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Everything posted by yikai

  1. ._. nice avatar! lol.. abit violent... maybe change it soon..
  2. yeah true. the novelty lies in the walking coral. but walk anyhow die jialat hehe
  3. i always pray i c it at CF 1 day in an accidental shipment
  4. thanks for the compliment. currently its the only fairy in my tank with the exception of a solar wrasse.. so i find it quite weird it actually flashes... since there's not much competition lol. will slowly build my empire from scratch again. as for C. balteatus, have seen it a few times in hawaii shipment, and a friend of mine is currently keeping one. but i don't find them appealing... although they are unique. and i dream of C.johnsoni too.. bellae has a very exaggerated swallow tail and its really beautiful. for me, i'll just be contented with a C. sanguineus :P
  5. to keep the worm alive, u need a DSB as it probes deep within the sand to feed. without sufficient fauna, the worm will die. however, it is ok if it does die. if the worm dies, the coral can still survive. the worm only helps by moving the coral around so it does not get buried in the sillt which it lives in. pretty cool huh? more info on the worm here. Aspidosiphon corallicola
  6. the underside of this coral. the coral moves around alot due to the worm....
  7. this is a very rare coral and it is very unusual. there is a hole on the underside of this coral in which a sipunculid worm lives in. the worm extends out of the skeleton and move around the sand for food, dragging the coral with it. although it resembles sun corals, they are photosynthetic. not sure if it is easy keeping the worm alive..
  8. this is a very rare fish....waited many months for it. and very expensive too.. at least 4 blue notes and above. this fish is found only in the marshall islands but is available in hawaii shipments. i got it from iwarna but it died few days after. they are quite delicate during shipping, but after they stabalise, they are very easy. this is my 2nd one after my first one died, and its from bro digiman. if u want this fish be prepared to wait very long...and must chiong very fast because get snapped up extremely quickly. nah! poison poison lol. the diamond tail very pretty haha
  9. haven yet lah....i used to be more poisonous.. want to recollect my fairy wrasses liao. then u will need antidote!
  10. nice solar wrasse pair! lovely female. yeah agree. u see greencloud's wrasses u drool lol
  11. u sponsor me? hahahhaaha. where got..... should be, once touch kena slapped
  12. coral farm has flame angels around 1.5 inch. or slightly less or about there. call to ask. ask for small small ones. tomorrow iwarna have flame angels too from hawaii, but dunno if got small ones or not.
  13. haha interesting conversation. :paiseh: anyway, here's my current love. an extremely rare photo of my rhomboid flashing!! this is the only time i ever saw it flashing, and was lucky enough to capture it! albeit very blur and unfocused. and i'm darn excited. flashing at his best friend the flame hawk (not in the photo). a pity this was towards the end of his display, the climax was not taken as it was quite unexpected. not a very nice display as compared to other wrasses of the family, but one thing i like is how the entire colourless tail flushes to bright purple. the entire body turns a brilliant gold colour and a purple saddle is displayed on the body. i still think a flashing exquisite/flame wrasse looks better though. its time like this i wish i had a decent camera....
  14. its not the diet. leopards,as with other wrasses, do not require special dietry needs. frozen and pellets are sufficient for them. most that die of "starvation" are not due to underfeeding or lack of nutrients, but rather, die from intestinal parasites and/or the repercussions of being caught with cyanide, which destroys intestinal fauna and inhibits the absorbtion of nutrients.
  15. i want to reserve also!!!!!!!! lol. but i prefer to go down to personally choose. but can't got school.. sigh. very very sian. the filamentosus very common at ahbeng. they always bring in big alpha ones.
  16. very nice scape dachkie! looking forward to ur wrasse collection
  17. hawaii shipment at iwarna tomorrow 8.30...T_T flame wrasse got school
  18. play fairies flashers so small lah! get my 5 favourites enough liao. rhomboid, lineatus, laboutei, exquisite and flame =-) or if ur pocket very deep go get roseafascia hehe..... can always wait for it.
  19. we are in school now -.- come lah go into reefing also lah. u everyday see my tank at home u not tempted meh
  20. the first picture shows a majano anemone. to the right are zoanthid/palythoa polyps. the majano is a pest, and so is the aiptasia in the second picutre. there are many threads on how to kill them off that is easily found in this forum.
  21. ups for the watanabe. lovely fish in a very lovely tank. can stare at it for hours
  22. he said the new batch looks like the old one (pic), but without leaves yet. hope that's what he meant.
  23. yes 2 white 2 blue. not enough for SPS.... according to logic? i dunno. not an SPS keeper. so keeping them very high. few inches below water level. hope it works.
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