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Everything posted by yikai

  1. come CNY! alot of GOODIES for you! if you like pineapple tarts and bak kua
  2. yikai

    Purple Up

    i perform regular water changes too but coraline grow too slowly. sick of the brown. btw what is two part dosing?
  3. both also eye catching hehe
  4. why stop at a pair of jocs? a harem will look better kekeke
  5. Hi guys. anyone using purple up? heard good reviews about it so decided to try. as i dont have a Ca reactor, calcium and magnesium etc dosage is very erratic, so i don't have steady coraline algae growth. using purple up now. have 1 question to ask. the bottle doesnt say how often to dose, only says not to dose more than once per day. 1 cap for 50gallon of waters. i put about 1 and a half capfuls or slightly less. can this product be dosed everyday? what are the dosing regimes. hope others using this product can share. thanks!
  6. you answerd all your questions already. this coral is easy. please stop posting uneccesary threads to gain post counts. same for your thread on the hammer coral.
  7. a super duper beautiful warty at CF. brown, yellow, white, the colours are rather common but the patterns are omg. forgot to take picture! looks dam amazing with camo like patterns.
  8. even for experts, sponges, seafans and the like are extremely challenging.....
  9. all this information can be easily found online and by searching this forum. this is basic information that you can help yourself if you want fast and quick answers. if you want us to help you, please give us more specific questions so we can help you better. there are many many articles on euphyllias online as they are extremely popular in the hobby.
  10. a picture of my almost complete valley. sorry for the messy mushroom frags on the sandbed. floating all around so i just threw them there. looks so spacious. less space for corals, but well... an even trade off i guess. sorry for the saturated colours...its not so bright an unrealistic
  11. "green goblin" favia super insane colours and the black stripes give an optical illusion effect. this piece was from CF's australia debut shipment if i'm not wrong. saw it there for weeks but unsure if i should get it. well, waited weeks and after much consideration, added it to my spiderman, venom collection hehe. evil villians of the faviid world unite! so corny i know.
  12. extremely difficult to keep. they don't need light at all. not photosynthetic. require good water flow. requires heavy feeding of liquid food and microplankton. research BEFORE buying next time.
  13. the real yellow wrasse might not even eat nudis in the first place. its all trial an error and luck. but smaller specimens tend to do work very well. i have never heard people using the one you bought as a form of nudi control.. it might work if the wrasse is small enough. remember, only smaller juveniles tend to do work better...
  14. medium light, medium flow, regular feedings with mysis, henry food, pellets etc. just no market prawns. unless choped up really really fine. they're nice
  15. bananas are good in potassium. they actually feed these to fishes while snorkeling i think.... i used to feed a good deal of bananas to my fishes but stopped. bananas seem to be well accepted by most fishes. but stopped because i like the banana more than the fish loves them! haha. and also i tend to refrain from feeding terrestrial food to my fishes. however once in awhile when im eating fresh produce, i throw some in the tank to see if anything will eat....that's how i found out my fish likes grapes..apples...peas.. even fed them steamed rice and they ate it. lol..
  16. you do know the "pink" anemone is actually a very severely bleached red bubble tip anemone right....? its moving because its finding a suitable spot for itself.... good lighting and flow please. provide it the good conditions or it will continue to bleach and eventually die.........
  17. CLAP CLAP BEAUTIFUL!!! nuptual flame wrasses are one of the nicest.
  18. haha. my experience with them is they like sweeter stuff for some reason... grapes are quite well accepted by some of my wrasses, and so does the sweet pea. bananas are ok-ok...mayb coz its soft and sweet. apples only 1 fish eat. too hard? i don't know what ill effects this might cause to the fishes though.. its nice because they open up nicely haha. if not it looks kinda weird.
  19. wanted to.. but its too delicious to waste it on my fishes! :
  20. blue face yellow mouth paly from markietan. thanks so much bro. will try to grow this into a nice colony.
  21. GSP mountain. no time to put them properly so just throw all on top... when they open it looks quite nice. but the different colour tones make it look messy
  22. those are not copepods. those look like parasitic flatworms, or flukes. copepods are harmless and do not hook onto fishes
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