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Everything posted by yikai

  1. dont put sand wrasses into betta box.. it will stress them. they need sand to sleep in and feel secure when stressed.
  2. BTA, for awhile, will go deep into the rock for the first few days or 1 week. when they found a right place to anchor, they will emerge from within your rockwork, but with the foot attached deep inside. good luck. only worry when you don't see if after awhile. as long as it's in sight, just observe.
  3. duncans grow extremely fast given the right conditions. my 4 head duncan is now 11 heads. in only a few months. the best ones are the super neon green center with stripes. those are harder to find and so far only saw it from RD last aussie shipment. that's where i got mine from, and they're spectacular. all duncans grow the same, just differ in colour only. i saw those at CF and some got potential to colour up to blue center. all the best! feed them with mysis and their heads will open up extremely big... looks kinda like a small elegance. but don't feed too much. i made that mistake once by feeding 1 particular head too much, and the undigested food in the coral started rotting inside, and the head ended up melting ._.
  4. mm. the only deep water wrasse i added after the rhomboid is the flame, which is doing very well. to be honest my tank was quite wrasse-less for a very long time. with the rhombod and solar being the only 2 fairy i had. now after adding flame wrasse, i only have 3 fairys. rhomboid, flame and solar. want to expand my collection but vanuatu and fiji shipments are all unavailable country wide. that's why so little. previous wrasse collection kinda died off after i came back from overseas, ever since then slowly collecting again. so don't think its the "constantly" part, unless i so suay the one and only flame wrasse i added is the black sheep lol. the rhomboid looks better today, stomach back to normal and swimming around. shall not feed for 1 day to let all metabolic activities rest from the heavy feeding over the weekend.
  5. looks like Pectinia paeonia. the lettuce coral. comes in many colour forms.
  6. lolz. my FTS oso cant add more corals! same boat haha. rescaped to add more fishes. maybe more fish less corals also good keke.
  7. thanks! thinking of adding 2 more to make 3. add 2 small ones. but not sure if can or not so ask you for opinion since you have a harem.
  8. u saw the FTS. no coral how to give!! lol.
  9. any shots of your flame harem? must be really nice.... can you add smaller flame angels to an already established one? will fight mah? harem of flame angels surely very beautiful to see.
  10. thank you Vtec. no idea why your mystery has a fat stomach, but happy its well now
  11. on to happier notes... my last picture of today. my first FTS since the rescape... appreciate comments on the new scape...think there's still something missing and can be improved furthur. definately less colourful than before, and lesser corals too.
  12. wrasse control should be used as a preventive measure and not the solution to your problems. if you already have a nudi problem, get them out now and cure it yourself. dont rely on the fishes.
  13. my blue neon goby likes to clean the rhomboid and other fishes wether they ask for it or not. sometimes the rhomboid gets dam irritated and swim quickly to shake it off. but its like this since day 1. so there's no change in the situation so can rule this out. the neon goby doesnt rest on rocks anyway, free swimming fish much like a cleaner wrasse. i dunno why this is so, but you should have seen it the last time u came. it never rests.. so he offers cleaning services like a cleaner wrasse. my fishes don't like no dropsy. its quite obvious if seen against the light and from the side. frayed scales puffing out. rhomboid's body is fine, no missing scales, no puffing scales. never see him poo recently. never pay attention. but his stomach quite fat from the picture. he should be a naturally fat fish since i feed them alot. the only thing worrying me was the 2 whole days of food abstainence... a healthy and stable fish refusing food for 2 days suddenly out of nowhere doesn't sound right to me. the occasional swimming with head tilting downwards also worries me. tilts for about 1-2 seconds. realised most wrasses especially fairies, do swim at a 45 degree angle at times, though not all the time. so dunno wether there's any cause for concern or not. he's feeding again and active once more... colouration is dramatically improving too, though hard to capture with a phone camera. not sure if there's anything wrong in the first place...but being an expensive fish, can't close one eye on this kinda things.
  14. yikai

    Purple Up

    thanks vtec!! will keep a look out for this. can this be used in conjunction with purple up?
  15. my rhomboid... gave me a very big scare when he refused to eat and stopped for 2 days. had a little "bloated" tummy...... was so scared it was the inevitable disease most wrasses die from. but has been with me for 5 months now and its super healthy and stable. so though nothing much about that. thought it was constipation so fed him some peas. after 2 days he's back to his old self, feeding and swimming around actively. however can't shake off the fact that this isnt over.... yet. must keep 2,3 4 FIVE eyes on him.. sometimes he swims with his tilted downwards a little...... very worried it might be something dire, or it could be i feed him too much and he's just too fat... either way, nothing i can do now except observe. one thing i do know is he's getting better in terms of colouration. both pectoral fins are developing a tinge of red, and his tail is starting to develop the infamous maze like markings that all rhomboids posess. the lower half of his body is purple most of the time now, compared to last time where it remained yellow. hope nothing's wrong with it
  16. birdnest from cedricang. the only SPS in my tank alive and GROWING. fragged 2 tiny branches for a friend and now, lots of tiny branches starting to pop up. nice polyp extension too, but not alot. guess flow is not strong enough. BUT ITS GROWING!
  17. so nice to see my harem of flashers swimming around the "reef". small fishes are cute. just some updates on the harem, 1 female went MIA so now left 4. they're growing well and can see colours on the fin already and here's a bloody blur pic of my flashing male flavianalis.
  18. yikai

    Purple Up

    ok thanks zhimin. i only want the coraline to grow until a nice purple develops on my rocks. then stop dosing or reduce. partly because i used to keep 3 tuxedo urchins which constantly mowed through my coraline, and i had so little to begin with, my coraline never really took off.... and the super inconsistant calcium dosing. btw how long roughly till you see significant improvement? 2-3 months?
  19. the big branching tree like thingy? its a blue cespitularia.
  20. pink zoas from irene. guess pinks are really common now. but since i don't have any, and this 1 looks decent, just decided to get it.
  21. they are usually this colourful. the one i'm referring to has a very very very unique pattern and colour combo. guess u saw it. hehe
  22. yikai

    Purple Up

    oh ur using the aquapharm 2 part. ok thanks for coraline seeding, i have coraline growing on my rocks, just too little and ugly. so no need to seed i guess. for purple up, anyone else knows how often to dose?
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