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Everything posted by yikai

  1. thanks! hope your eyes are better? miss my fair white skin ah? lol. everyday play in the sun. tan lor...
  2. really lor thanks alot. had great fun. although i look like satay and my skin hurts like heck, but was great fun nonetheless. holiday mood still. tank boomz also dun care for now ._.
  3. i might not be around but i'm not oblivious to what goes around here reserved it many daaaaaaaaaaays after his shipment came btw glad SOMEONE got his copperband after so long.
  4. after 1 week im back! very pleased that the overall tank looks ok. but its 1am in the night, lights out. will take a look tomorrow and do a headcount. i think the biggest mistake was changing my lights before i left. as my gieseman dimmable cannot be controlled using a timer, i switched to a temporary hopar set before leaving. this was quite disastrous. sudden change in lighting without observation 1 day before leaving was bad. Super big mistake on my part turned on my lgiths briefly and saw my favourite orange and green favia bleached, but still easy to nuture back to health. some blastos dead probably due to bleaching. and the worst. ZOA POX. sunflower zoas and US eagle eyes were most badly hit. colony pox until siao. haha. guess i'll be furaning them tomorrow. somehow im still in the holiday mood and this serious wave of pox has not hit me yet.... hope it stays that way haah! nvm lah. zoas only. can resupply from my "holding area" if all die muahaha. anyway big thank you to fuel for helping me look after the tank. if not for you probably nothing left after 1 week
  5. wow clarions! what other fishes can we expect in this shipment?
  6. gratz bro fuel. if u need another male one u know who to call
  7. dwarf angels can be kept in a reef tank. although there are some risk. golden angel is not very reef safe. have seen it nip corals a few times before. plus, they are super extremely shy fishes. your current livestock will kill it. lemonpeel angel is a definate no. one of the worst dwarf angel in terms of reefsafeness. potter's angel is till considerable. some what like a flame angel. 50-50, but also depends on the individual fish
  8. centropyge flavicauda. reefsafe with caution. may nip corals.
  9. flower pot corals aka goniopora are very difficult to keep. a picture will be great. brown stuff coming out from where? could be ur coral expelling out waste or zooxanthellae which is harmless, but u said 2 days which is rather long... is the flesh melting? brown jelly disease perhaps? again, picture will be better.
  10. u mean water the tank with plants and feed the orchids the fishes right? walao dun get me all confused! -.- rhomboid sashimi? probably the most expensive piece of meat u will ever eat considering how small it is -.-
  11. you're welcome. looking forward to chionging with you again!
  12. good but evil hands huh? gather the babes, pop the champagne, BBQ, and throw party at lemon's house while he's away kk?? just remember to save me some fun when i get back! hahaha! if you're hungry just fish for food from my tank. remember to cook well wait stomach ache. heard the rhomboid tastes great!
  13. hi markietan. its been a long long while! how have you been?
  14. hi dachkie. yes laboutei and lineatus do have amazing colours. specimens like this have been in singapore before. the most recent aussie shipment from LCK had around 4-5 really alpha male lineatus with striking colours. some fairy wrasses will fade colours like condei's wrasse. the most famous example will be scott's fairy wrasse. have to understand that in the wild, these fishes live in super large harems consisting of 1 alpha male and 10-20 females. so he can flash at them whole day. in the tank, its impossible to recreate this. so colour wise, this will be 1 reason they fade. another reason cold be food. certain things they eat in the wild we cannot replicate at home. so far, in my experience, exquisite and rhomboid have not faded their colours so far. if anything, the colours improved. will like to try the ultimate test to see if i can retain the colours of a scott fairy, or at least lessen the dullness. most fairies as far as i know retain their colours pretty well. its the green and blues that are hard to keep! btw dachkie faster set up ur tank! then throw in all the wrasses. sure will be super nice ya? anyway, will comtinue updating this thread with more improvements after my 1 week holiday.
  15. you're always welcomed bro! yeah soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo far. why!!!! lolz. u shift lah. shift to pasir ris very near farm
  16. cannot go into SPS yet lah. insuficient lighting is for one, most important. amongst other things. perhaps next time! for now satisfied with LPS and softies.
  17. Cirrhilabrus Lubbocki Lubbock Fairy Wrasse. Phillines and Indonesia. Small and colourful fish, commonly available, and inexpensive. Posses some geographical variation.
  18. Cirrhilabrus Lineatus Known as the Purplelined wrasse, lavender fairy wrasse, but much more commonly known as the lineatus wrasse. One of the "holy grail" as most people describe. Australia shipments. grow to 4-5 inches.
  19. Cirrhilabrus Laboutei Laboutei Wrasse. To 5 inches. Hardy and beautiful fish. Available from Australia shipments and Vanuatu
  20. Cirrhilabrus Jordani. The Flame Wrasse. Endemic to Hawaii only. To about 4 inches. Very beautiful but shy wrasse in my experience. Males sport a yellow belly with 2 horizontal eye markings. females are dull red and smaller. Found exclusively in Hawaii shipments. Hardy once acclimatised. Here's a picture of one "flashing"
  21. Cirrhilabrus Flavidorsalis. Falvi meaning yellow and dorsalis for dorsal fin. Yellow Fin Fairy wrasse. to slightly more than 2 inches. Commonly available via Indonesian and Phillipines shipment.
  22. Cirrhilabrus Filamentosus The Whip Fin fairy wrasse. Commonly available and not expensive. Kept it once and it was quite aggressive..
  23. Cirrhilabrus Exquisitus. The Exquisite Fairy Wrasse. Very widely distributed. From Indo-Pacific, to Fiji and Tuamotus and Africa. Can posess certain geographical variations depending on location. Have kept this fish before and find it moderately aggressive to peaceful. To nearly 5 inches. Specimens from Africa hail bright pink markings on their face and dorsal region. Fiji specimens are mainly green, but trimmed with scarlet red on their fins.
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