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Everything posted by yikai

  1. thanks solo for you very hepful inputs. its great to see that you do not take things to heart and try to work around each member's own opinion. i'm still quite young, i do not have much exposure to the business world, so i'm more or less unaware on how most things work. but that is no excuse. its my responsibility to learn and to be well equipped for the world. same goes to newbie reefers. we all start out noob. if we shelter them too much, they will never learn. we can pump knowledge into them day in day out. ultimately, its the experience that counts. for example. i can tell you now that a blue tang is reef safe. every website in the world will tell you its reef safe. knowledge tells me that a blue tang is a herbivore, a reef inhabitant that swims around lookign for benthic creatures and algae to graze all day long. however, expereince tells me that a blue tang can, and may, become unsafe with corals. i can tell u day in day out that a blue tang is not reef safe. you won't know unless you experience it for yourself. what im trying to say is that. we have no control over the marketing world and the politics. neither can we protect and help every single newbie. personally, as a person, i try my best to help them by giving advice, teaching them when it comes to fish and coral. for i was once like them not too long ago, and i relate to how they feel. but when it comes to other people's sales thread, i have no right to tell them not to buy via pm or via posting. it is not fair to either party and i am not allowed to do it. moderators have no say in personal sale's thread. once again, we cannot control the pasar malam section, and we cannot curfew the bidding time, bidding hours and minimum/maximum bid. its all up to the thread starter. if he wants to carrot or throw price, we have no say. but we hope that reefers should at least have some common sense to know what's right and what's wrong. for newbies we cant totally help them. but please, do yourself a favour and learn from LFS. even if no chance, make some friends, ask around. this community is here to help you and together, we can prevent such things. i'm very happy that this topic was brought up. at least certain doubts and problems have been clarified. although some are not, well, too bad. nothing we can do for now and life still goes on. we try our best to protect the new members, but we can't shelter them forever. like i said, experience is something you earn and gain, not spoon-fed.
  2. i think more or less the mods, and members have said wat they wanted to say liao. to prevent it from going overboard, reefers please mind what you say here and exert some effort to read before posting. but at the same time, do share your views and thinking. afterall, this is a good topic for discussion and its healthy to engage in stuff like this once in awhile. and its kopitiam! so post away! just remember what i mentioned thanks and good night
  3. i wont do badly lah >.< most of my modules quite confident only for maths.... which tomorrow is a long practice day. -sigh- most of my module very biology and chemistry related. as logn as there's the passion, it will be easier. so don't need to worry so much lol. i know what's best for me
  4. well like i said, imagine a group of people who desprately want's your coral. you dunno who to sell to, so you just say. ok lets bid this piece. then whoever bids the highest gets it. sure there's always a degree of profiteering, andits human nature. who wouldn't wanna earn some money? afterall, this is an expensive hobby and for poor students like me, sometimes i have to sell at abit higher. otherwise how will i sustain? this isnt bad intention IMO. its just the need to support oneself. or selling it to a pack of frag hungry reefers. who wants it, bid higher. just to satisfy this indecisiveness, an auction is created. there's nothing evil about that intention too. and bidding is a big risk. what you think is special might not convey the same towards others. take my recent bid for the palys i made. i have never seen them before and in my opinion, are really unique and 'rare". but the colours are not striking, it's in a shade of white, dark blue and grey. yet its something i find extremely beautiful, and not even zoaid has it. and its my first time seeing it too. so something this special to me, i decided to set it for auction. to ensure someone genuine will buy it and take care of it. yet the bid only ended at $23 for a frag of 6-8 polyps of this rather rare paly. to be honest, this isnt the price i wanted to let it go. but since its a bid, and i can't do anything about it, i let it go at 23. there's always win or lose in this bidding thing. and sometimes, we lose out. unless we use underhand methods like getting your friends to help you false bid and claim back your coral/equipment. then i really have nothing to say. its despicable and deserving of the title "profiteering with bad intentions"
  5. why are YOU posting here hahaha! ;) tsk. got study lah.... cell bio micro bio come lets go!
  6. agreed with dachkie. i'm not trying to take sides or going against anyone here and i certainly hope i do not come across as being like that. just because you're there on shipment days doesnt mean you have the chance to get what you want. i have seen on certain shipment days where there are reefers who just sweep everything up regardless, and then resell them only to realise that's not what they are looking for or that's not what they want. its quite inconsiderate to others who went all the way there and did not get. this isn't fair to others who never even get the chance. think about them. i know the thrill and "rush" when chionging to shipment days, and sometimes we get fogged up with excitement and just sweep all and bring home. only to realise that many of those corals swept isnt what you're looking for. think about it. there are reefers there who sacrificed the same amount of time as you too. the bidding system allows these rarer corals to be introduced here in this forum. of course i hope that the origin of this coral comes from fragging and propagating, and not part of the "rejected bunch" from overhauling everything on shipment day. this is just my opinion and in no way am i aiming anyone or askign for a flame. if we're here to talk about forum ettiquette, then it extends much more to outside the forum, in LFS and in the reefing community as a whole. everyone has flaws and its good that we have these kinds of discussion once in awhile to reflect. thanks... once again, personal opinion, and not asking for a flame lol..
  7. i'm not saying i disagree with you completely bro.. just saying that there are majority of reefers here out to clear their frags or stuff at bidding prices and honestly do not have bad intentions. there are some reefers who on the spot quote ridiculous prices for a frag, with no bidding, yet there are always customers to buy. wether or not the customer is educated or not, i dunno. it is easy to say everyone is a profiteer when it comes to bidding or selling stuff, but its the intention that really counts. of course, its not easy to spot the black sheep or not. i agree on the new reefers who sometimes go crazy over seemingly rare stuff, especially when they are given fancy names. good example is zoanthids and palys, where zoaid has practiclaly fuelled the onslaught of fancy naming for corals. but this is not up to the seller. seller merely states the name from zoaid. the MODS to my knowledge at this point of time, do not dictate what's right or wrong in someone's personal sales thread. we are only here to ensure the upholding of rules. wether or not someone is ripping others off, we have no say and we have no right as of now, to close, or steer it in our favour. likewise for people who throw prices for things. branded, rare and expensive stuff selling at dirt cheap prices. we have no say in that. when people sell things at really really low prices, or even worse, give FOC, reefers rejoice and clap, and say wow great person for thinking of the community. but its the LFSs that lose out in the end. yet when people are selling at high prices, we are quick to blame and critisize. in both suituations, there's always a party that lose out. and as a moderator, its difficult when you can't do anything about it yet... hope you understand what i'm saying. there's no right or wrong...just different views. cheers bro and peace.
  8. zoas sold to ahlee and amphiprion. ahlee will get the frag in the first picture and amphiprion will get the second picture. thanks for viewing! as an addition bonus, each reefer will receive a free frag of luminous blue mushroom and red mushroom each! cheers will pm shortly
  9. paly sold to clee for $23. will pm you shortly
  10. actually this sentence is quite unfair to some members. i'm not saying all, but there are some members who set corals for bid not for commercerializing, but for other reasons. for example, sometimes there's no price for a coral or fish or zoa because it's rarely seen. othertimes, it may be because there are many interested parties and the only fair way to entertain all is to just hold a bid and see how interested they really are. the reasons go on and on. ultimately, bidding prices are always set very low and willing buyer willing seller. it is ultimately up to the buyer to ensure that he know's the price, know it's worth and know the product before simply bidding. also, responsible bidders should state terms and conditons, care requrement and availability. i used to like selling stuff at as is prices, but with the increase in pilots, lurkers, and other jokers around, i decided to give frags to close friends or hold certain frags for bid. especially the pilots -.- not saying that all bidders are commercialising reefers. most times they have good intentions and i know quite a number of them and they do have good intentions. ultimately, the prices are set by potential buyers and not the seller. so in other words, bidders really really want it and willing to pay more, or they really don't know the price enough to offer such high bids.
  11. this is the second frag for the runner up. 2nd bidder can decide to get it or not. if not, 3rd bidder will get it and so on and so forth. polyps are not open. cleaned the glass and accidently knocked it with the magnet. as u can see, frag size is similar to the first photo.
  12. IMO its quite hard to tell if a skimmer is good or not. skimmate can vary from tank to tank, water condition etc. dry or wet skim? how to compare? in terms of NO3 reduction, quite hard to say too. because if your tank is too overloded with nutrients, the convertion of rubbish to NO3 will be too quick for your skimmate to remove. brand makes alot of difference too imo. imagine an air stone skimmer being slapped with a sticker of deltec or bubble king. lol. will be selling like hot cakes and will be having great reviews.
  13. peter would really it appreciate if you could post the stocklist for reborn's aussy shipment here tomorrow or once you find out, fish and corals if you can thanks many many. as for navyblue, the images shown are from golden octopus in serangoon.
  14. can find closure and mourn mah haha! i hate these jumpy fishes. a hood will be the best solution. i lost hundreds of dollars worth of wrasses because of this problem. after hood, no more problem. its a worthy investment, and very cheap. just diy! using eggcrates
  15. nice zebra dart fishes. timid fishes and very good jumpers!! so watch out for that. if usee them missing, check the floor
  16. agreed whole heartedly on this. very good speech. not sure if kevin and fragmaster are different people or not, but one thing for sure, their computer I.P is different.
  17. thanks. pyleis are hard to get now because of shortage of shipment, the only ones from phillipines are the cebu pyleis which unfortunately, are quite uncommon anyway, 1 inch pinnatus batfish at ahbeng. got a call from a friend there, those interested please go down.
  18. not a suprise. a big group of wrasses sleep in the sand. most famous are the leopard wrasses, tamarin wrasses, halichoeres and coris. take note with this fish, they grow big and not very reef safe when adult.
  19. there are some marine fishes with some resale value. although not alot. most especially seen in fairy wrasses, especially C. rhomboidalis, C. lineatus, C. laboutei and other upper tier wrasses. the longer you keep, the more alpha they become, the higher they command in the market.
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