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Everything posted by yikai

  1. ROFL!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. and this extremely extremely beautiful fish. http://www.liveaquaria.com/diversden/ItemD...&ddid=78118
  3. i can't believe LIVEAQUARIA is selling this at such a price!!! http://www.liveaquaria.com/diversden/ItemD...&ddid=74309 even though its an initial phase cebu specimen.... surely it commands a higher price? o.O
  4. have moved this thread to the correct forum.
  5. this is a fairly common starfish available in RB, ML and mostly in CF. fairly easy when acclimatised properly. this starfish is more sensitive than others and melt easily when not acclimated properly.
  6. like this no lah jk.... like this http://images.google.com.sg/images?hl=en&a...oq=&start=0
  7. keke. i will never lose a single wrasse anymore because of my hood actually, i lost my old flame wrasse because it jumped. and that was the last straw. did up a hood right away! better to do it rather than lose all your prized and expensive wrasses right? lol...
  8. all fishes smaller and/or bigger than the dottyback may be subjected to chasing and biting. dottybacks are really... the very definition of aggressive. especially once settled down. better trap it. a betta box with frozen mysis works well if it's desperate enough for the food... they do tend to express certain level of intelligence.... pretty hard to trap.. took me days of starving mine to remove it.
  9. fairies will not fight if your tank is big enough, but some chasing, squabbling may happen. it all depends on tank size and what wrasses u add. if keeping many big males together, they may engage in simultaenous flashing with erected fins and a dazzling colour display to fend off or intimidate each other. this is one of their ways of "fighting" with each other. colours become enhanced and brighter when they get excited or aggressive too. generally peaceful with other fairies, but introduce the more timid ones first. try not to add more than 1 of the same wrasse unless its male/female. more than 1 males may fight and result in 1 dying, or reverting back to females. although i have seen multiple males of the same species being kept together. also depends on the species. more peaceful fairies may tolerate multiple males if the tank is big enough.
  10. they are pretty huh! expensive and timid, they prefer a stable tank. go slow with these guys. 0ne of the more "sensitive" wrasses to acclimate, but very hardy once settled down.
  11. enjoy your fairies and plan your stocking well. all can be kept in a tank that size. but scott's fairies can be aggressive. they don't hold their colour well anyway. if you are just beginning and trying out fairies for the first time, i reccomend exquisite, rosyscale and solar. they hold their colour rather well and are not as aggressive. and they are hardy too.
  12. yes its a flame wrasse. cirrhilabrus jordani.
  13. royal dottyback is another name for the bicolour pseudochromis bro. common names can be confusing... anyway, back to topic. it is an extremely common mistake by new reefers to mix up these two fishes. the bicolour pseudochromis (Pseudochromis paccagnellae), and royal gramma (Gramma Loreto). although similar looking at first glance, they are actually very different when looked closer. the dotty back has a sudden dramatic change in colour from purple to yellow, represented by a clean line separating it. the gramma, however, has a smooth and gradual change in colour tone, with a pixellated mixture where the two colours meet. there is also a line across the eye of the gramma, where it is absent in the dottyback. there is an occelated eye spot on the dorsal fin of the gramma which is absent in the dottyback. the best way to tell these two apart is from location. while the dottyback is commonly found in indonesia and phillipines, the gramma is only found in carribean shipments. unlike the peaceful royal gramma, the royal/bicolour dottyback WILL fight and terrorize almost all small and even big fishes. ESPECIALLY royal grammas and other dottybacks. due to similar colouration and conspecifics.
  14. still left some flame angels (tiny ones to medium ones), small to big potters, tiny to small yellow tangs, small kole eyes and lots of strawberry crabs at iwarna. some reaaaaaaaly good shipments coming up. stay tuned for confirmation
  15. haha thanks for the comments jacky, ahsiang and zhimin. in 2 hours i gone to do maths so many comments jacky : for flame wrasses, the smaller the fish, the duller the colour. as it matures, the distinctive yellow and red will start differentiating, and the red eye markings will become prominant. however, older and bigger specimens tend to lose the yellow in captivity (heard from other bros, never experience myself yet). comy and siang, really lol haha. freshest fish? i went at like....almost 1pm...shipment was 8.30. guess the better ones were gone by then, but heard from aunty that all were the same size and colour. so no need to choose and for girls? that one i use marker and colour. then i grab! lol.
  16. thank you! must slowly rebuild my empire haha. slowly of course... must give time for my wallet to recover...recently have been scrimping on outings, outside food and the like.
  17. :rolleyes: it looks great when it's flashing... at the solar wrasse outside. feeding even inside the plastic bag!
  18. bartletts are one of the, if not the most easy anthias to keep. they feed on pellets very readily unlike other anthias. at the same time very colourful with pink and yellow painted on its body. little wonder why they are so sought after. not to mention, bartletts are only available from hawaii shipments, and iwarna is the biggest importer of bartletts in singapore (correct me if i'm wrong).
  19. agreed +100000. have a lone blue eye anthias living in my tank now. although it is greedy, and feeds like any other fish, it looks rather weird to have 1 alone... a social species... keeping 1 is just not right lol.
  20. yours is bleached. yes aiptasia, like all anemones, contain zooxanthellae and are capable of bleaching.
  21. its not good if its perpetually like this. did u just get it? first few days like this should be fine.... when they acclimatise, they will expand very very huge, wavy and the mouth will be closed tightly and hidden out of sight in the mass of tentacles.
  22. bartletts are usually relatively disease resistant. however, since u already practice QT, just QT them for awhile and see if anything pops up. no harm!
  23. by humans!! oatmeal prawn, butter prawn, sambal prawn....oooh.... *hungry*
  24. :off: haha! :P kk c u tomorrow :)
  25. thanks lol. btw tutorial 8-11? all the integration....? and why u copy my avatar!!
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