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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by yikai

  1. all the 5 gobies were feeding aggressively on pellets at CF pmed u
  2. haven seen it yet! hope its not MIA
  3. seems like demand for this particular zoas is quite high.. received alot of PM for frag exchange but im afraid might not have enough to cater for everyone haha. considering getting another colony and frag, if there are any left there hehe
  4. This summer..... watch....the reefers...chiong *drama music* "Oi! pink birdnest is mine larhzxz" "u mai KS hor. i chop liao" coming, to a LFS near you lol.
  5. i hav a total of 7 frags. 2 reserved for bro X, 1 for bro Y, so left 5. still need to organise. if any left over i let u know
  6. k u go play drums. drum ur head lol
  7. come come. anytime u wan. my exam finishes in two weeks time. next week thursday is my free day liao haha
  8. haha! yah. cannot add rubber band, rock band, only can add copperband XD
  9. i find DnD deltec epoxy works the best. i swear by it.
  10. DRAGON EYES i wan complete my dragon face collection. need dragon nose, ears and mouth. too bad SG dont have haha
  11. only have 2 main types left. the yellow ones and the orange skirt ones. can see foto from my thread. i lazy put here haha! there's one green one with pink specs also. dunno if still there. and some normal eagle eyes
  12. once add liao no regret. that's my policy. if fish give problem then remove haha. regret only if its impulse buy and stupid decision like dottybacks
  13. not very expensive. the size of the US zoa colony and the price that comes along with it is quite reasonable. PMed u
  14. irts connected to i-aquarium. the same building, on the left side. very small shop with a door saying push.
  15. very nice! if he doesnt feed, which is very common, a half open clam usually does the trick. alternatively, go buy some small tube worms and stud your tank with them. that should keep him busy and full until he decides to eat prepared food. coral farm always have small and cheap ones.
  16. no thank you! for driving me to CF at god forsaken hours of the day lili says thanks
  17. and this weird looking LPS i got from pinnicle. at first though it was a galaxy because it certainly looks like 1. but then i looked at the coralites. does not resemble galaxy coral one bit. in fact, the coralites and septa are an identical 100% match to a torch coral's one. strange. looks like a super miniature baby short tentacled torch haha! a rare find indeed
  18. and my favourite. orange skirt, yellow + black rings. studded my tank with plenty of these. even on my pipe also stuck a xenia frag to my tank glass. hmm...thinking of playing around with my glass as another platform for coral scaping. hehe
  19. new zoas from ktizo marine only bought 2 colours. the rest were either sold out or pretty much normal looking. start with yellow ones.
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