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Everything posted by yikai

  1. hi mossrope. juvenile chiseltooth wrasse. pseudodax mollucannus
  2. YES YES YES YES YES AUSSIE FAIRY WRASSE. wait so long.. ok sidenote, looking for cebu pylei wrasse.
  3. i dunno :rolleyes: you tell me? :mellow: :mellow: :mellow:
  4. hi both are separate rocks. will post a picture later at the end of the bidding, to see if anyone is still itnerested. frag size is the same.
  5. wow hope to see a pic of your cebu pylei. been hunting one for quite sometime but never see it anymore recently. quite uncommon
  6. haha that would be great!! would like to see as many colour morphs of favias as i can. not many people collect them and i really hope there's someone who does.
  7. yongshun is your cebu pylei still around??
  8. i think the title of ric king has been lost already >.< just that the person doesnt post here haha. but they can compete for the prince of rics!
  9. the orange mushroom is being blocked XD
  10. clown gobies aren't that difficult actually.. i dunno what's wrong with the recent batch of reefers having trouble with clown gobies O.O i have a pair in my tank that eats anything. try getting them from ML. they seem to be much better than those at other LFS... good luck
  11. 1) galaxy coral 2) BUBBLE ALGAE OMG. and so much!! 3) top : caluerpa. sp bottom : harmless red algae.
  12. bingo. the colourful ones are impossible to keep under standard reef tank conditions. only the brown ones are photosynthetic. like the one in dispar anthias's thread. besides, the brown ones are really beautiful too..
  13. see how. i would like a giant brown photosynthetic seafan.
  14. emptier? didnt do anything to it.. maybe its the angle? the elegance is more than 1 feet. disturbed it just now so it shrunk abit. my old 1 was 1.5 ft lol. the 2 corals not blocking much. only the giant orange mushroom. else there's nothing much for them to block.
  15. overgrown monster needs trimming soon!
  16. try to skip any tangs... go for small fishes. better.
  17. clapping shrimps are clapping shrimps, pistol shrimps are pistol shrimps. they are two totally different shrimps. clapping shrimps are commensal shrimps that live on corals or anemones. two commonly offered "clapping" shrimps are periclimenes venustus and periclimenes holthuisi. they are called clapping shrimps because they do "clapping" actions with their claws. pistol shrimps are different. they live on sandbeds and only some live with stonogobiop sp and other goby species. these shrimps are usially alpheus sp. and can form simbiotic relationship with gobies.
  18. as promised, peter, this will be the frag you will be getting. its very small and the orange has not developed yet, but with TLC, it will grow to the big orange giant.
  19. ups for the day! beautiful paly for bid
  20. good response from today's quiz. hope to play more in future and maybe give more prizes. spice SRC up a little always good to have games and frag giveout. maybe next time can hold frag exchange session too? :
  21. terryz: yup yup, a commensal shrimp found on certain deepwater anemones. very beautiful but will probably never see it here and maybe won't keep them alive.
  22. We have a winner! its the candy stripe shrimp Lebbeus grandimanus. wow not fun lah guess so fast! peter as promised, you win the small frag of the orange rhodactis FOC. will pm you in a few days regarding collection
  23. nah small?? i think it's alright >.<
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