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Everything posted by yikai

  1. long tentacle plate coral. heliofungia.
  2. sorry bro vtec for the trouble. the MODS are looking into this now as we believe may be a bug or technical fault.
  3. Just in case any reefers reading this who has any of the above to sell, or knows anyone selling, please let me know? looking for cebu pylei wrasse, female rhomboid and hooded wrasse (vanuatu). small/female labouteis also welcomed. thanks
  4. copperband butterflies are active fishes, constantly looking for food. important thing to note is their highly compressed bodies. this means that they have very little fat reserves and starve very easily, as compared to other fishes. also, copperbands are light feeders, prefering to feed a little at every feeding time, but throughout the day. in the wild they are constantly on the prowl for benthic invertibrates. 1 week without feeding can unsurprisingly lead to the demise of such a beautiful fish. and all it takes is a few days for a dead fish to completely disintegrate too. so no suprises here. copperbands rarely or do not jump out of a tank, so my guess is, it could have died and decomposed thoroughly while you were away. it is VERY possible for cleaner shrimps and nassarius snails to feast on the dead body. in fact, that is what they do. they 100% will feast on the dead body, furthur speeding up the decomp. process.
  5. BEST is to put on sandbed. because that is where elegance corals live in the wild. in muddy, sandy silty bottoms. almost never are they found growing on liverocks in the reef. they are mostly found in sandy laggoon and sea grass beds. placing them on liverocks may hurt their large expanded fleshy bodies when fully expanded. you can put them on the liverock if you really have no space on the sand. but put them facing up with the skeleton base facing down. never put them in a vertical position where the "head" of the coral is facing the tank glass. low to medium flow, medium lighting.
  6. looks like a bacterial/fungal colony. makes me feel like taking a swab and culturing it haha
  7. sorry for the death of your radiant. hmm... sand might be an issue, i prefer to keep sand burying wrasses in grade 0 or 1 sand. nice exquisite. can improve summore! put more wrasses in lol. pink wrasse is a female lubbock.
  8. like terryz said, breaking of normal aquarium glass from a pistol is nonsense. it does create very high speed, and "hot" bubbles from snapping its claws but too long to type also. main thing is, they are quite harmless unlike mantis. i have 1 big wild one in my tank for a year and nothing happen to my ornamental shrimps. if you wanna trap it, it can be quite hard unless u follow the bait technique listed above. but make sure you know where it lives.
  9. hi guys. i'm not sure why the threads were locked. i didnt lock it, and there was no updates from the other moderators in the moderator thread. anyway, all threads unlocked and very sorry for the inconvinience caused. i am not amused too, usually when there's something like this goign on, the other mods will be notified. and i do not see anything wrong with any of your threads too. sorry for inconvinience, - lemon
  10. lol nicely done. manage it properly!
  11. acan. not favia. quite a nice piece. holding the colours shoudnt be a problem.. if fade, first to go will be the orange. place under mid light? if higher light the green will over take. IME
  12. LPS - elegance coral. Cataphyllia Jardinei. SPS - if im not wrong, should be a milliepora. horrible at iding sps...
  13. give it some time. new fairy wrasses usually hide for a few days and slowly go out more until they become confident. never assume they wont be fierce just because they hide for awhile my solar wrasse was targetted and harrassed to the point of near death when it was first introduced. months later, he's now alpha and the boss. i hate that a $12 fish dominates my tank. why can't it be my rhomboid? but its all in the nature of the fish i guess
  14. in time the 6 line will dominate haha! hmm no lah my wrasse collection more or less complete. only need a final few touches to complete. now have 1x rhomboid 1x laboutei 1x flame 1x solar 1x carpenter flasher 1x flaviana|is flasher 4x female flashers 1x yellow wrasse 1x royal pencil wrasse 1x mccosker's flasher. omg i just realised 90% of my fishes are wrasses. and i still want at least another 2-3
  15. wow. not to be a wet blanket but the 6 line and 8 line will be absolute terrors once established. pseudochileinus wrasses, dont mess with them. adding other wrasses especially fairys and flashers might be a problem. have lost hundreds of $$ worth of jumping wrasses due to an 8 line. proper introduction of future wrasse must be done in order for lesser aggression. think should be fine since your tank is large. the hooded and lineatus are next on my list but sad to say, won't be expecting the hooded anytime soon... vanuatu shipments are on halt now island wide for a really long time now..and not sure when it will be available again. lineatus is still a possibility in future aussy shipments! welcome to the wrasse club! they're beautiful fishes to own and really great show stoppers
  16. gratz on your laboutei ketchup. they can get quite fierce in my experience. but individual fish. was there late so didnt get to choose from the original batch, but the one i got is extremely healthy. flashing and feeding very very well. IMO fairys are not hard to feed, but bigger sized specimens like these could have a little problem adapting to captive life. hope you got a beautiful one. i can't capture the colours of mine because of lousy cam. oh well.
  17. Laboutei wrasse. escaped from my betta box last night not my usual protocol to release a wrasse straight into a tank without boxing first. good thing it's feeding like a horse. my solar wrasse seems to be EXTREMELY excited by its presense. not in an aggressive sense, but rather attracted to it? strange its of different species. solar swims along side the laboutei and flare very extensively, with gentle peckings, sorta like "kisses", but with no apparent fin or bodily damage. and the laboutei doesnt squirm at all...then again im not sure. signs of love and signs of hate in a fish world can be confusing at times.
  18. a common fish from expensive area i guess. sry bro din sms you. too tired when i got home. anyway no lineatus this shipment and the last remaining laboutei wasnt as good as i would like them to be.
  19. hi khiann. might i suggest making only one tank thread? its easier for reefers to look at your updates instead of having to look at a new thread everytime you update your tank. plus its quite messy too. so far you have created 4 tank threads for 4 different sets of events. hope you can just stick to 1 and all updates into that thread. and really nice SPS tank! 3ft cube is a dream for me. i love cube tanks and 3ft is really a good length for cubes.
  20. rb as of 2am+ 1 laboutei wrasse. 15 red notes 3 scotts fairy wrasse. 7-8 red notes many starcki damselfishes. 3.5 red notes 1 western blue devil. 45 red notes many blue assesors. 8 red notes fiji damsels. 2.5 red notes chromis sp?? 1.8 red notes zoas common types spider sponges 9 red notes cladiella soft corals pictilis anthias 1.3 red notes woodheadi angel 9.5 red notes rainfordi butterfly 6 red notes meleagris leopard pair 14 red notes.....
  21. mystery gift is a mystery wrasse? :
  22. till now regret the day where i skipped out on this.... there was a harem of this at iwarna and i just passed them. darn... from fiji only.
  23. funny looking cleaner wrasse. not sure what species. or could be a variation of the normal L. dimidiatus.
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