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Everything posted by yikai

  1. looks to me like a favia sp.
  2. there is no such thing as losing a coral. even at the brink of death where it almost seems impossible to recover, there is a chance to save it. LPSs are very tolerant and can recover quickly if given proper care. even with 5% of life left, they can make an extraordinary come back.
  3. hey hey! haha! u going walt smith shipment?? if u are, i see if i can catch the anthias pass u on sat. sat my rest day can play... for awhile hahaha! hey thanks for that day! very fun get to go places with u. never been to T95 before. now at least i know what it looks like! haha
  4. haha ok bro! will try to frag it. should not be a problem now that it's overgrown. after my exam will get to it
  5. have to photoshop abit to get the colours right ._.
  6. don't worry bro. i have discarded xenias before because i thought they were smelly. until i realised that's their natural perfume haha! yes this is the rainbow we shared that day. colour is improving actually. i dose iodine regularly to keep my softies healthy, not sure if it has to do with this zoa's colour. i do dose kent marine's phytomax, but this is unsubstantiated, as the colours were already like this before dosing. so i cant say the kent marine is helping. btw bro peacemaker, i still have not passed u the coral RX. when do you want it? i can meet u this weekend for awhile. cant go too long because having exams next week. thanks bro! actually i din do anything special. just put it there and it has been like this ever since. if you think this is nice, its a lot more nicer in real life. i can never get the colours right because it is too far away to focus.
  7. jacky, if you cant find any formalin, and if u need befuran, let me know. i have 2 boxes of befuran haven use. if u need i can give u. but if can find formalin then use it.
  8. ahbeng has some royal grammas, flame angels coral beauties (i spot some very very blue variants ) all of them look really healthy black caps
  9. probably haha. there are a number of ways of fragging xenias. all the following methods are successful if done correctly and properly. cut a branch or head off the rock itself, or off a parent stem. it is easier to do this under water when the xenias are expanded. a shrunken xenia out of water is harder to cut. cut with either a clean sharp scissors or a knife/scapel. if cutting, try to do a clean cut and avoid any serrated cutting tools. a clean cut will result in faster healing time and reduce infection. once u have the cut frag of xenia, here is what u can do. first method. take the xenia frag, put it onto a small rock and cover the entire rock + xenia with mesh cloth. tie the mesh cloth to the rock. so imagine the xenia frag sandwiched between the rock and the mesh net. in a few days or weeks, it will adhere to the rock and u can remoev the mesh. 2nd method, is to take a toothpick and poke into the stem of the fragged xenia. poke it in 180 degrees horizontally. tie the two lose ends of the toothpick that is sticking out of the xenia, onto a small rock. the advantage of this is the toothpick will hold the xenia in place and a mesh net is not needed. however, dont do properly and ur xenia frag might melt. its like extra injury to it. after the xenia has adhered itself to the rock, the toothpick can be removed. another easier method is to simply place a small rock onto the desired stem or head of xenia you wish to frag. make sure the rock touches that xenia. after a few days or weeks, the xenia will stick to that rock by itself. xenias stick to whatever they touch very quickly and that is how they spread. once it has attatched to the rock, u can cut away the base, separating it from the parent stem. and u will have a frag of xenia already stuck onto a rock. there are many many ways to do it. i always employ method 1 as its faster. alternatively, u can frag them like mushrooms. cut them and place them in low flow with lots of rubble rock for them to stick to themselves. if the xenia you are fragging is a large colony like mine, try not to do too much at a time. they release certain chemicals that may not be too good to your tank. but it will be fine as long as you have a skimmer, carbon and a large water body. xenias STINK like hell out of water. you might want to take note of that just my opinion. you may like the smell instead?? haha.
  10. here's to compare that xenia picture to this photo, not too long ago when the polyps are not feathery.
  11. ah! how timely. was just going to post about it. yes. im an avid fan of xenias, and fragging them is second nature now. there was once i fragged so much xenia till everything smells like xenia to me. and trust me. xenia's don't smell good something new for you today. my xenia seem to have morphed into something different. the polyps are very very feathery now! looks very delicate and beautiful. still growing....fast...as usual, but this feathery polyp phenomena has me stumped. could be the recent dosing of Kent Marine's phytomax. it has directly attributed too the largeness and growth of my zoanthids. as far as i know, xenias are not known to take any food, but rely much on photosynthesis and perhaps absorption of nutrients from surrounding water? whatever the case, phytomax or not, it looks like the feathery polyps are here to stay, for even the new heads that the parent colony is producing, shares this same characteristic too. how peculiar
  12. ah yes. and last but not least, my new solar wrasse. reaaaaaaly gorgeous looking fellow when he flashes. one of the nicest solars i have seen. must thank bro thomas lim for his super eagle eyes. otherwise would have missed this. not really a fan of solars, but cannot resist this 1. when he flashes, his fins and tail turn iridescent blue and against that blue background, a series of purple maze like patterns will appear. much like my rhomboid wrasse. truly spectacular.
  13. royal pencil wrasse. not enough words in the english language to describe its beauty. the colours are a million times nicer in real life. those who have seen it will vouch for that a very vibrant and colourful fish, that is on par with my rhomboid in terms of "favouritism" and of course, my exquisite too pampered bunch. Bro thomas lim if you're reading this, i haven gotten the time to catch the anthias out for u because busy with upcoming exams. will do it once exams are over look at it's evil smile. laughing at me for failing to trap it that day! hmph
  14. sunflower zoas from reddevilz. started out with 10 polyps. urchin stole 3, which made it 7. today, counted 16 to 17 polyps. the growth is extraordinary. how long has it been. a month?
  15. super giant green paly. how did it become so big? daily unintentional feedings of mysis and pellets that it catches when it floats by. this guy will eat anything that touches it. its bigger than a 50 cent coin -.-
  16. radiant wrasses are very common during african shipments. should still be there. but yes, do give SL a call before going down. have seen some absolutely gorgeous radiant wrasses at SL before, those of the higher end calibre. and i must say, its eye popping.
  17. what fetish.... you enjoyed it too ok? good thing i didnt show u the BOOM outfit. save it for next time u sure haba haba haba hahaha. oh thanks! i know my directing skills top notch 1. next time let me know if u need more navigation guides
  18. its getting a little too exciting in here don't you think?
  19. enjoy the frags law. nice playing game with u come again some time. next time i make my lili wear more "nicer" outfits kk?
  20. could be some other problem then. not that i know off though
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