated. here are the photos. i did some minor rearranging of corals, so this will be my 2nd latest FTS. bye bye current FTS!
  6. yah. i cant be bothred with it until now. since day 1 i have heard nothing but horror stories about ich. but yet to have any casualties from this disease yet. cause me alot of uncecessary stress. if ur fish feeding, healthy, it will fight them off.
  7. don't worry...... corals are very adaptable. a sudden shrinking incident will not spell doom. if it keeps up for more than a few days then i'll start getting worried.
  8. saw it today. very nice and healthy up for u bro. nice meeting you today. exquisite tank
  9. heard too many horror stories regarding blue tangs and their coral nipping antics. way too many to be considered reef safe in MY book.
  10. doesnt matter which 1 u feed. all are equally good.
  11. excellent produbt by pablo. fed my moorish idol for many months exclusively on this. my mandarin fish, yes mandarin fish, is also eating new life spectrum. so are my anthias. need i say more?
  12. not kena con lah bro. hehe. some wrasse better to have females to flash leh? maybe scotts fairy. mysterious fading fish
  13. mine is growing and no polyps die so far o.o crossing my fingers
  14. it does work. occasionally. u see reddevilz's exquisite. alpha male and plenty to show off his amazing colours because of flaring at the mirror and his anthias lol.
  15. mostly flasher and fairy wrasses. they live i harems in the wild with an alpha male and his possy of females. constantly flashing at them. in the tank, this is hard to mimic so he might hav nothing to display to. so the "since nothing to disply, dun waste time colouring up" attitude maybe haha.
  16. so far colour ok. he will go disturb my exquisite and anthias. then exquisite will go disturb back.
  17. paracheilinus lineopunctatus. dunno the common name. i also got 1.. seldom flash.
  18. itchy backside lor LOL. =( nice big ball fish. frag gimme next time k? :P
  19. becareful of auto feeders. i know some ppl auto feeders malfunction. end up with fishes dying from hunger, or fishes dying from being overfed, tank crash etc.
  20. nice FTS. keep them long enough and one of the female leopard wrasses might morph into a male.
  21. Hehe better make sure ur "variant/hybrid" exquisite dun jump out again tmr keke.
  22. haha. lyretail outside. kay-pohing. ideally u should feed them 3-4 small portions a day because in the wild, they are constantly feeding in the water column. plus, being active fishes, they have high metabolic needs. however i find that in home aquaria. feed 2-3 times enough liao. i feed once in the morning, once in evening. occasionally afternoon. only when im at home.
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