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Everything posted by yikai

  1. she is our ou xiang!!! wan sui! haha lolz.
  2. u want? i got tons of them. i give u a big big frag kk? merry christmas stoopid! ;D
  3. the ones on the right looks like rainbows? i have a colony of those. not as fast as the cnady apples but very beautiful if u allow them to colour up
  4. candy apple pinks! one of my favaourite! fast growers too!
  5. plate corals are unique. when they die, they have sudden mass production of new plate corals. what u see here is many new baby plate corals growing from the dead one. the babies then drop off and repopulate. very cool way of reproducing.
  6. thats all for today lol. went trigger happy spam so many foto ._.
  7. 1 of my 3 oxide frags. grew 2 new polyps but also melted 2. net growth = 0
  8. not sure of this zoa... orange mouth blue ring green skirt. seems to do better in lower light. at higher light, the orange mouth is smaller.
  9. not sure of this zoa... orange mouth blue ring green skirt. seems to do better in lower light. at higher light, the orange mouth is smaller.
  10. reverse gorilla nipples lol. cheap indo zoa it may be, but beautiful in my eyes. the number of frags of it i have pretty much says how much i like it lol.
  11. Fire and Ice morph. This one lagi best. started with 15 polyps only. now easily 3x that amount! even grow towards the back near the glass. hopefully it encrusts there
  12. One of my favourites. Valentine's Day Massacre. started out with about 5-6 polyps. now have almost 20 or more. sadly there isnt enough space for it to grow. shaded by the clam so they have stretched out abit. some have encrusted on the clam shell lol.
  13. My zoa pox treatment facility! these frags of zunflowers and fruit loops have almost no more pox. just 1 more dip in furan should cure them fully. however, sadly, my biggest fruit loops frag died from pox. the 3 remaining frags are all i have left and hopefully its enough to repopulate the original colony
  14. One more clearer picture under white lights.
  15. Liopropoma Aurora for those intersted. no more flame hawks, strawberry crabs and potter's at iwarna as of today. fisheri, flame wrasse, flame angels and YT still available.
  16. coz i monopolize red sea u wan? i sell u 1 frag for exorbidant prices keke. lemonlemon lord of the carrots.
  17. finally got back my digital camera. photos not so fuzzy and fake. bought 3 baby banggai cardinals and 3 baby blue striped cyanosoma cardinals. 2 of my favourite cardinal species. i like the contrasting blue and yellow for cyanosoma and i love the dorsal finnage for banggais. took me forever to find the cyanosomas, and finally found a whole bunch of them at PR. cannot resist since all of them are so small. so cute when they hover above the reef with spastic jerky movements so nostalgic to be keeping these cheap yet beautiful fishes. remind me of my first few days in the hobby. to think my first ever fish was a breeding pair of banggais too. sold them away how sad..
  18. 20ppm is fine. nothing to worry about unless you have SPS. seafans wont mind 20 ppm NO3. have kept them in 100ppm of NO3 and they still flourish. if u really wanna reduce, feed less, do WC, reduce bioload, get a denitrator or use AZ-NO3. just some things u can do to reduce it.
  19. Squarespot Anthias (F) - Pseudanthias Pleurotaenia Solar Wrasse (M) - Cirrhilabrus Solorensis happy boxing day to u too
  20. there are some bartletts from iwarna's hawaii shipment yesterday did not come alot, not sure if have any left. can go check out later if u want! sis lemon always pleasure to help YOU! hahaha
  21. hi bro. bartletts cost around 3.8 red notes. do not worry about them feeding as they are one o9f the greediest fishes alive, despite being an anthias. will feed on pellets even on the first day.
  22. forget to post. many apogon cyanosoma spotted in the aunty shop beside ahbeng! beautiful cardinals.
  23. yeah these spotlights super nice. saw them yesterday and was very impressed. agree that they arent very light though omg i got the same bed sheets lol
  24. bro i call u no answer. need tell u smth
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