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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by yikai

  1. haaha. red flaming ppl eater can frag for u now. valentine's day hard to frag. encrusted on the rock already. but i see how to tackle it mean while i get u the people eater first. no need more sunkist lah.. give u for free. a token peacemaker wants the sunkist though. haha.
  2. i'm always ready. are YOU ready? heh
  3. placed mine at the top of the rock scape. but its still like....1 ft away from the light? or slightly less.
  4. its generally not wise to mix too many anemone species in the same tank. they are quite intolerant of each other. and does not matter how far away from each other, as long as in the same water bodies, they can interact with each other with chemicals. but this is just a textbook literature example and should be followed with a pinch of salt and used as a guideline, for i have seen numerous occasions where reefers have proved against this. technically, its true. so just run carbon and regular water changes should work.
  5. they grow REALLY slowly. see that huge paly with the lime green mouth? it grew out of nowhere and grew 5 more polyps!! its really beautiful. too bad i can't isolate it because i epoxied the rainbow rock... but they don't look as lush as before. could be the paly...
  6. a good friend gave it to me. he had like 3 huge rocks full of it hahahahaha. mine is too small to frag
  7. wrong. all these cost me only less than $50 must know where to look and some of them gotten from good friends.
  8. nope. stayed at home like a good little boy to finish up my microbio and cellbio homework.
  9. sorry for the blur pics.. they do look nicer in real life
  10. i think sis ming meant 29th jan?
  11. hi peter. have edited your post slightly to put the prices in a less obvious manner. be more discrete next time hehe. cheers!! got any nice gems from GO?
  12. and finally, after picture spamming, flaming red people eater. polyps open really big under dim lighting. i kinda like the mottled bluish-grey face. reminds me of granite/marble.
  13. lord of the rings. sorry for the lousy pic. my hood reflection
  14. candy apple reds. this guy shaded by my leather coral and is not doing as well as i want it to. i only have half of what i used to have
  15. some unique zoas growing inbetween my radioactive. the yellow skirt white ring and green face one is really cool!
  16. SUNKIST!! another one of my favourite.
  17. miami vice. grown 2x the size.
  18. BLUE and red favia. THE BLUE IS INSANE!!!!!!!!!! first time seeing a blue favia and i'm so happy to own 1. got it from GO if i'm not wrong 3 shipments ago?
  19. not sure? the red and black one.
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