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Everything posted by yikai

  1. nice set up! your frag ready for collection anytime except wed and thurs! sms me when you pick a date and time thanks
  2. nope i think its ok the blue devil is available at RB to those interested, and clearly it has adapted to feeding on prepared foods as well as slightly elevated temperates at which it normaly lives in. hope that it keeps this up long term. btw ahboy youtube name super cool. ahboyrx lol.
  3. furan 2 is a controlled product and can only be obtained from C328. becareful using it. it kills bacteria and is ineffective against pests. when furaning, use in a separate container. doese in maintank and you can kiss your tank goodbye. coral RX is expensive but its one of the most, in fact, IMO, the BEST way to effectively remove all pests. FW dips are only limited to 10 mins or less and this period of time is ineffective againsts pests hidden deep within the rock. moreover, FW dips will kill almost all corals except zoas. coral rx can be used for hours and no adverse effects will be observed. within this period of time, all pests will be irritated by the coral rx and will emerge out of the rocks. some might die and some might not. important thing is all will get out. and best still, there's a nice scent to go with it! haha. smells like lemon to me but according to everyone else, dettol. coral rx removes everything from nudis, flatworms, bristleworms, fireworms, pods, and etc.
  4. thinking of heavily pruning my mother colony and make plenty of frags. but won't come cheap though.... these are very rare...
  5. if im not wrong. i have kept this before. they can grow super large and are very smelly when taken out of the water. typical of rhodactis in this particular genus. smell abit sweet but abit putrid at the same time, like xenia but much more concentrated.
  6. is there anything you dont have!!! omg! beautiful! and i thought your royal blue sps was amazing.
  7. hmm carribean rhodactis huh? k will bring it in along with the xenia umbeletta muahaha. agree with the lack of unique corals here. need a lfs to showcase to members here first and make sure they fly off the shelf. dont worry, in due time we might have something to look forward to.
  8. wont expect to get all lah. even if got all, yes have space
  9. i don't know why they aren't appreciated. most reefers stereotype softies as cheap, beginner and brown. but they're just not. xenias on its own add so much life to a tank. especialy umbeletta with their tireless mega pulsation. cespitularia is just so blue, and sofites come in so much colours. the most neon green of corals comes from softies. think most reefers don't know what the have to offer and just steer towards the stereotypical SPS and LPS. for softies? just go into zoas.
  10. there's a way to get, but not from our local LFS. when get liao will post here it's a shame xenia umbelleta isnt collected. they are extremely extremely abundant in the red sea. 9/10 red sea photos will feature this coral growing in the background. for the same amount of effort chasing a sohal or a purple tang, 20 colonies of x. umbelleta can be harvested haha. they are really abundant in the states though. there's even a red sea anthellia.... with big white feathery polyps.
  11. xenia umbelleta cannot get from CF. some softies can't obtain even at CF. although i have found some very very rare stuff at CF, some things just... cant get
  12. sure. fuel and i on a mission to collect rare softies now hehe... will go to all end's to get them. next up, xenia umbelleta ;D
  13. yup. made a few frags to test water. fragged 5 pieces, 3 with joe, 1 with fuel and 1 with me. mine floated away and MIA ._. fuel's 1 encrusted and doing very well. looks like they do quite well when fragged. will plan to frag more in future. u interested?
  14. a neon green capnella turned brown, now turned whitish lol. with a slight tinge of blue... if you look closely, can see my small colonies of ultra blue palys colony cut off from the picture
  15. probably singapore's only biggest, bluest and fast growing BLUE CESPITULARIA! but not as rare as green neph lah photo taken with flash to show true colours. under normal t5 lighting the blue is not as intense and is more purple
  16. while we're on the topic of rare soft corals.... here's my share of the palau green nephthea. polyps closed coz i accidently hit it with the magnet cleaner lol
  17. out of 3 three pest you found, 1 is a parasitic isopod that prey on the blood of fish. wilson, coral rx works better than FW, because you can dip all corals in a mixture of seawater + coral rx, for extended period of times up to hours even. for freshwater, you are only limited to zoanthids and certain other soft corals. and coral rx removes more pests since you dip it longer.
  18. yah. favias can look like zoas from far. lolz
  19. new goal! wow very rare colours never seen it before. purple and green favia.. hope to see it in SG soon lol.
  20. yep. acanthastrea echinata. the most "favia-like" acan of the genus. very difficult to discern unless looking at the skeleton, although possible when looking at the flesh. the ones from australia are acanthastrea lordhowensis, colloquaily called acan lords. can see where the name comes from lol. and yes i understand your rescaping woes. it always starts out that way doesn't it! "lets just move this rock 1 inch to the left..." then BOOM! a complete rescape. happened to me countless of times
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