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Everything posted by yikai

  1. they are copepods and they are extremely beneficial. most reefers are dying to have copepod infestation because certain fishes like mandarin fishes and pipefishes feed almost exclusively on these, unless u get them to feed prepared food. don't kill these pods. they are good and beneficial. the parasite responsible for ich (cryptocaryon irritans) is a microscopic protozoa and cannot be seen unless viewd under a microscope.
  2. the only two corals in my tank worth the title of being called a "gem". In my own opinion, that is. steel blue favia with red "eyes", and a black based one with red "eyes"
  3. here's a clearer picture from before my rescape. same thing.
  4. valentine's day massacre. growing very well. sorry to those who were interested in this zoa. its impossible to frag it because encrusted already. and if i were to frag it, there will be too much casualties and i will have to break the liverock and my structure too.
  5. thanks bro klyve for this. a rock of radioactive zoas. common and cheap, but a large colony like this does brighten up the tank significantly.
  6. this aret he other 2 additons from GO that i did not post just now. already have 1 of the green hammer, but got another 1 because it's so nice.
  7. blue is a tricky colour. they usually look very inconspicuous under LFS lighitng. i find this especially so for rics and certain zoas.
  8. SL - large filament flashers. 3 inch.. - queen angels. tiny juv, to 5 inch adults - majestic - purple tang - yellow tang - fire shrimps - sohal tang - clown tang - golden butterflies - flame angel - heraldi angel - eibli angel - blue tangs - cuban hog - strawberry dottyback - fire fish - cortez lunar wrasse - solar wrasse - purple tilefish - emperor angel juvenile - orange shoulder tang - mimic tang - juv french angel other common fishes... nothing really interesting RB nothing much too, clearing for shipment i guess
  9. 1)Kelvin70 2) Raydiative (Simei) 3) Justin @ Pasir ris 4) digibee 5) peacemaker 6) dachkie (tampines) 7) nwyk153(tampines) 8) dazza ( Siglap ) 9) samsies 10) eChan 11) Magnet(Sengkang) 12) solo77(punggol) 13) cool guy (tampines) 14) BFG (Simei) 15) LemonLemon (Tana merah, but i sometimes live in the west too)
  10. thanks kylve! certainly is. your tank is awesome too. lovely zoa collection and your cloves definately deserves an award!
  11. thanks! i'll keep it awhile to intensify the colour first, then see maybe will frag. got it at GO. decided to pop by after school and never expected to see the red and black one there. yea now have two of the rarest colour combination for this particular species of favia. TOTO ah, hahaha. ok i giv u numer u go buy. hi beaver, sometimes it's just luck lah. like today! so happen to be there and the coral so happen to be there too. thanks ahsiang. the blue ric was left over at GO i believe.. the fact that it was there probably meant it was leftover haha. well, true to a certain eztent. some stuff i have been wanting for who knows how long already, but never comes :/
  12. the gods of reefing must be smiling on me because i can't believe i actually found this! was just posting on how it would be my dream to chance upon a BLACK base RED eye'd favia, and it's as though some other worldy force was listening to me and TA DA!!!! another rare colour, comparable to my steel blue and red one. i have some work to do with this one though. get it in prime condition and start intensifying the colour up..
  13. 2 more new rics blue colour and some light greenish 1... yay now i have 4! lol..
  14. never dip your whole tank with coralrx. remove the zoas and dip them separately. coralRX can be found in reef depot and one other LFS...forgot where. your nudi infestation looks terrible. i will just throw the whole colony away... unless you are determined to treat it. there are many thousands of nudibranchs in the ocean. each one of them have very specific diet and will only eat 1 kind of food. not all eat zoas.. the ones you have are the zoa eating nudi.
  15. its good for constipation in fishes, but don't feed them too regularly because you're right, they are terrestrial food. i tried once on my old constipated yellow tang, back then he was only only one who ate it. super suprised my wrasses all took a liking for it. i only feed them to move their bowels... or sometimes once in a blue moon throw for fun! had a fish that liked bananas too last time.. lol
  16. looking for Genicanthus lamarck, the lamarck's angel. anyone seen it in the LFSs now?
  17. actually i was concerned initially about its reefsafeness, but so far it has not posed a threat to any of my livestock. Even sleeping wrasses which the star has chanced upon are left untouched. it certainly is a freak and it scares the *insert word of choice here* out of me, but it adds character to the tank. it does makes its appearance now and then where it crawls out of the cave to greet the world. will get abit creeped out especially by the pale...beige colour... have touched it before many times accidently, and its quite stiff and prickly. just a minor update, i fed my fish fresh peas today. you know those snow peas you buy from the market? two kinds available, the inflated pods and the crinkled pods. i bought the inflated pod ones and peel them open, removed the peas and de-husked them. i fed them to my fishes and to my utter suprise, many of them ate the peas with vigor!! have heard about this before and its a great method used to treat constipated fish (currently have 1). never knew my wrasses would like the taste of peas so much!
  18. i am a firm believer in that line too. as for wether or not i'm selling it, haven decided so see if there's any real value for it. if not then most probably won't sell. i'm not sure if they are shipped here often or not, only saw it once and only 3 pieces at one time. bought it at GO. maybe shan will bring in again good corals worth sharing right? in some contexts, i find it good to share the location and price. so that others get a share of the good stuff.
  19. thanks cedric. when i first got it, it was slightly faded and bleached and some die off on the sides, and was told not to buy it. but the colour was quite interesting then so decided to try. actually there were 3 of this, and the very blue 1 in mint condition was already sold. so i was left to choose between the left overs. brought it home and got it to this state now. in a dillema if i should develop those green lines or leave it as it is... they lines are easy to develop but i'm afraid it will ruin the steel blue and red.
  20. move as in...? the entire frag moved from A to B? or the zoa polyps themselves moved. if the frag is attached to a rock, its pretty obvious they can't move because of the rock.... prbably your snails or crabs
  21. lol. i kept this brittlestar when it was just palm size. infact it was one of my very first livestock. this and the mandarin fish are all my tank veterens.
  22. when my chiller was down, i find that blowing a standing fan (for human use, not those small tiny aquarium ones) directly into the sump tank works extremely well. coupled with an aircon, it really is very good. the temperature can drop to 22C at night like this (for me). a way to check your temperature will be good if u using this method, as u dont want it to get too cold. my chiller's thermostat was still usable at that time so it was ok for me. maybe u can try this.
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