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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Merry christmas to all reefers. Many thanks for the wishes henry and all others from this forum. Have sent merry christmas smses to all reefers that i have in my contact list. to everyone else, here's a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS. enjoy it with your friends and loved ones. Warmest regards LemonLemon
  2. btw the crabmeat looks delicious. LPS cannot taste and they don't appreciate food. mysis will be gourmet food for them. a crab will be no more nutricious to them as a mysis will be. don't waste the crab on your lps. in fact, dont even use it for your LPS. will be a total waste. corals deserved to be well taken care. but not to this extent.
  3. but whatever it is, a dark and quiet place is a definite yes for them to breed in. rock rubble, chaeto etc is great.
  4. well if its the standard aquarium pods, a box with bubbles wont do it. from what i know, they need a food source, somewhere quiet and dark to reproduce and of course a nice and cosy setting. some liverocks and chaeto will work great. some sand might help too. if rocks and chaeto etc are added, they won't need food source. they will find their own way. not sure what they eat though. probably let some diatom films develop on the container sides. conventional pod cultivation units are those much similar to a refugium. and the pods will find their way to the maintank by way of the return pump connecting the unit to the main display. this will provide a constant steady stream of pods whilst those in the unit are reproducing. i don't see a way for the mods to go into the display tank in his set up unless he manually scoops them up? quite impossible? but i don't know what he is growing so i cant say much too. so my comments are based on assumption that they are normal aquarium pods.
  5. are you breeding pods in that set up? if you are, don't think its going to work. but then again my idea of pods are those small white conventional kind. so what's your grand plan? please unveil it haha
  6. CF has some really cool lionfishes with unique colours but big. tricintus clowns still there LCK has AT, royal gramma pair, previous ORA shipments of clowns and dottybacks. flame wrasses too.., flame angels and YT
  7. conspecifics between euphyllias should not be a problem regarding stinging. but i ever experience torch stinging octos and hammers before. sometimes individual i guess. but now currently i have all of them touching and its ok. strange huh. thanks for the compliment. it looks much better than before i left coz i added some new stuff. very colourful now. post a FTS one of these days maybe. Still very normal lah. if u see its all cheap and normal/common corals. its how u place them and scape them that makes it look nice
  8. yeah i love them. but abit phobia of clowns now. tend to kill my LPS. my hammer and torch always kana ming your tank is really nice lah. the last time i went to collect the xenia, was really impressed with it. so envious of your outdoor concept! can dump water in the grass and so much space for barang
  9. could be damaged. bleaching might also be a cause. i have experienced such problems with euphyllid species especially torch, forgspawns and hammer. so far "true octo" still very ok for me. IMO, provide them with the parameters they require and it should be ok. not too high to medium lighting. medium flow or gentle flow. torch corals can withstand greater flow. but all euphyllias should NOT be subjected to direct laminar flow. this will tear the flesh apart from their sharp skeleton. if possible, provide random flow. This is very important. remember to dose some iodine once in awhile. feeding them mysis shrimp or small meaty food like henry's gourmet will do them good. ensure calcium and mg levels are ok to ensure proper skeletal growth. this applies to all LPS. PO4 levels? ensure they are not too high. and finally, these corals tend to be more sensitive to water salinity. 1.025 SG is great. if stick to these few quidelines, this family of corals are really easy to keep and rewarding when they produce new heads. as for why your hammer is receeding, i'm not too sure as of now. but your torch and octo are fine, so could likely be that individual coral got some problem.
  10. very nice! love the cute never wear clothes clown.
  11. haha. im not inclined to tell. but its not expensive for a favia with this colour. lets just say its in between 1 red note to 6 red notes. of course i did some bargaining...
  12. next time i maintain for u ok?
  13. didn't get this today, but a week ago just before i left. super luminous green hammer. i dont have royal blue LEDs otherwise...... very shiny lor.
  14. Went shopping today to replace some corals that have died while i was away. some normal stuff but one of them i really really like, which is this blue and red favia. dunno if its considered a gem, but i really love it.
  15. CF has their aussie corals still. elegance, duncans, scolymias, favias (these are gorgeous) and blasto merlettis. the blasto merlettis are not the usual small polyped ones. these guys have huge polyps comparable to those of B. wellsi. the colours are very nice too. cf has some clown tangs that are feeding too. tried just now and 3 of them are feeding on pellets! so grab them if you are a clown tang lover. GO, lots of nice corals left. plenty of GSP for you kikobananas.
  16. hi humphead. as reddevilz said, there are some very small flame angels at sealife. around 2 inches. very cute. im eyeing one too but thinking of getting slightly bigger one. some of them have quite unique patterns. saw 1 with a V shaped marking. two bars conjoined to form a V. btw so nice meeting u yesterday. hope there are more chances to meet up. cheeers!
  17. ur memory better than mine! D: tomorrow see who can remember more stuff ok! haha!! jk jk. btw i dip my zoas liao. finally.. ._.
  18. Sl have some very big 4 inch temmiki fairy wrasses. huge alpha sizes. colour wise really good for a temmiki. flame hawks, flame angels, black caps (alot), feeding royal pencil wrasses, royal gramma and 5 very very beautiful jackknife fishes! all spotted at SL too. plenty of sohals, eibli angels, golden butterflies, purple tangs, blood shrimps, blue tangs and other red sea fishes. edit* 2 burgess butterflies at SL too
  19. hi peacemaker. your frags are not affected. the only ones infected by pox are my sunflowers and my US orange eagle eyes. seems like the eagle eye complexes are getting it pretty seriously. anyway first round of furan just now. kinda dont really care anymore if they survive or not.... really lost the will to carry on after seeing some of the colonies so badly hit. however they are all still alive and not one single polyp is dead yet. so will try nonetheless and hope for the best yes. this lemon is super sour. what is SRC without a little zest hmm?
  20. could be releasing zooxanthellae. which signifies bleaching. could also be expelling waste, which means is normal. just monitor for the next few days. yumas are hardy.
  21. snails wont really eat hair algae in my experience. they go for the softer diatoms and film algae.ffor electric blue legged hermits, i keep about 6 of them in my 3ft with about 12 snails. i wont deny that they do kill snails for the shell. but since day 1 until now, only 4 snail deaths have been accounted for by the hermits. if sufficient shells are provided, they might not even kill your snails. empty shells can be picked up from the beach. i just ask aunty from CF to give me some empty dried ones once in awhile. you can try the hermit at your own risk if you reaaaaaaaaaaaly like it. i have 4 Halloween hermit crabs together with the blue legged ones too. these guys don't really kill snails because they prefer to live in those oval conch/triton type shells more i think. have never seen them living in the ordinary shells before, but that doesn;t mean they dont. so you might wanna try that. the bright orange colour and red stripey legs look like socks on a cold wintery day! so cute. and plenty at CF
  22. ecsenius axelrodi. think its called clown blenny from google search :/
  23. there is already a "search this thread" function. although might not be as sophisticated as RC's one, it works well and does wonders. at the bottom left hand there is an "enter keywords" box and a search topic button next to it. type whatever you want in it and it will pull out the search from that particular thread. not sure how effective it is against sentences or phrases. but one worded searches does wonders for me.
  24. hihi. runnind on 4 tubes of T5. not sufficient for SPS lah. and contrary to popular belief, im not a very dedicated reefer when it comes to husbandry ;P so SPS not now bah haha. murals not done by me. that big area is actually a mirror. but due to feng shui stuff, my mom decided to paste that mural there. kinda weird if u ask me.... thanks! try lor :/
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