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Everything posted by yikai

  1. in the end din go to CF. haha. dropped by a friends place instead. pass him something.
  2. yah. the small ones are fast. this giant one is fast for its size. when i first got it, it did not like coming out because it was afraid of the light. so i did not see it for the longest time. only the legs. one fine day it developed the resistance to light and ta da. giant. that was the first time i saw it in months and its has been growing since.
  3. Just want to show the world my brittle star. been with me for more than a year. certainly one of the largest i have seen. apart from bro thomas lim one hehe. here's him creeping out from under the rocks. clowngoby : omg!?!$&^@#&@^% and then he devours my lala which was meant for the fishes ._.
  4. moved this topic here. where it should be
  5. haha. my standard of zoas not very high haha. somethings are considered exotics in my book the green skirt and red face next to the pink ones look cool haha
  6. 3 ft tank is very small lol. whatever i take, the rhomboid will bound to be in it. and rhomboid so big no lah. the exquisite is flashing at the bartlett. already in reddevilz tank, the bartlett is the object for flashing at. if bro yongshun still interested in the bartlett, i will need to get a new one for it haha!
  7. realised this is a rather common zoa found in indo shipments price revised to $5 per frag. which i find quite reasonable ty
  8. Bro this one for u! your flashing exquisite wrasse. tail slightly damaged maybe due to poor water quality at the holding tub, but its healing well. guess what. he's chasing his favourite play mate! lol. different tank, different environment. but the pattern still same dam hard to take foto same same like my red flasher. can only use flash to take. comycus! need to hire u again keke. win my rhomboid liao. this fish is my current favourite fish in my tank, and in the world! tanks reddevilz.
  9. seeems like you are very satisfied with AM's work. i must say it is very neat and tidy. workman ship is there.
  10. Selling frags of these zoas. Dark green face and orange mouth. Sorry about the colour from the picture. it appears blue but its actually dark green. have 6 frags to sell, coming in 3 different sizes. the very small one circled in white is $4, the big one next to it is $10. all the others are about the same size, going at $8 per frag. collection will be at tana merah. FCFS as there is only 1 small, 1 large. rest all medium-ish.
  11. yes koji. have kept elegance for more than 6 months
  12. not quite true. although literature states that all euphillids can be placed together since they are of the same family, i have observed severe stinging of two different Euphyllias together, with one of them being severely compramised. in other words, one win the other one lose however, i have also encountered hammer, torch and octo all being placed in close proximity and none being stung. this 2 occasions in my tank before. one way i learn is to brush the two corals together. if they touch each other but never stick, means its ok. if the tentacles annd stick together, means they are incompatible and are stinging each other. im not sure why this is so...could just be the individual coral
  13. nice pitcher plants in the background i love collecting them. have a small section in my garden with many different types hehe. hope you enjoy your marine tank, and may it be as prosperous, if not better, than ur planted tank
  14. good advice on the hot water bro shengyuan. the hot water will help to denature the protein based poisons, hopefully making it less painful. when handling, try not to use any nets to avoid their spines getting caught in them and damaging. use a palstic seive net if possible. and take care!
  15. ur right haha! having fun there.
  16. did they float away? sometimes zoas float away to find more suitable conditions
  17. would you believe this clown goby lived in my overflow for more than a month? i thought he died and went MIA. but when i was cleaning my overflow the other day, i found it there. and it has grown double in size since. probably feeding on the uneaten food that flow into the overflow.
  18. still have about 6 different blastos left...but think you all will get bored if i post all. so here's one last one >.< my very very old blasto merleti. put it in a shadier spot and it seems happier.
  19. More blastos one of my favourite LPS
  20. Some quick updates on my current corals. Some new and some old. My favourite. The blasto on the right started developing the stripes on its face recently. and the colour is turning purplish. when i first got it, it was just plain dull red.
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