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Everything posted by yikai

  1. its ok lah. its good to talk openly sometimes. those girls in my facebook are close classmates lah so many different girls in my facebook photo!! haha. they can't all be my girlfriend right?
  2. hahahaha! thanks! i have a rather healthy social cycle in and out of the reefing community. study wise.... ok lah. above average but failing in some modules ._> girlfriend..... can wait lah ah?
  3. yes! if only i can channel all the rubbish and nonsence in my head to something more productive like this!
  4. hey thanks for the advice! the old location i dont see much polyp extension. on the frag plug looks much better. actually these are trial frags so if they die... it doesnt really affect me that much. but of course, each coral is alive and i will try my utmost best to take care of them.
  5. yes. not done by me though. there's 17 holes actually designed to hold frag plugs. i dont have frag plugs so using epoxy temporarily
  6. hope no need put mopiko for that bite! i really hope they do grow instead of just sitting there to die... one of my acro frag given to me by another reefer dieded lol. think the flow and light is not enough for it. the others are ok though. accidently broke my leng sy monti cap. put the frag on my frag rack to see if there's any difference. the rack has better flow and light. moved all my sps there except my pink birdnest....which i already epoxied to the rock and is hard to remove... but it looks ok so i'll leave it there.
  7. lovely healthy and active stable gem tang. ups for a nice reefer and an equally nice fish.
  8. and 2 more SPS frags! donated to me by a nice nice reefer. thanks joe! :wub: and also a very nice DIY acrylic frag station. also by the same reefer. 1st SPS i dunno what it is... but has polyps extended! its a good sign i hope.
  9. snapped some quick photos with my phone. hence the grainy and super unclear photos.... my rhomboid! looks nicer these days. developing more purple on the lower part of his body. and the golden on the body is getting more intense! must be from all that training, chasing the flame hawk. plus, he absolutely HATES it when the neon goby tries to clean it. it will swim all over the tank at high speed to try shaking off the goby. but the goby will persist and swim along side the rhomboid. looks very cute. like a little blue fish surfing a giant wrasse! much like those remoras tailing a shark. i guess the neon goby isnt a very good cleaner! must be painful for the wrasse
  10. means....sometimes...the good stuff are hidden amongst the ugly stuff... so look at places you least expect... but of course, you got to know what is good and what is not.
  11. crabs are extremely strong for their size..don't underestimate them. once had a 0.5 inch crab that lifted my 3inch brain coral with only its hind legs. irritating nuisense...
  12. recently no lfs brings these in anymore. u can try asking LCK to bring in for u. worth a try.... some shops ship to singapore. trying finding those that sell this item and do/can ship to singapore.
  13. hehe maybe i'm biased ._> lemon smell! bro kikobananas, this product is for dipping any coral. can get rid of most pests like nudi, spiders, worms etc.
  14. i have a small frag 10 cent coin. but the colour is no where as nice as the big one, since its so small... so not puttting it up for sale. maybe when it grows bigger, i will sell.
  15. actually i have always been looking for roses in the thorns. but only after i met fuel then this habit increased 10 fold. my big orange rhodactis was the result of this when i first started. sentimental value
  16. no LFS in sg carry this. you're looking for Xenia Umbeletta right? the big polyped white one that pulses extremely quickly? the only way to get it is to order it online, or get it tru one of our local LFS by asking them to bring in.
  17. the indo dragon eyes are known as miami vice from zoaid. very nice mark.
  18. actually...it smells more like lemons ._. to me anyway haha. perhaps others could share on what they smell when using coral RX. because i heard many different smell reactions! could be different amongst a broad spectrum of people! haha
  19. forgot to mention..... cf also have many orange ringed pipefish (Doryrhamphus pessuliferus).. this batch looks better..swimming around and not dead looking.. 2 marine bettas. about 4 inches each... still waiting for 2 inch one.. :/ 2 rather larged sized Brotulina fusca. cute and yellow for flasher wrasse lovers, a few of the lesser seen P. angulatus. not as beautiful as the others in the family, and not as common, but have beautiful angulated dorsal and ana| fins. they look like a BIG arrow when they flare. looks exactly like a cursor which you move around with your mouse. only bigger...
  20. bro. minimum bid $1 lol. means $1 is the least u can bid. can increase $1000 also if u want :upsidedown:
  21. i second what Reddevils say. coral RX is a fantastic product. i tried putting a few drops into a test tube of seawater, and with 6 flatworms inside. within seconds they all stopped crawling and swimming, and gathered at the base of the test tube, dead. what's more, it has a wonderful lemony citrust lemon smell! i should endorse this product lol.
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