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Everything posted by yikai

  1. bought another clown goby. both paired up! cute lil fellas. PS my photo skills really CMI CMI CMICMIIIIIII
  2. yes that's 1 rock. got it from iwarna. this shipment of pompom xenias is the best i've seen. yet sadly sometimes they die still for no reason. haha. trying again..
  3. Incase anyone is thinking if red mandarins are a separate species, it is not. Red mandarins are a term given to the blue psychadelic mandarinfish, which sports a very rare red morph. this red morphed mandarin fish hails from a certain location and its a form of a geographical variant. how to tell them apart? the ONLY true way is to see the pectoral fins. if its red, or orange, its the "true" red form. there are some blue mandarins with excess of red, so they look like a red variant. but the only way to tell is from the pectorals. so far the only place i see with a constant supply of these rare red variants are from coral farm.
  4. Thanks desi! powder blue is feeding very well. but not as well as i would like. he eats very little pellets compared to nori and mysis. but that's ok, its gaining weight and as long as its feeding, the pellets will come naturally. he's having some ich now, as most powder blues would in a reef tank. but will let him toughen it up like all my other fishes. nope i don't feed market prawns to any of my corals. don't need to. market prawns, unless fed in tiny tiny pieces, will be detrimental to LPS in the long run. since they do no good unless in small pieces, i just feed mysis or henry's food, which essentially, is just as good. i do however, feed my tank with small chunks of market prawns once a week. but this is for the fishes. watching them zoom around and rip the small pieces of prawn to shreds is so interesting to watch. especially for the wrasses which will actually bite it and rub against the rocks to shred it.
  5. all opened up and pulsing. Hope they do well this time. their seemingly healthy physic will have you fooled. these guys die anytime they want.
  6. ups on the cirrhilabrus balteatus from LCK. uncommon wrasse and a unique beauty.
  7. lol ok i lose! dont off topic your thread liao lol. see you tomorrow night
  8. won't reccomend a PBT in a 55gal. maybe a 90gal is more probable. they are very active and very fierce tangs, which do not do well in 55gal. they will wack other fishes once stablalised, so a small tang is a no no. just got my first PBT yesterday. no experience with them but heard plenty to know they aren't very peaceful tangs.
  9. powder blues are very fierce..... always thought "eh, how fierce can they be?" my 2.5 inch skinny chap which i introduced only one day into my tank, is already acting like a boss. althought the older residents aren't getting bullied, can tell tht the PBT isnt timid at all and brazen enough to compete for food, even with the largest most seasoned member of my tank. definately one fish you might wanna watch out for, for future inhabitants
  10. thanks for the ID terryz. did a little search after posting and found out it is confirmed Gobiodon albofasciatus. henry still has them, so those want to get it should head down there... this is my first time seeing this Gobiodon sp. in LFS..
  11. what's so funny guys? i have been called sis lemon by dear onizuka long loooooooong ago!! back when my avatar used to be a female anime character hehe.
  12. that is Genicanthus Personatus. the masked swallowtail angelfish. one of the rarest and most expensive angels in the world.
  13. 91litres. you do have some pretty cool zoas! $20
  14. just gave him a sms to reserve some fishes for me. only know he has copperband and the black+silver goby, dunno what else is there. not sure of the exact id of the goby, but he calls it black and silver clown goby.
  15. meaty food. phytoplankton is useless for stronger stinging corals like elegance.
  16. feed it more, dose some iodine, and hope for the best. place it in a shadier place, but not in complete shade. and hope for the best
  17. have you seen the ones at GO's tank? biggest fattest ones i've ever seen.
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