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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Okay the previous one was way too easy. and ambiguous. here's another one. hope more reefers participate ya? ^^ guess which creature this belongs to!
  2. its apogon sealei lol. yah think terry ur right. all apogons look rather similar. kk next time i choose something less ambiguous
  3. oxypora. med light med flow as with most LPS. watch out for their sting as some can sting at night with sweeper tentacles. your's looks like in bad condition?
  4. no more purple yumas? haha
  5. Its been a looooooooong time since there's been an ID game! so i've made one today. let's start with something easy first and if the response is good, maybe i will make more games for you guys to play. winner MAAAAAAY get a prize depending on difficulty and response for today no prize lah just play for fun. anyway, can anyone guess what is the fish? its available in LFS from time to time, likes dimly lit quiet areas
  6. firstly, im only guessing its eggs lol. could not be but im quite sure they are. secondly they will hatch only if they are fertilised. if they do, they will probably not survive till adulthood.
  7. think i'm very slow, but i just only realised that they tried to decode the 911 crash and try to prove that it was not a terrorist.... but rather...an inside job. very interesting documentary. part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V3wvFk5j7g...feature=related part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zp9qOq3OBcM...feature=related
  8. scary right? lol. and i really tried the Q33 NY on microsoft word. really got the same result. 1 plane crashing into two "buildings", then the skull and star logo. there's an even longer video about other conspiricies including that of MAYANS and MORE releation to the number 11. but too long scared ppl not interested. if u interested, here's the full one lol..
  9. mine was feeding for weeks the thought of a long term upkeeping of this beautiful fish was like, all that was on my mind. then slowly see it wither away, and you know it won't make it. its sad...
  10. yeah. very difficult... even after multiple multiple attempts by various reefers of different tanks and different husbandry, all CMI.. and most of them played by more experienced wrasse keepers too.
  11. wow. nothing else to say. coincidence to me. but an extremely eerie one...
  12. those markings look like eggs! i looked closely and they look like small individual dots. not unlike markings. nassarius snails are known to spawn in captivity too.
  13. jacky, if the polyps are still instact, not mushy/brown/smelly, there's still hope. don't throw away because they can make a recovery. zoapox is a trouble some but managable disease.
  14. hi terryz, every single choati bought by different reefers that i know (including me) have not had success with this fish. they will be feeding very well and then die. mine got skinnier and skinnier.... even buy from 2 different LFS also. this leopard is not easy
  15. would love to own the Liopropoma if you manage to sell the gem tang..
  16. yes this is zoapox. it is bacterial like terry mentioned, that is why only furan can kill them. they spread fast amongsts zoas except palythoas. however i notice that some zoas seem to be more resistant to pox.. others like the eagle eye complexes seem to get poxs extremely quickly. can follow reddevils or kikobanana's suggestion. they work well. for me i'm lazy so i dip them everyday for 3-4 days with furan2 for 20 mins. stop for 2-3 days then continue the treatment until no more pox. after dipping you may see that the zoas turn slightly yellowish-greenish due to the furan and may not open up for a few days. its ok. if the pox are so little like this now, use a sharp toothpick and poke all and then wash away in a small container of tank water. however please note that you still MUST furan them even after popping. bacterial colonies will never die from physical removal alone.
  17. they qt their fishes and release them only few days later... i posted that already to let others know so that nobody makes a wasted trip.
  18. tangs are prone to fight amongst other tangs.. try betta boxing them and use a mirror to reduce aggression. zebrasoma tangs such as yellow tangs are less aggressive than acanthurus tangs, eg bt, pbt..
  19. i 17 year old nia lei. drive wat car? tamiya car lah lol.
  20. asterina stars are nuisence. they always have uneven number of legs and all of uneven size... because they "frag" themselves and each frag grows into a new starfish. repeated fragging will result in deformed looking starfishes. they spread fast. hope you can remove them all!
  21. i see. mandarins make a good tank specimen if u have lots of pods. since it is unclear wether or not the pods are harmful, and if you have alot, just throw 1 in! haha. beautiful fishies
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