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Everything posted by yikai

  1. got a rock of fiji zoas from iwarna's shipment today. i must say this shipment of zoas are very much better than previous shipments. the variety is there, and the polyps are bigger. and quantity wise, better too. lots of beautiful SPS.. can see cannot keep ._. dont dare to try up to now. so went to see the zoas instead was torn between two rocks. one of them had alot more polyps but lesser variety. the other one had alot of variety and some really rare ones. ended up getting the more polyp one. figured there's always next shipment! haha. less talk more pictures. rock is only half open. from the photos you cans ee there are still many more unopened polyps. more suprises to come for me. here are those that are opened up. i really love the orange. its super striking. the photos are unedited.
  2. blue yuma all sold out as of 7am lol. the thais took it. din manage to see what it looked like. i swa the shipment at LCK! at aorund 11+ got some very very nice proganthodes (unsure of spelling) butterflies..
  3. haha i guess its ok since all is well! how's the 2 sohals getting along? sohals are beautiful..
  4. the bicolour, half back and yellow pygy is definately no no. very high chance of nipping corals. esp the bicolour
  5. 8 in 1 go? thats very fast stocking. watch your bioload.
  6. technically i cant. but as with all things in life, certain adjustments and compromisation can be met, dealt with accordingly hehe.
  7. quite unlikely that the zoas are reacting this way in response to an anemone. firstly do you have an anemone? hmm. if u say the lights are same, everything same and it has been like this for quite some time, and u have tested your water, it is likely something u cannot detect with test kits. how long have u added your anemone? has it been about 1 month...? or slightly more. what is your tank volume? do u run carbon? although verry unlikely, there cold be a possibility the zoas are reacting to the anemone. if you can try answering some of my questions, maybe can determine if it is indeed the anemone
  8. ARGH! IM EATING MY HAND AS I READ THIS!' actually i smsed lilian liao asking the price of the blue yumas... abit pricey but need to see in person to judge accordingly.
  9. going with a friend. reach around 7+? more interested in their indo shipment actually. time to whip out these pair of eagle eyes to spot some EAGLE EYES hehe
  10. epoxy and gluing corals is ok and good only if you are sure you found a suitable place for it and you like it there. for clams, cannot ever tried epoxying corals to snail shells? i have. bad idea too. stuck some pretty zoas on my turbo snails thinking it will be a nice moving centerpiece. end up all bleached coz the snail hide in the rocks for too long at times. tried sticking a yuma on it too. end up walking around the place and the yuma killed my shrooms and other soft corals. yumas are good stingers
  11. as in, a shrimp living entirely in freshwater, getting acclimated to saltwater? i dont think it is possible. not at all... unless evolution takes places at lightning speed. dont think their internal organs are capable to adapt to such extreme change in water conditions. even fishes are unable to do so. a marine fish cannot survive in complete freshwater and vice versa.
  12. never! got to rush home after school to study today. exams on monday. tomorrow will be free before the afternoon. so will be dropping by iwarna during their walt smith shipment. not keeping SPS, so will take a look at their indo shipment. will update you tomorrow
  13. just a quick note. never epoxy clams to rocks or glue them to anything. this will inhibit opening and closing of the shell and will/may lead to certain death. the clams you guys got are very nice. there are many many many ultra grade maximas waiting for you!!! dont expire all on normal grade ones! haha.
  14. heard CF had 2 more fullmoon gobies. my phone was of din receive the call T.T
  15. wah 60 fish +-! must be a sight to behold. how's your fishes and systems coping?
  16. how long has this been going on. i agree with bro law on his questions. tell us about the lighting too.
  17. chemical allelophaty will kill your corals in the long run. this simply means the coral and anemone will kill each other subtly using chemicals. even though they are out of reach, they will secrete chemicals to kill the other off. the winner will of course, be the anemone, or certain other corals. the effect will be detremental to both or either parties. this is most obvious if you house them with super noxious anemones like carpets. to counter this, heavy carbon dosage and regular water changes will keep chemical levels at bay. carbon is very important in absorbing organic toxins. larger tanks 6 ft and above will help dilute the toxins too. anemones and corals are not advisable to be kept togther in smaller tanks below 3ft. however this is just my opinion. some people do cope with them successfully in smaller tanks. but the warfare is real
  18. thanks for the positive feed back guys. my tank is no different from any one of your's. just depends on husbandry methods. if i can do it, so can you. look at my husbandry methods. its ABC lol. i do agree on what you said. so i ca classify mine as gems lah haha. no diamonds yet maybe afew....1 or 2 hehe
  19. lol. thats you mah. have not seen kanamycin in my labs yet. but i know its here somewhere... do you know bubbles can be blown from innoculating loops!? i just found out during microbio lab today. so fun ._. dont tell me about lenin. history is bleh
  20. law i have asked aot ur kanamycin from my school lab. its a controlled substance and is not available. only in lock up. btw, formalin taste like corn flakes u shoud try!
  21. for those of that calibre, $50 is cheap. those easily cost way more..
  22. thanks. very nice collection of what? fish? coral? if fish, i love my collection too. now for a nice big lineatus to complete the picture? :whistle will be doing some bioload reduction next week to make way for something new coral wise, i do have a fare share of gems, but most others are common
  23. thanks. very nice collection of what? fish? coral? if fish, i love my collection too. now for a nice big lineatus to complete the picture? :whistle will be doing some bioload reduction next week to make way for something new coral wise, i do have a fare share of gems, but most others are common
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