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Everything posted by yikai

  1. hahe! u buy for me?? christmas lei
  2. haha thanks. its a simple LPS and softy tank.
  3. hi ah siang. the orange acan is beautiful i like it too! so far the colours are holding up pretty well. yeap i saw the wrasses. big ones isit? not sure if its the same ones we are talking about. the below fin very long? temmiki wrasses. beautiful!
  4. to all readers, forumers, friends, reefers, i wish you all a very merry christmas! comments are welcomed, negative ones and positive ones! have a great holiday~
  5. last pic of the day. showing most of my tank with an angled shot. i love that the flame hawk is so nicely perched there. this photo will be a great one if not for the blurriness
  6. rhomboid posing for some attention.
  7. something red for the upcoming CNY. and also coz i love red santarina outfits better not bite my corals! coz santa claus is coming, to town!
  8. using this camera, the GSP colony appears as a green blur! !! but its very nice in real life. encrusted on the tank glass already!
  9. some tank shots for this festive season! starting with this unique GSP. there are 2 kinds growing here. purple with white mouth and purple with lumi yellow mouth. unique colours pardon for the fuzzy picture quality. not using my digital cam as its loaned to a friend. so using hp cam. luminous corals will appear to have an ugly "glow" around them camera no good
  10. hi ahsiang, thats a very nice toy! agree with bro jacky that it might not be sufficient. but its very sleek and looks super cool dont you think? merry christmas bro.
  11. yes true. pellets contain almost all nutritonal requirements blended together in one bite size chunck. amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, caretenoids etc all present. for fishes that do not eat pellets, like copperbands, mysis, cyclopeese and other meaty marine food is sufficient for them. success and longevity of a given species in a home tank is not solely contributed by food. it does play a very important part of lifespan, but its not 100%. doesnt mean u feed a fish 1000 types of food but keep it in an inhospitable environment, the chances of survival is very high. whilst it is important, it is not necessary to overdo it. some foods have all the nutritional benefits found in the pellet already. btw comycus, try not to overfeed since you are using a canister. edit* feeding fishes a wide range of food to ensure survival is not true for some species. take for example moorish idol. remember my moorish idol many months ago? it ate mysis, NLS, ocean nutrition, flake, prawns, 5 kinds of pellets, nori, and practically everything. even terrestrial foods like bananas. but end up dying even tho it was transferred to a 6ft tank.
  12. actually, one of the biggest mistake is having a human-human attachment to fishes. as fishes, they simply do not have the capacity to react like the way a human does, or a dog. when ur fish die after keeping very long or if they get diseased, this kind of attachment can make u feel very guilty or depressed. especially if the fish cost a bomb like say a rhomboid wrasse or some other upper tier fish. moreover, spending so much money on food is not going to make them any happier than feeding them NLS or mysis. they dont taste and go "wahhh im in heaven this is great!" they eat by instinct and do so to survive. if you really want to make your fishes happy, clean water, ample swimming space and low aggression will make your fishes happier anyday. don't take it the wrong way. its good you are showing so much care for them. its just not practical in the long run. money can be spent on other things.
  13. copperband feeds on pods? not to my understanding they don't. not intentionally anyways. wah bro expensive lei. phytomax + tigger pods add up already almost $60. summore pods also u dun need. fish like coral 1 lah dun appreciate so good food. pellets and frozen enough nutrition for them liao. can see you're a very dedicated reefer spend so much money on different different foods. truth is it is not really needed. in fact, even if u only use NLS and mysis, your fishes will still be in the pink of health you can spoil your fishes if you feed them too many good stuff. if one day they stop eating pellets and frozen and go after one of your gourmet foods then its going to be expensive i kana before..
  14. those are squarespot anthias. very common and grows to a large size. iwarna has some pictilis anthias too did u check them out???? very cool
  15. just to remind. those interested in a pellet feeding clown tang should head over to CF. 3 medium sized specimens feeding on pellets with much gusto. getting a clown tang to feed is difficult, let alone feeding in a LFS and on pellets!
  16. the clown tang is a very challenging fish. its hard to get it feeding. coral farm has 3 specimen feeding on pellets with gusto. hope yours is doing well
  17. just came back from iwarna. left 3 huge flame wrasses. very nice size. largest is 4 inch. all are 3 inches and above. good alpha size. flame angels plenty yellw tang plenty potteri and fisheri left some strawberry crabs
  18. tangs usually readily eat sheet algae. its their favourite. i wont reccomend keeping so many tangs together.... they grow very fast and the bioload is very high. moreover, they are very aggressive tiwards each other. i think you should stop adding your tangs, and if possible remove some. that is way too many for a 3ft tank. reccomended 1 or 2 max. aggressive tangs are clown tang and sohal tang. purple tang might be a problem too
  19. yeah ur right. in a matured reef, pods should be abundant and turnover rate should support your inhabitants. your tank only has 2 major pod consumers to my knowledge. your mandarin, which has a 100% pod based diet. and your leopard wrasse, which occasionally picks around for pods. if by now your tank cannot even support these 2 fishes, then something is wrong. i suspect you have enough pods, you just dont know it. just coz u dont see them doesnt mean they arent there. besides, both your fishes eat prepared food. so why worry about pods? at this point they don't benefit you. so i suggest not to waste time and effort growing your pods. firstly its not practical, and worst of all its not possible in that set up. a clump of chaeto in your main tank is more than enough. pods will grow there. sometimes in this hobby, simplicity is the way to go.
  20. if you buy skin polyps, they encrust very very much faster. the stolon (mat) is grey instead of purple. it took mine 1 week to encrust to the glass. these grow without rocks and adhere much moer readily.
  21. can grow. but slow leh for them to creep up from ur sandbed. alternatively u can cut a small piece and glue to ur glass higher up. they grow faster in higher light and higher flow
  22. merry christmas jacky. nice B.merleti. waiting for a FTS!
  23. Hi bro, some comments to help you along. first off, very nice tank. i like it. good mix of corals too. bubble corals generally do well in low flow with medium lighting. perhaps that could help you. that eel is a garden eel. they eat floating food suspended in the water column. hard to feed and not easy to take care. the last tang is a naso tang. the colour is grey. can try feeding them nori aka dried seaweed sheets to help improve their colours. your tangs will love it and benefit from it. also, have moevd your thread to member's tank and specs thread. it will be easier for reefers to access your thread there to give you more advice! do keep us updated! cheers! and have a wonderful christmas
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