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Everything posted by yikai

  1. P. lineopunctatus flashing. bro raydiative now u know what a flashing wrasse looks like. the normal colour is just a dull red. the blue only appears in nuptial flashing males.
  2. Lost all my photos when my computer crashed not too long ago. but manage to dig up some old photos from my facebook. some of them taken by my friend comycus, some by me. i think its clear who did what some of the livestocks died while i was away on holiday... some still with me a flashing exquisite.
  3. i like the last picture of the blue zoas. my good zoas too little to trade, while common ones are un-worthy lol. if u willing to sell some let me know
  4. i'm a failure in keeping algae too my friend. just have no luck with all kinds of algae, even hair algae. nothing growns in my tank except diatom. not even coraline... and all parameters are ok. some algaes are quite nice like caulerpaetc...but they all die in my tank. sometimes haven go in yet die. chaeto too. macroalgae failure lol. ups for you
  5. oh god the royal purple monti and the fibre optic pocci is amazing!! you are one of the few who owns that pocci? not many a times do you see such a SPS. only saw it a few times at some other reefers place.
  6. hmmm...i think it is Ptereleotris Uroditaenia instead of P.grammica.the tail is definately that of P.uroditaenia. anyway the dorsal fin is beautiful. one of the nicest. im not sure. forgot liao. only sawit briefly
  7. A friend of mine has 7 of these in his tank now Ptereleotris grammica. extremely beautiful dorsal and ventral fins.... not to mention the colours. Rare i think as this is my first time seeing it. a much larger member of the dartfish family.
  8. will wait for them to reveal their true colours first hehe
  9. firstly, copperbands don't eat nudis. fairy wrasses will never ever eat nudis too. secondly, the problem with wrasses such as YW and sixline, is that they might not even do work. the best approach is both biological and human intervention. biological, get some natural predators such as the above mentioned wrasse. this might not be enough, so do some work on your part. coral RX is very effective in removing all pests, but the eggs are nightmare... eggs remain unaffected until they hatch and it will certainly be hell trying to rid all eggs from your tank. meanwhile, kill as many nudis as possible.
  10. oh god! just like in the movies
  11. sorry guys for the late replyy. was not at home just now. wow did not expect the bid to go so high. anyway, congratulations jackywongto. will pmucollection date. in the event where the buyer backs out, the next highest bidder will claim the zoas.
  12. just some updates for the week. a number of new "rare" zoassss, mccosker's flasher! waited so long, but its worth every minute. congrats to those whom have gotten them too! dont worry, i picked the best ones for you guys. a colony of purple deaths which i found in a boring indo shipment in one of the farms waiting for it to colour up. till then, i'm 75% sure they are purple deaths maybe some photos tomorrow.
  13. aiyah same same lah! all go tru inspection first lei! lol!
  14. u forgot to thank someone else!
  15. thomas lim ur wrasse v nice hor! bro peace thanks! i love the picture lol
  16. haha bro. im at a friend's house. haven get back home yet. mccosker with me still.
  17. Ultra A grade acans and scolymias from australia coming tomorrow evening. sale of corals will start from 5-9pm. weekends open as usual. Available at ktizo marine, behind i aquarium.
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