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Everything posted by yikai

  1. bro i think its abit rude to demand a fellow reefer to change his avatar right? maybe can ask nicely..? btw moron, nice tank. i like the picture of that gramma haha.
  2. its so real and beautiful, that its fake. haha. no seriously. this is a fiji deep water pipe organ.
  3. thou who think thy coral is plastic, shalt not get frags. XD
  4. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1606644
  5. a crisp clear photo will enable a better ID. until then, can only speculate its coraline algae. they are calcerous algae and are hard, by nature.
  6. more OMG BTAs to drool over. binosage can check for photoshop! hahaha
  7. fleshy corals.... brain, prata, candycane, cynarina. softies pretty much leave alone
  8. nitrates are present dissolved as nitrate radicals in the tank. AZ-NO3 binds these radicals into tangible form, and the skimmer will be able to remove it. without AZ-NO3, the nitrate remains dissolve and cannot be skimmed out. so AZ-NO3 will clump it up and the skimmer can remove
  9. skimmer cannot remove nitrates. they can ony remove decomposing matter before it turns into nitrates.
  10. i am young but i am no where innocent :X really... i just choose to behave innocently hahaa...hehe...muahah...lollol..
  11. yea bta and aiptasia can be fragged the same way. but BTA are more sensitive unlike the indestructable aiptasias, and thus require better water quality. cutting the BTA into two pieces along the mouth can frag the anemone into two. shredding it off the rock and hoping it will grow back, like aiptasia, will not work and will kill the BTA.
  12. i tot the neh is to copy those japanese anime girls. "kawaii neh~" zzz lol.
  13. ups for super healthy frags from a friendly reefer
  14. aqua nautic, please pm the reefer in future with regards to your pricing and service, or reply in your sponsor thread. commercial postings with conflict in interests with other sponsors will not be allowed. thanks. the post has been deleted. please PM in future.
  15. the gold one is certainly unreal. as digiman said, its not just yellow but gold. and the green base is omg. not sure how much it costs there's a thread full of super exotic frags but i only pick the BTAs lol. the green one looks very photoshopped to me, but i dunno how to prove and the reasoning behind might be like wat binosage said, is to enhance the colours to the real thing. the gold one is just abosultely beautiful. for a colour morph like that, i wont even mind decomming half my tank worth of corals just for that anemone alone!
  16. check this out reefers. a gold bubble tip anemone. don't think its photoshopped.. looks genuine. at least to me found it on reef central. they call it lemondrop bubble tip anemone.
  17. looking forward to this the ultimate pipe organ coral. muahaha
  18. yeah BM needle wheel breaks easily. broke mine 2 times and converted to deltec
  19. we have identified the cause for thread closure, but will investigate further to double confirm. meantime, once again sorry for any inconvenience caused and just to know, we are doing something about it.
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