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Everything posted by yikai

  1. a rare red variant mandarin fish. not with me anymore its living in a good place now haha.
  2. wrong my friend i have trained my mandarin to eat from a given spot on the sandbed.
  3. hihi heard my name here haha! ok some things to take note. i did not intentionally starve my mandarin lol. when i got it, it wasnt feeding on anything, like most mandarins. it survived in my then quite new tank, for awhile. slowly getting thinner and thinner. pods i had alot back then as my tank was quite fishless in the start up. but of course, being a new tank, pods were insufficient for it. i believe once you release the mandarin into the main tank, there is no such thing as "training". as they are freaking slow movers and eaters, there is no way to train it once in the display. for all you know, it could already be a pellet feeding one, just that he has no chance since he is soo slow. anyway, after around 5-6 months, my mandarin starting taking his first bite of pellet food. He was lucky i guess. the pellets floated to a small quiet corner and he took a bite. since then he has been eating pellets. now this is the part which i have trained. my mandarin can eat around 60 pellets a day. at the right side of my tank where my elegance is, is a small quiet corner. i will throw pellets into my tank and let the fast feeding fishes fight for it. and then i will sprinkle some pellets on the low flow area and let them stay on the sand. then my mandarin will go to that area to eat the pellets at his own sweet time. all this while im throwing abit of pellets at the high flowing area so my other fishes get distracted. this is a good method. throw just enough for the fast feeding fish to finish feeding. my mandarin fish is 1 year old now. and is fat like a cow. i believe i was just lucky to find one that took a liking to prepared food. but i did train him to eat from a given spot. this is my blue mandarin. fat hor?
  4. yup! bought it when it was quite smallish. now its a gigantor. novelty piece. haha. strong enough to topple corals this one. mm hmm. super hardy.
  5. thats sad yet exciting to see at the same time. real cool stuff.
  6. amazing. im not one to comment on SPS much. but the yellow birdnest is gorgeous.
  7. bro!! nice rics leh. i think u should check the dictionary for the word mini!!!!!! its huge and very nice
  8. wah more xenia haha! tank already have, but i don't mind adding more haha. if you don't mind, yah i want haha!
  9. ur gsp super shiok leh. can go pai for pantene shampoo advertistment liao. really dam lush and wavy.
  10. they dont mind light you are right. because they have no zooxanthellae are are not light receptive at all. flow is more important
  11. if conditions are not right, complete skeleton bail out is possible. this is very unique for this monotypic genus. cataphyllia. If im not wrong, its the only LPS that can completely pull away from their skeleton and float away, (skeleton-less), and grow a new one elsewhere. in captivity, never nearly do they survive without a skeleton, and this occurance is super rare too. there is one elegance at iwarna that is doing a complete skeleton bail out. 50% there liao. saw it two days ago. more commonly is they will just start receeding away from the skeleton base and die. more reasons why this is my favourite LPS haha
  12. 6 o clock on the photo i see a little bit of exposed skeleton. u might want to take note of that.
  13. elegance very long liao. tips? medium light medium flow, put on sand. they are easy. only difficult part is finding a suitable specimen. buy those that look healthy and expended and avoid those that are mixing with dying/dead specimens.
  14. hi. would like the T5 2 x 39W. pm me for me details? thanks
  15. dun worry. if i ever want to learn, i will find u! thanks thanks for it. love it man haha thanks. fell in love with this particular EW at reddevilz house almost 1 year ago. bought my own but no where near this calibre. so when he told me he was selling, i was too excited to say no anyway its quite big. 3inch +++
  16. try to feed as many heads as possible for suns. although they are connected, they are actually individual corals living in each of the coralite. the only thing that is connected is the carbonate skeleton base, and not the individual polyps.
  17. scared of a itsy witsy widdle bwittle starry warry? hahaha jk jk. im scared of it like hell too. ever tried touching it? ur skin will crawl. and there's nothing itsy witsy about this!
  18. oriole angel do u mean centropyge bicolor? the bicolour angelfish. this fish is not as easy to feed as other dwarfs. getting it to feed on pellets so quickly will be a challenge. try tempting it with frozsen mysis, live brine or henry's food.
  19. posting for someone lah! haha. upgrade ah. u sponsor lah! we fren fren im sure u can spend some money in interest of me hahaha
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