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Everything posted by yikai

  1. my very very fat mandarin fish eating pellets from a betta box this is my very first fish i ever bought, together with a pair of clowns and a pair of cardinals. so far, the only 1 i have left that is still with me. extreme sentimental value and i will never sell it even for $200 no sign of a sunken stomach
  2. i used the betta box because some of the frags inside consists of lose polyps of mushroom corals. they float away really easily so a betta box works fine for the time being. otherwise my frag station will be used.
  3. sorry my bad. its called mandarin oranges. sunkists are a totally different kind. sure! if i'm fragging i will let you know i typo lol. my bad for the misunderstanding
  4. omg!! emperor is my favourite big angel and that specimen is absolutely amazing!! like 2 face from batman!!
  5. the new betta box is big. i using old one becoz its smaller just to house some lose frags. lol FLAME WRASSE!! kk lah when u set up ur tank i help u.
  6. yes its heavier on the left no doubt. but can't do anything about that. i have done all i can to lessen the rock structure, but the left is untouchable. unless a complete rescape on the left part which will be very difficult to do, since most of the corals are epoxied on and it will be alot of work. especially for the zoas and mushrooms which have spread to the base rock... what i will do is put some bigger corals on the right to try and balance it out. maybe a big torch coral to create movement and also to make the right side seem less n-aked..
  7. hehe. he very secret secret. even i never see the pic yet
  8. thanks! there's some at LCK. really nice. thanks cedric. your tank is really nice too
  9. yes the fishes are extremely happy. especially the wrasses. they seem to flash much more now. probably with the new scaping they are exited and want to stake territory? the flashers are going crazy now as i type... actually that is the reason why i scaped...i wanted more space for more wrasses. although it looks kinda raw now, hopefully it will be more colourful in time to come with some corals and coraline.
  10. really?? i find it looks abit plain now.. like a new tank haha.. anyway more fun like this. get to re-do it again
  11. some pictures on the updates scape. actually it looks kinda ugly now....but i think it will look better when coraline grows over the pale rocks and once i reshuffle the few lose pieces of corals, and add summore. i really like the openess of it now.
  12. it wont work without a skimmer. what this product does is bind NO3 ions to tangible skimmable products. without a protein skimmer, it defeats the purpose.
  13. the previous pictures not nice lah haha. it looks much better now! i'm usually very particular about scaping... and i must say i'm quite pleased. i probably removed about 6kg of rocks. inside those 6kilos contained 1 mantis shrimps and 2 crabs! so happy. pest removal for today - 1 x damsel, 1 x mantis and 2x crab des, will post a picture when everything is nicer and more presentable its pretty cloudy now. only after today i realised that i had so much liverocks! and most of them are not involved in structural support at all!
  14. rescape plants 80% complete just did a major overhaul and am very pleased with the results. no pictures yet though. want to let things settle down and stock up abit on corals. the new scape gives good space for more. slowly stock up over the next 2 weeks to put ease on my wallet. also, as luck would have it, my irritating damsel swam into my betta box for no rhyme or reason! no food inside too!! just an empty betta box. looks like the gods are reefing are smiling down on me.
  15. would like the green zoa colony. thanks
  16. Ahbeng - yasha gobies - filamented flasher wrasses (big males) - teddy bear crab - lubbock, indo exquisite, wrasses. - elongated dottyback - Stonogobiops nematodes. - rest are common indo fishes. iwarna - some very nice red cynarinas. - left over from sulawesi shipment. cloves, zoas, etc. pinnicle - green ppe - very very nice euphyllias but all reserved - big elegances
  17. sleeping rhomboid says goodnight.
  18. quite drastic right mine.... ._. i duno... have mixed reactions from my family members.. they prefer the old scaping but to be honest, i really found the old one heck load of rocks and super cramp. don't have much space to swim and devoided of sand bed. bad for my sand digging wrasses. here's two comparison photos with my old FTS (not very recent. quite long ago) and the current 1 at an angle. i will take a proper FTS when i'm completed with my new scaping. going to focus on soft corals at that area becaues flow is rather gentle and lighting is not very bright. new aim is to make the new scape more asthetically pleasing and comparable to the old 1, yet maintaining the valley effect and the spaciousness.
  19. the polyps will look like this when they are stable and open up. i'm quite sure those at ahbeng are not cespitularias, if they were its pretty eye catching. the blue really stands out especially in dimmer lighting.
  20. hmm...you guys sure its this coral you see? the tips of this coral ends in 5 petals exactly like a xenia, unlike other soft corals. its really rare and only available from like africa so to speak... anyway i found mine in one of our local shipments at got it for 1 red note. no idea how it got there..... but if ahbeng and PR is well stocked with these, then go get it! they look really cool because the blue is very nice.
  21. ur palys and zoas are awesome...lemme go dig my tank for something to trade.. i do have 1 which you might be interested but i cant frag it at the moment
  22. wow really? alot of softies look like this. next time must eye open bigger to see haha.
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