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Everything posted by yikai

  1. i don't mind small lol. i want females :-D just to update some of the rarer fishes tomorrow, for those who never click on iwarna's page, rhomboid wrasses X8 flame wrasses X5 helfrichi firefish X6
  2. good advice from bro solo. from experience, rhomboids are usually one of the first if not the first to go. so those intending to get rhomboids tomorrow without a reservation, please call lol.
  3. beautiful! imagine the smell right about now
  4. could be a ribbon eel. juveniles are black. males are blue and females are yellow. extremely hard to keep, almost all refuse to feed after capture. you can try snowflake eel... very hardy. but eat small fishes.
  5. yah favias are very hardy. great! will hope to see the same specimen the next time
  6. wow! never thought i'll see it. colour wise it looks the same. gren stripes and purple center right? gorgeous!
  7. ok thanks. will check with larry. and do read what i posted before. don't have to comment here, just to sort out misunderstandings. can PM me if you want to continue..
  8. amongsts all the moderators, i'm already pretty laid back in terms of "policing". don't worry i'm not trying to mute or control what you are doing. just saying. like i already said, its not a warning nor an act of policing. just some comments from my opinion. SRC has been very active and noisy now thanks to you, peter etc. and its good. noisy SRC is better than the not so noisy and "dead" one few months back. There's plenty of TCSS everywhere in almost all threads that you guys visit. i'm not saying that's bad, it makes the place more friendly and that's good. but with your name everywhere now, i'm just worried that people might take what you say, the wrong way. of course i know that that is your own opinion. i know you are strongly against the bidding system. i know you are not biased and i know that's the fact. what i am trying to put across is, the words you choose to use can leave people with a bad impression of your group. members who don't post much nor visit the forum often might have a bad impression of this group, so its good to straighten things out yeah? i have a weird combination in secondary school where i major in lit and science. so it's kinda burned into my brain to read everything carefully and identify double meanings. literature students tend to do that.. so i'm sorry if i pick everything with such details. but please understand that what i'm trying to do, is to lessen any misunderstandings that can happen. not between you and i, but between you or me towards the general public. also once again, not everyone reads to such detail. some may see the word silly etc and then go off thinking about something else. i don't wish to continue as i made myself clear already, and as long as we understand each other, its good. can PM me futhur if you wish to continue. i hate it that everytime we talk it ends in a debate. not good. but like i said, the purpose of this particular conversation is not how i perceive you. but trying to let you know others might see you wrongly. and i really hope that this group you are organising doesnt fail because of wrong intentions. many years ago something similar happend and the result was not to their liking. as for the gallery, i will check with larry.
  9. you have a beautful lineatus and multicoloured anemone. don't give up. you're not from singapore are you?
  10. hi jacky. as much as i love to see your group work out your "goals", i do hope you stay on track as per your objectives. from what i gather reading all this, i fully understand your aim and i commend it. however, there is a very strong tendancy to go astray. "3) Sell corals to fellow reefers I know you can prob fetch a higher price in todays silly bidding market. But I would like to urge reefers that if you have a frag to sell, try to sell them within the grp 1st. You don't have to sell it low but just post it at an amount you wish to receive for it. This will fundamentally help the group. There are younger reefers who are students and some who has just started working or saving to get married. There are also others who cannot afford to bid the way it is happening now. just thinking of ways to even out the playing field a little. This is totally voluntary." i don't know if you are biased or not, but from what i read, this sounds a little biased to me. given time, you may unknowingly boycott the pasar malam thread, and your purpose will then be different from what it is now. i'm not saying that's what you're doing now, neither is it an offence. i just feel like if your main purpose is to share frags within your group of friends, then by all means go ahead, but try not to sound so biased towards the current bidding system. even though the current thrend in bidding is not your cup of tea, (or mine for that matter), i would appreciate is comments are kept to oneself to prevent misunderstandings. please note this isn't a warning, nor a strike or something to go against what you're doing. just a friendly (i hope), comment that you may wish to consider
  11. you can only block PMs from one member at a time. means maybe you have accidently blocked daryl tsc from pming you. that is the only logical explanation. unless it is a bug or technical error. do check first and if the problem still persists... let me know......
  12. hi jacky. if you are unable to receive PMs from other members, check to see if they are on your "block PM list". that is the only way to not receive pms from a member. maybe accidently click or something. if still cant receive PM, let me know.
  13. 2 naoko fairy wrasses at CF reserved and gone liao. i didnt get
  14. looking for cabbage leather corals. sinularia brassica. anyone seen pls lemme know thanks
  15. Sealife has hawaii shipment recently. still have flame angels i think.
  16. yes you're right. thanks for reminding me. genuinely forgot. bids via PM will not be entertained from now. since only received one bid via PM just now and was the first and only bid, shall keep that in this thread.
  17. my cespitularia also pulses like this. very weakly.
  18. Green octo reserved, hammer reserved. golden torch withdrawn from sales (sorry to potential buyers, decided to keep this one) playgyra up for bidding but terms and conditions still applies. current bid $50 everything stated in black and white to ensure smooth transaction, so thank you for understanding.
  19. last item, aussie platygyra from CF. my favourite piece and still contemplating if i should sell it. but for now, put here as MWTS. interested buyers can place bids for this. i bought it at $80, starting bid at $40. just to let you know the price i got it for first. just a heads up for interested buyers. there is a chance i might not even sell this at all, so please don't be dissapointed if i do. thanks.
  20. Large green octo from GO. bought $60 selling $50. when fully expanded its slightly bigger than an outstretched hand.
  21. Lumi green hammer from GO. forgot how much i bought it for, but selling at $30. Item currently KIV, will release when buyer confirms he doesnt want it.
  22. Selling a few LPS. starting with aussie golden torch from CF. picture doesn't show the golden highlights, but its there. those who have seen it at CF will know what im talkign about. slight slight receeding of flesh on 2 heads, but will recover under TLC. bought $90, selling at $45. (this item is currently KIV by a reefer, will update status in awhile)
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