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Everything posted by yikai

  1. the NO3 will not go down. at this stage you will not have any anaerobic bacteria to convert NO3 to N2. even in most established system, this is very rare. unless u employ a DSB
  2. can see u r enjoying the hobby wait for my exams to finish can chiong lfs together with niki and reddevilz.
  3. hi thanks for the compliment. i strive to create an equally beautiful tank made up of LPS and sofites only. my tank cannot support SPS although they are super beautiful i'm sorry i cannot help you on water parameters, i don't test. i only know my NO3 ranges between 25-50ppm. was 100 before ._. i don't test PO4, but i have a feeling its creeping up. as algae growth and red slime is creeping up on me. i dont test for calsium and magnesium, although i dose them semi-regularly. my corals are growing new heads so i assume the calcium and magnesium is alright. plus i do water changes once every week/2 week, so it should replenish.
  4. one of the bro expressed interest. ask me to sms him but my fone not working currently... sorry bro peihao. i pmed u. kelvin, i reserve for him first. waiting for his reply. if no reply from him i'll let u know.
  5. could also be a long bristle worm or eunicid worm. best is to remove, take a picture, and put here for identification. then decide on your next course of action don't kill things ignorantly. sometimes get quite annoyed when i see people freak out over small bristle worms and immediately send them to worm heaven. they are good to some extent... so do try to remove it and a picture will be great! hehe
  6. err..... ._. im only human my friend. dont have bionic memory powers. but if im not wrong, it is on comycus's thread. posted my experience on this coral there. can go find. his thread doesnt have many pages so will be easy for u.
  7. saw some of them during shipment day. but didnt see them opening coz they just arrived. so not sure if they are healthy or not.
  8. haha. usual price lor. 1 big rock around 8 red notes. contain many different varieties.
  9. got this from iwarna believe its a very special zoa hehe... they're called oxides according to zoaid.
  10. 3 x 2 x 2 tank running on eheim 1260 as pump for chiller and eheim 1262 as pump for return deltec apf 600 skimmer resun chiller dosing of additives once a week or once every two weeks water change using NSW from iwarna dosing of supplements such as iodine and phytomax from kent marine sometimes use AZ-NO3 also feeding 2 times a day with mysis, once a day with NLS pellets is there anything else i missed out? o.O
  11. i have some of these zoas on my fiji rock.
  12. Selling this rock of red mushrooms. realise i have too much red mushrooms and its getting abit of an eyesore. so letting go this rock. rock has about 4 medium sized mushrooms and 2 baby ones. selling it for $15.
  13. hahaha! ok thomas lim! frag you some and frag you the blue eyes also!
  14. very nice scape! not bad for "newbie" liao larh. my first scape was
  15. really interested lei... but then reserving tank real estate for lineatus. hmm.... think i'll skip it.
  16. how how how. marcellae!!! should i get or should i not. t.t
  17. u missed out the wrasses... exquisite wrasse radiant leopard bipartitus midas blennies and proganthodes marcellae!!! argh what a beauty. plenty of them.
  18. oh what a lovely blue yuma. iwarna's one were sold to the thais very early. but heard its not very fantastic.
  19. :D :D very shiok. i think i saw u taking this piece. colour v nice
  20. hello! yes thats inside there. very nice meeting u today. should go out more often yah.
  21. and probably the most disgusting thing i have ever witnessed. my wrasses all queing up to feast on the *eh hem* of my spawning turbo snail.... rhomboid and exquisite were literally hovering infront of the snail, waiting for the spawn.
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