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Everything posted by yikai

  1. stewpliss lol anyway bro, i got the pictures of the zoas liao. refer to my tank thread. sorry bro stew for diluting your thread :X
  2. he is a sponsor in this forum. marine life. contact details are there
  3. russian roulette mine so far ok
  4. learn from 1 mah! we buddy buddy with u so long. now oso u throw us away liao. hor reddevilz? stewp is hellbliss replacement lah.
  5. i think u can try keep sopme at henry's place? can call to enquire
  6. not much left at the new shop ktizo marine. pinnicle have new shipment of corals. some SPS, red, green milie etc...red monti cap small galaxies. 2 inch very cute size. some elegance, hammer etc... 2.5 inch majestic angels with full adult colouration spotted there too. very very nice. 1 tiny 1 inch geometric hawk at ahbeng.
  7. hi mark! there are eagle eyes, and other variants. the predominant one there are the yellow eagle eyes and the red skirt with yelow ring and black mouth ones.
  8. yah! haha u guess all his gems come from where? from us lol.
  9. i was raised in a bucket haha just kidding. yeah very impressive! cant wait to see them grow bigger.
  10. ok open house for u haha. u know how to get in the house key hahaha forgot to mention. CF has some yasha gobies. not sure if left anymore, can call them to check iwarna has 2 cuttlefishes.... can go take a look if u want ahbeng has some sea moths for those interested in trying these odd balls.
  11. that black bucket is the ikea one right? i use it for dustbin cnever knew it can be used for something more productive like breeding marine fish lol.
  12. wat u waiting for!! still left 3! do laundry untill spine crack. u go buy the solar urself lol. i in hospital ward number 323.
  13. finally they breeded! haha. wait for the green banded after ORA breeds them. then u can make more babies!
  14. parents are poison resistant and wallet is made of paper. paper thin
  15. looking good yeah hope we can chiong sometime soon too. ask niki dont go. do you drive? steal his car. if u have ur own, even better! jk
  16. most scared for the zoos D: but its a gamble. this fish way more beautioful than any dwarf angel IMO.
  17. wish i had the luxury to keep more than 1!
  18. see how. dont mind if he eats some coral... SOME only... lol. my dying pipe organ for example
  19. yah lor. first time i went to ur house. i was like. omg... butterfly here, angel there,
  20. v nice leh. nxt time must do my house like that too.
  21. looks like LFS!! i love ur house
  22. as requested.. a truly remarkably handsome species this is. chelmon rostratus sorry for the super blurry photos. camera got taken away by my mom. using HP cam :S its eating my feather worms but thats ok. as long as it leaves my corals alone. so far so good :x
  23. copperband feeding but not very aggressively. will be monitering my corals next few days. saw it picking amongst my GSP and pipe organs. dunno if its eating them or hunting for food O.O no visible damage though.
  24. i forsee a nice setup in future. will be following this thread and a warm welcome to SRC
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