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Everything posted by yikai

  1. hanor. people too busy for me liao mah i so sad "sob"
  2. never come and say hi to us! i was with fuel there. come say hi mah we wont bite u. lol
  3. hey bro your welcome!! always chatting but never really get a chance to meet properly hope next time there will be a chance.
  4. bro jacky, im not harsh lah,dont worry!i may sound like im harsh but im not. im cool! just worried that he got sps in his tank later bioload become too high his corals all die will result in tank crash. was abit worried when he doesnt seem to worry as yet. im being concerned only! besides bro vlamingi reef for quite some time liao. he should know better. just a gentle reminder is all.
  5. dont even need 9 fishes. one tang in there is already criminal. let alone 9. sorry bro vlamingi, dont mean to sound harsh but this is the truth.
  6. you might want to reconsider the chromis. although very nice initially, chromis will tend to not school and look very messy in a tank. sometimes they will fight until left 1. schooling nature is hard to replicate in captivity. sometimes a large predatory fish can force schooling behaviour. black clown pair is a good choice. tomato clowns can get very aggressive and might fight with your future black clowns. the powder series tangs are very tough to get them feeding and are very prone to ich. add them only once your tank has stabalised for a few months with healthy growth of algae for grazing. marine plants such as caulerpa or ulva is excellent. Regal tangs and yellow tangs are fine choice and are hardy. just remember as tangs, regardless of species, are scaleless, they are very prone to ich. and grow very fast. especially the regal blue. if keeping fairy and flasher wrasses (cirrhilabrus/paracheilinus), a hood is absolutely necessary as this family of fishes are extremely jumpy and jump for no reason or when frightened. blennies and gobies make fine aquarium inhabitants. boxing shrimps can get pretty nasty with cleaner shrimps. so add them with caution and separate if anything gets too rough
  7. oh gosh u are one excited reefer! completed all those! haha! well learning stuff in this hobby is a never ending journey. i'm still learning, and i have lots more to learn too! have fun lol. go memorise all the fishes to make ID-ing them in LFS easier haha. its really very very useful. corals also. wahaha. like school :/
  8. good that you develop patience at such an early stage in your reefing life. patience is really the key to success... in this hobby. witnessed many times the total disarray and inevitable failure of a tank from certain impatience. while waiting for everything to be complete and cycling, you can do some fun things like research online for the fishes you might want to keep, corals you might want to keep, plan your rockscape, what kind of rockscape will you like. you can opt for valley, clift face, clearing, etc etc there are tons of possibilities. plan your livestock properly because remember once they go in, its very difficult to get them out. and never blame any livestock for behaving the way they are. many people kill damsels because they are fierce, but that is their nature, and its the owner's fault for not researching. haha im also very eggcited for you and your husband. hope to see your tank flourish into something cool.
  9. yes i didnt know there was shipment too. happen to pop by with a friend and decided to help since there were lotsa boxes and not many people.
  10. in time to come u shouldnt be aiming for a tank like mine. with that set up, go for SPS! LPS and softies are suitible for me because they are practically maintenance free! and ultra forgiving towards a lazy reefer like me ._.
  11. lots of hitchhiker alveoporas growing on the rocks from bali. cool huh? '
  12. giant pom pom xenia from bali! these are rare! and big and POM POM. its sad how little attention people pay to other soft corals besides zoas. zoanthids are not the only corals that come in rare forms!
  13. Some zoas from iwarna. while helping to unpack, found some blue, yellow, purple yumas. but thought they were normal so chucked them with the rest. end up din get those :/ and some very nice zoas were lsot too due to my blurness anyway. some red, some blue, and chameleon zoas (ID from zoaID)
  14. bali shipment at iwarna just now. still left some zoas... blue, orange and purple yumas snapped up. so did some of the zoas.
  15. change water no use. the fish's wellbeing will not be improved by the water change. i can only tell u in words. you will have to experience it for yourself. just keep an eye on ur 34g with 9 fishes in it and you will understand what im trying to say.
  16. www.wetwebmedia.com is another great website. infact this is better since the pictures show the corals in their live natural habitat, with good write up by mr bob fenner
  17. get out your pitch fork and your flaming torches. this is sparta!!!!!!!!!!!!! as u can see, most of my zoas are already frag size lol. and they have no place to grow especially in my zoa garden where the clam is. so frags will have to wait until they grow out. i prefer small frags like this rather than huge giant pieces. bigger pieces take up space and for that same amount of space, u can add many smaller frags of different variety. this is one of the reasons why i seldom have frags to sell :/
  18. add calcium, MG, KH buffer accordingly. there are many good brands around. Kent marine is not bad. tropic marine too. for Kh, and Kh use kent marine is not bad. advice from my friend haha.
  19. add all 9 fishes at one go into a 34g is going to crash it if you dont take care....... my 3ft tank has les than 20 fishes, and u add half of that into a 34g at one go. moreover if u plan on adding tangs, i suggest you dont. bioload high, grow very quickly and needless to say, 34g is no place for them. i dont suggest keeping tangs in anything but a 3ft onwards.
  20. all soft corals regardless of GSP, mushroom, xenia etc will release toxins as a form of chemical warfare. this is negligible if u run carbon and a skimmer.
  21. u can peel them off the rock or scrape them off. it should be quite easy.
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