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Everything posted by yikai

  1. yes. a very rare blue cespitularia. supposed to be only from africa, but managed to find it....not from an african shipment.
  2. haha thanks for the advice. not really stressed out lah. just sometimes when admiring then see this small little irritating thing. hehehe. anyway, my little rescape project not complete yet. when it does, will post a nice FTS
  3. geometric hawk. makes its occasional appearance. mostly when the lights are dimmer. not one of those "wow look at that gorgeous fish type". but rather the "wow! i didnt know you had this" or the "since when did you have this?" pretty fun to watch these lesser seen critters wander around my tank when the commotion has quieten down. adds a sense of adventure no matter what time of the day.
  4. and also, sick and tired of this damsel. have been digging holes for its home ever since i got it. i though maybe after rescaping abit it will stop. well it didnt... anyone experience this too? its annoying to see the blue sandless patch.
  5. these two idiots claimed this rocky outcrop as theirs and refuse to leave NO MATTER WHAT! so pissed. my zoas cant open because of their legs walking all over it. WHAT IS SO NICE ABOUT THIS ROCK!? my tank has plenty for them to stand on lol.
  6. did you feed your sun corals? maybe it had some food inside it undigested and the bristleworm tried to get to it.
  7. yeah more or less confirmed its a blue ces. wow so lucky to find it... heard its quite rare? here's somemore pictures after settling down. but polyps not open..
  8. i have 1 blue and 2 yellow neon gobies. all 3 are interacting and forming a cleaning group. maybe in a larger tank chances of aggression will be lowered.
  9. more pictures. sorry for the messy sandbed. just some frags of mushroom corals that are healing.. :/
  10. an angled shot of my unfinished business. will likely add more finishing touches. i love how everything looks so much bigger now! spacious! comparing with the old fts, its definately less colourful and has less corals. i had to give some away to make way for the simpler scape. but i like this better and i guess that's all that matters
  11. since i had some rocks left over, decided to do a very simple outcrop consisting of just 2 rocks. placed it on the right. have placed my sunflower and keddredd zoas there and hoping that they will encrust all over it in time. put a colony of cloves at the bottom too, and my slightly damaged and neglected brain coral.
  12. valley project 40% completion. removed 2 more rocks from the front which supported nothing, to create more sand space. moved my big elegance to that area and added a soft coral, which i have no ID for it at the moment, but looks like a cespitularia.
  13. have this giant colony of what i THINK is a cespitularia... which is funny because i did not get it from any africa shipment. can anyone ID for me? its very very blue when seen out of the water, almost flourescent, but the blue is diminished slightly when viewed through the glass in the water.
  14. very nice! go to www.zoaid.com and find it there.
  15. never really noticed. should be a gigantea? the polyps didnt look short and stubby. looks like the green ones henry always bring in.
  16. LCK has a very gorgeous BLUE carpet anemone housing 4 platinum clowns and a hoard of n@ked ones. CF has a yellow body yellow fin variant of exquisite wrasse. but no idea if the colour will fade.
  17. L. swalesi looks more like carmabi. colours abit duller though, but i personally prefer swissguard more. though i've never seen it before.. poor eyesight maybe ._.
  18. i'm no good with glue either... today i decided to remove all my king midas from the palys and glue them to frag plugs... ended up gluing my feet to the wooden platform, the cloth to my hands and some of the zoas were totally covered in glue.... took me awhile to get everyhting sorted out. the zoas are fine now thankfully... good thing i did it outside............
  19. its amazing how this fish actually looks this reflective in real life! the colours are really amazing.
  20. rescaping will always be accopanied by "darn my itchy hands WHY DID I DO THAT" until you get used to it. that's how i feel haha.
  21. they're all beautiful. with the SPS. mine looks more like the 2nd one although its narrower. but deeper. think will play softies lah. maybe bubble coral since they like very low flow. then that's about it. i realy love the white sand and dont wanna clutter it with too many corals. tomorrow its jenga round two!! its so exciting when u pull out a huge rock and nothing collapses. just don't overdo it and it'll be fine. :x i always make sure there's at least 3 point contact for all my rocks.
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