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Everything posted by yikai

  1. don't need rics to make it beautiful. i'm aiming for softies that people don't usually buy and get left over on shipment days only to slowly rot and die. dont wan non-photosynthetic ones too. too much feeding. will be unique i do hope. will dedicate my tank for softies to show their true potential. poor fellas too underlooked. i usually don't batter an eyelid to them on shipment days but recently with some poisoning from fuel, decided to keep a softy tank haha.
  2. you want some of my LPS? some are abit damaged from my flame angel... so can let them off cheaper haha. if not then i'll keep them. planning to let my aussie golden torch and playgyra off. the remaining LPS i'll keep. LPS differentiated by softies by the presence of a large skeletal structure. softies have no skeltons, but they do have calcium deposits within their body called sclerites which give them support. LPS have arge calcium carbonate skeletons outside and are visible. like hammer coral, blasto, prata etc.
  3. i remember diving in phiphi island. its spectacular. the clown tangs, wrasses, moorish idols were so huge and fat! and maxima clams were growing everywhere. even 3 meters off the beach you can see butterflies and SPSes. but must go snorkeling to see at such shallow dephths.
  4. most corals in the sea are green, brown and purple. for the spses at least. even if purple, only the tips are purple usually. only under such intense lighting in our aquarium do these intense colours get developed. and also, there isnt actinics in the ocean, so the luminescence is not pronounced
  5. they are beautiful corals. soft coral tanks combine with some LPS can look gorgeous. i wont completely stop my LPS, but will go for the less aggressive ones like cynarinas, blasto etc. euphyllias will reduce. soft coral can pack until tight tight with no fear of aggression too. nowadays tanks are all SPS based. hardly anyone care about softies nowadays. will be nice to dedicate a tank full of softies to showcase their beauty afterall, all this time i have been playing around with LPS. time for some change too. hehe. quite boring after awhile.
  6. a big change shall happen starting from today. i'm going to change my tank to a soft coral dominated tank with a few hardier LPS. softies are very beautiful and are too underappreciated. am going to convert 90% of my tank to soft coral dominated. of course, being a reefer who still likes nice corals, will still stock up my tank with nice gems. but soft coral gems little of the browns, and more of the lesser seen greens and other colours the softies can offer. this will also reduce maintenance and feeding.
  7. looking for cebu pylei wrasse. anyone see it at ahbeng or iwarna pls lemme know ty
  8. its your thread, your call. want me to close it for you?
  9. support you. will take your rhodactis
  10. you're welcome. its called fungiid anthocauli. where the death of the mother colony suddenly triggers the production of many more babies. here some photo example.
  11. the scales alot drop off. and they look very dark in coloured. looks terribly stressed out. unusual for a damsel lol.
  12. ups for your sales/trade joe. the pink mouth blue/puple paly from u have grown 2 more polyps
  13. haha. binosage is the most CSI person i know. he's very handy
  14. next time see let u know. i only saw it once in QT room. got 4-5. but they look dam beat up.
  15. plate corals expand and deflate to move themselves. they are very special corals. when the mother colony dies, the dead skeleton starts producing tons of offspring again and again and again never endingly. its a process unique only to plate corals. the short tentacled ones.
  16. saw this in CF. either this or tuxedo but i think its this. the fins are the same. wanted to let u know coz i think was it you? or digiman looking for something like this. wanted to buy also, but didnt coz it didnt look too healthy. was in the QT room.
  17. speaking of cloves and pipe organ, here's a very specutacular clavulariid.
  18. not me. but i think fuel can get i'm ok with pipe organ and star polyps. they grow very fast. but cloves........... i used to be dam obsessed with cloves in my earlier days. my whole tank clove tank. and they used to do very well. grow alot and even spawn sexually in my tank. but in recent months i cannot seem to keep them alive!! sometimes put in my tank never even open since day 1. even if open, few days or weeks later also die. i'm not sure why too..
  19. moved to softcoral forum.
  20. eagle eye with a slightly faded mouth. normal eagle eyes have a dark black circular mouth. a variant i guess
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