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Everything posted by yikai

  1. my humble little rics.. i won't say collection, more of a "space filler" they're nice but i'm not obsessively in love with it, like i am with most other things. most are leftovers from shipment because i don't really like those multicolour, bicolour, tricolour and many coloured ones. i prefer solid colours and most people don't, so i go last minute and pick them hehe.
  2. and what is this? prata X cynarina? pratarina..? i dunno. i like the colour. its orange.
  3. some cynarinas. blood red one and a not so red one.
  4. good random flow, (not too strong, but good flow). dont need light, which means you can keep them in pitched dark or in bright lights. however, the darker it is, the better they open. they don't need light but somehow, are photosensitive. can sence the light and they prefer dimmer areas. but flow is more important.
  5. and mr laboutei from reborn sorry bad photo again. used flash..
  6. oh psps i din know u wanted it. its from a customer and lilian was helping him sell. PMed you.
  7. 2 inch +. the smaller ones not rally feeding but the bigger ones wacking frozen. yeah they have some indo fishes now. copperbands banner fish sailfin tang bird wrasse cleaner wrasse some big weird fish... frogfish lionfish captive bred banggai cardinals six line wrasses yellow wrasses chocolate tang mimic tang (eibli angel mimic) some other common indo fishes i can't remember
  8. that's not the best picture of it that was the cool down stage of the flashing. camera needs to have a very good shutter speed to get clear shots of the climax, because that's when they start darting around the tank like crazy.
  9. but my hands not fast enough, and my camera is not good enough to capture the true potential of the flashing rhomboid. here's one from the internet and you can see why they call it the golden rhomboid wrasse. its gold! no camera can capture the beauty of it and its best seen in real life. its very rewarding to see a fish grow from point A to point B. makes you feel good and i certainly feel very happy that all my effort into making my favourite fish become what it is today.
  10. came home to see this fella flashing non stop. think its the female or it could be the laboutei making him so excited.. this time i was prepared and managed to snap some shots (using flash) of my male rhomboid flashing. sorry for the dark photos. the flash made the image look like this.
  11. extremely healthy copperbands at golden octopus. feeding very aggressively on frozen food.
  12. yah but who would buy 1000 rics at lfs price. too ex liao.
  13. according to him, its SO neon that its neon-ness cannot be photographed properly so you will have to see it in real life. otherwise all photos will do no justice lol.
  14. crazy leh u! but good kinda crazy frag crazy keke. support support.
  15. his aim is a thousand rics. or more! haha. my aim is a golf course of rics divided into sectors wahaha, sit in a buggy for a 15 min drive to my map of colour coded ric sectors rofl. dream lemon dream.. time to convert my ahma's orchid farm to a ric's farm kekeke. acres of rics ahha
  16. latest news update. crazy reefer friend importing 200-300 rics. making the grand total to 300-400! crazyness. and he aint stopping yet. -.-
  17. its great to get lifts once in awhile! where do you live? next time go CF can jio you.
  18. good! another softy reefer! yay!
  19. cf has a 2 inch majestic angel with full adult colouration. yes, 2 inch! smallest majestic i have seen so far with full adult colours. feeding on pellets. not sure if still there ot not. note : to the reefer who bought a rock of brownish musrooms and a soft coral, i took it by accident. if you're reading this and want it back, please PM me. i dont have to space to hold extra corals. so i do hope that you're reading this, otherwise the coral will be given away in 2 days. thanks.
  20. where you see from? O.O i reserved one from a reefer. Mbmc. you saw his? nice ah i haven see yet.
  21. i can't believe you're even asking this question. your fish is trapped and going to die and you can still ask if you should rescue it? GO RESCUE IT. how could you bear to watch a trapped fish suffer while you sit and think if you should do anything? its quite obvious don't you think? at the same time, get rid of the bioballs, find a way to prevent fishes from getting trapped, and always rescue them! you're really heartless. the poor fish trap there for 2 weeks and only now then you decide to do something about it. and your definition of do something is ask if you should rescue it? because of some bioballs in your way. i'm sorry if i sound harsh but this is the epitome of bad reefing. i hope you don't keep this up. even if you dont like the fish, at least have the decency to save it first then decide on the course of action. and i don't mean ending its life. please. i hope you understand that i'm not picking on you. but you should never do this again. and i hope you develop some common sense and compassion, otherwise, this hobby isnt for you. okay bro?
  22. lol justin you very cartoon. find a 2 year old thread to say thanks. haha yep. joe is very helpful and nice.
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