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Everything posted by yikai

  1. eh camel shrimps are known to eat corals... though not all.
  2. the US zoas were not open at all because they were unpacked later and because of all the commotion. so i dunno what they looked like haha. the indo zoas were not bad..went there abit late so i dunno if there were plenty of rare stuff.
  3. i seldom buy whole rocks of zoas for myself....ridiculous as its way too ex. what i do is split amongst other reefers there and bring home a small piece for myself, from each of the rock. so i get 5 types at small sizes, and price is shared. this i find, is a great money saving method. you get to have the best of everything but yet, pay much much less. this is the "student" way of reefing for me.
  4. Thats not very true. my tank is very full. just need to plan space well. 1 big rock of zoas, i only bring home at least 10 polyps or more. the rest are shared with other reefers chionging with me during shipment, or with other friends. i also lump all corals that are the same kind and put them together. to save space and lastly, corals that are not doing well or are dying, will be donated away to my friends who can bring them back to health. some corals can tolerate each other pretty well despite being in different families. as my tank is mainly LPS and softies, all softies i let them touch each other. Some LPS can touch softies with no apparent damage. sometimes i can take 1 hour just to put a few corals coz too full :/
  5. haha errm...about 5 different types.
  6. the US zoas are bigger than a clenched fist, and are around 6 red notes. indo zoas are about 3+ red notes.
  7. thanks. believe it or not, i really disliked this fish initially. because of the weird black face and eye and mouth, reminded me of a geisha. the only thing i absolutely love about it, is the gorgeous powder blue colouration. even nicer than blue tang. there arent many blue fishes around if you notice, except damsels. i love the chubby looking white pelvic and ana| fins. it looks really cute like wearing some kinda shoe or boots.... and the yellow dorsal is striking. slowly grew a liking towards the face too.... but the overall charm of this fish ended up winning me over. to cut the grandmother story, TADA! haha
  8. and my new fish. have been thinking of adding a powder blue for some time now... just haven had the chance to come across a decent specimen. i.e, one without obvious disease, to the point of starvation, or simply too big. today found a right sized one, maybe slightly smaller than 3 inch. feeding at the shop, and was stable. with no sign of severe white spots. always felt that a 3ft tank might still be a stretch for tangs, but given the new scape with plenty of swimming space, thought i'll give the PBT a try. still a little shy, so here's some paparazzi shots of it.
  9. decided to try white xenias again. much harder than the conventional brown ones. have revolved my whole reefing life to these corals....absolutely my favourite. however, they always grow out of control, and all die for no reason one day. so i keep finding myself replacing them. no idea why they're like that. have all parameters in favour of xenias, and being my favourite coral, read too much on them already. nothing much i don't already know, except why they crash for no reason. anyway, here's 1 more try on them. hope they grow and continue growing!! and not crash for no reason -.- had to rearrange some corals for them. very lush and dymanic. little wonder why i love them so much. just put them in so not much polyp extension
  10. still got summore zoas, but not opened yet. so save it for another day.
  11. red galaxy. quite common i guess... fragged the rock into 3 pieces. scattered around. here's a picture of one of them.
  12. some new things from iwarna today.. some zoa. not sure what it is.. looks like chong bong from zoaid... some rather cool zoas growing amongsts it too
  13. big zoa shipment at iwarna. tons of US zoas left, and some indo zoas.
  14. Read my previous post carefully. i said Hybrid PBT. some powder blue tangs hybridise with powder brown tangs, and the resultant hyrbid may posess more brown colouration than blue, which i have seen before. its all genetics and browner hybrids do exists and so do blue-er hybrids. i'm not confused i'm talking about other hybrids, not this in particular. lets not dilute DA's thread shall we? can continue your discussion with me via PM if you wish to do so.
  15. really dedicated reefer. a fish like that should deserve a 5ft tank!! haha. ups for you again. seldom see such nice PBT hybrids. they usually look really brown and weird...
  16. very nice. would love to have it if my tank was 4ft and above ._. 3ft only.
  17. what not is an example.... like for example, there are many kinds of marine fishes. angelfish, butterflyfish, boxfish and what not. what not << refers to all other families. what not in this context, means other vulgarities.
  18. lotsofloo watch your language. i deleted your post because of words like wt* and what not. i have issued you multiple warnings before and obviously it's no use. 1 more time and i'll suspend your posting. please watch your language and act more maturely. or else, this is not the place for you. same goes to you marinenovice, although have not heard you say anything yet, please be mindful in future. this is the LAST warning i'm giving you lotsofloo.
  19. so far no problems with this guy. no aggression with my otherfishes. likes to swim round my tank in circles non stop the whole day. likes to perch on betta boxes, wavemaker and magnets. looks very blur and cute. only available from hawaii shipments. so keep a lookout. yep, most LFS will carry them if they're in season.
  20. i use shelly's superglue gel and it works ok for me.
  21. hope to see a good comeback bro! think i'll have to contact the admin for such *sexy* pictures of your clown! hHAHAHA. jokking hehe. surely colourful 1 lah. waiting to see it blossom! you should have gotten this favia at CF and blow it under your royal blue LED ;P
  22. yikai

    Purple Up

    thanks for all the feedback guys! will try purple up first and keep a lookout on all your inputs!
  23. yeah haha! if steven bring in wont mind buying 1. dunno if its going to be this ex... if too ex nevermind lor hehehehehehehehe...
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