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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Turbinaria mesenterina. aka scroll coral.
  2. to make it simple, higher temp = higher metabolic rate = higher energy consumption, lower O2 levels, more feeding, more stress. Lower temp = lower metabolic rate = lower energy consumption, higher O2 levels, less feeding, less stress. Both are acceptable, both are doable. choose whichever you want and stick with it. coraline algae don't care if its warm or cool. cooler is definately better, but they will still grow in warm waters
  3. AT's are beautiful. unfortunately, im not a fan of keeping ATs in a 3ft tank. They definately enjoy being in a bigger tank. Not very nice to see a big beautiful fish cramped into a tight space with no space for swimming. looks very clumsy and im sure the fish doesnt like it. if i ever do upgrade to a bigger tank, i'll definately get one.
  4. nice grissingeri goboes very common nowadays. coral farm brings in alot of them these days too.
  5. how did u think i know it was freshwater? :eyeblur: :eyeblur: hahahaha. yahlor shud get 1 hor. haha. yeah for now i will think its condensation too. not sure how the hell this happens, nor why it produces so much of it. but as long as the water not salty, i dun care lolz. talk to u other time law. i go sleep. going sch early to see my bacteria cultures haha. exciting. talk more often when ur free lah. nowadays dam busy hor.
  6. should be mesenterial filaments. watch out for this as it will digest anything it touches, even other corals. acans are famous for posessing this ability. so do chalices
  7. not really sad lah. kinda knew it was going to die sooner or later... see his condition like this. its one of those cases u know going to die liao, but u cant do anything to save it because its not your fault. so least you can do is provide it a good life while its still alive. yes papers in 2 weeks time. not very heavy weightage, but test is a test nonetheless. all bio stuf, should not be a problem. only problem maybe the bacteria culturing. microbiology is difficult. oh btw i wan ask u. everytime i turn off the chiller (turn off as in off power socket, doesnt mean not kicking in), will have a puddle of freshwater underneath the chiller. as far as i am aware, this only happens when my chiller is off, like i forget to re-on after water change or something. am quite puzzled.... the freshwater isit condensation? because there is no way any freshwater can come out of the chiller since i don't run it on freshwater. unless there's some hight tech mechanism i fail to comprehand. so my guess will be condensation? but makes no sense. only when chiller is off.
  8. haha shaker!! mine colour ENO lei dun play play. unfortunately, choati did not make it. got skinnier and skinnier and skinnier despite all the food he ate. not sure why also. ruled out worms as a cause, as his poop was super brown. suspect is poor handling during shipping and stress, causing intestinal fauna to be wiped out, leading to futile absobtion of food. cyanide might also be a cause, but im not sure too. then again, could be worms also. anyway, die liao can't do anything. think that batch from SL probably not very good. nigel's one also very skinny that time, dunno how is it now. maybe its just mine only :/
  9. the other fish that i got over the week end is one of my all time favourites. the very cheap and commonly offered meleagris leopard. However, these guys are very difficult to get feeding. when i saw one that was feeding on mysis, no need to think anymore. and at only 1 red note too was out and about the next day already. fearless and was not bothered at all by the other fishes. feeding on all frozen. have not tried pellets yet. so i dunno what the response will be. unfortunately, no foto. came home and found it sleeping liao. however, it looks exactly like this one. very intense colours and full bodied. very happy with the condition she was in. * this photo is from the internet.
  10. thanks! for 1 red note, this guy is really a steal. I love how the pink and purple on his head glows when he gets excited. not really considered flashing, but i guess all fishes can enhance, deprove colours depending on mood. the blue and green highlights on his body is striking indeed. have always loved this fish when i saw it at reddevilz's house long ago. but wasnt really into wrasses then. recently saw a great looking one in thomas_lim's house. that was it. i had to find one. manage to find a good feeding specimen haha. very happy. only thing i must comment about this is how timid and skittish it is. good thing he is adapting well...can see him swimming in the open more daringly today
  11. Normally, people's wavemakers are encrusted and infested with coraline algae. mine is just the opposite. have a mini "refugium" growing on the outlet!! amazing how the algae can tahan the super strong waves at point blank. Laminar flow summore. very cute. i think i shall let it grow. last time i always pull them off.
  12. Just came home to find that i forgot to turn on my chiller after water change yesterday!!! grr. temp shot to 30 degrees. fortunately, weather very cool these days, raining all day. came home to see a normal tank with no casualties *whew*. with the exception of some corals not opening. but all is fine now. this is not the first time this happen. i guess since im running T5s and i dun have all the high tech equipments and pumps, heat generation is not as bad.
  13. flame angels are aplenty now in LFS. lck, SL, CF all have. very good condition. for rusty angels, common fish. CF has some very good ones. argis must wait for shipment.
  14. that favia is from GO right? bought exact same 1 from there and fragged it haha. looks familiar
  15. of course if possible, lowering the temperature will be greatly helpful to the fish. afterall, they are already living in such confined spaces compared to their home in the sea. least one can do is make them feel comfortable
  16. can maybe find those aluminium alloys. very strong too. and corrosion resistant as there are no traces of Iron in them.
  17. nah. nothing spooking them. only thing worth considering a spooker will be my yellow wrasse, but so far all casualties from jumping are unrelated to the YW. sometimes one fish can dart for nothing and scare everything else, might cause a jumping incident too. could also be one of them flaring about very quickly and cause sudden movements. could also be jump out for nothing. i dunno coz im not at home to notice them most of the times. but as many wrasse keepers will tell u, they can, and do jump for nothing. sometimes just timid like this pencil wrasse...jumped coz i walk passed the tank...
  18. haha. he busy today with other ppl. his father help me. ok lah. very reasonable. 1 red note for pencil walao this pencil good. using 2b lead. broken can go find very easily from popular keke
  19. the dracula goby at CF is as of just now 2pm. K.Oed have plenty of peppermint hog to slowly choose. all healthy and feeding on pellets. tested every single 1 before getting 1. lots of spiny astrea snails from carribean. ninja sars foo wah! some updates on SL - 3 gorgeous gorgeous royal pencil wrasses. colours are superb and feeding on mysis. 1 red note - mealgris leopard females. 1 huge 4 inch one. - christmas wrasses - lots of flame angels - yellow tangs - blue tangs - clown tang - fire fishes etc
  20. yah i went back to buy. BTH liao dam shiok! haha. pencil wrasse from SL!! HAHHAHAHAHAHHAH WAHAHAHA -cough- very long no go SL feeding on mysis and pelelts. but just now i bring home, he jump into overflow, then lucky i rescued it in time. swimming around my tank liao. but side got some missing scales, should grow back. very very nervous fish. scared of my Yellow wrasse. very easily jump. glad to know my hood is up so no more jumping fishes! however, pencil wrasses very delicate leh. i think they are those kind, abit abit will K.O one? not like my LILI so zai fight until win.
  21. sold my bartlett and few other fishes to make way for new ones. 2 out of 3 fishes i got today. the other is hiding in the sand peppermint hog and royal pencil wrasse
  22. unlikely the bicolour blenny that is causing the demise of ur sps. probably something else. these fishes are known to peck on corals but its very very rare and isolated cases.
  23. wow did not know rics can be found in australia. always though they were from carribean. btw GO got sell rics? never see them selling before.
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