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Everything posted by yikai

  1. GOLD and green plate coral. the most luminous yellow/gold coloured plate i've seen so far. picture looks orangish but its bright yellowish gold. can't wait for tomorrow when it expands more of it's flesh and polyps.
  2. gaga oh la la thanks desi. i love favias. still got many colours i still wanna collect.
  3. i believe that was just a representative picture for favias in GO going at $30. it was posted in their sponor's thread right? because i dont remember seeing any when i was there on the original shipment day. but if they really did have, then $30 is a steal! that's a fantastic price. haha
  4. ha! a handsome face will always be the same with or without hair joking ah don't faint ._.
  5. the last 1. the green, purple and red.
  6. the very rare, aussie war coral. favia pentagona. this little baby is just a frag. top left got stung by a bleached yuma! few polyps melted off. can you believe the strenght of a BLEACHED YUMA? -.-
  7. the maze. not a favia, but a close relative. a platygyra.
  8. the green and purple. sorry for the quality. my camera cannot take pictures of luminous things. see the elegance coral's tentacles in the foreground and you'll know what i mean.
  9. the very rare steel blue and red
  10. as requested by beaver, here's my favia collection. out of which i would say only 4 are unique. the rest are very common. i shall start with this. the black and red. some photos are poor because they are futhur..hard to zoom.
  11. this ID system is geared towards divers, and not so much for aquarium folks. for divers diving and know where they are, this is great for them since they know the region, etc. but for aquarists, it may not be so helpful. i agree with iskay on the arrow thingy. i hope i got it right, correct me if im wrong
  12. hi bro markie. its been a pleasure doing it for you! my holidays have started and don't mind helping you in my free time will do it out of good will this time to maybe pass some time PM me if you need help again! and thanks for the wonderful opportunity you have provided me in the few weeks i have spent. it developed my interest in fish and scientific names. ID-ing stuff for me is much easier now.
  13. yeah........ small pieces of liverocks are the most "natural" looking coral chips. heck! they ARE NATURAL!! i seldom have ceramic frag plugs unless given by reefers. i always use small pieces of liverock because they look better in a reef tank.
  14. i will post a picture tomorrow of my collection its small but growing. don't think i will let them off, but if i am fragging or intend to sell, will let you know keeping softies and peaceful LPS, so my collection of favias, etc will increase. none or less of the aggressive ones like torch, hammer etc.
  15. impossible for your pH to be so low bah probably problem with your equipment. too low pH means its too acidic, but pH doesnt determine the strength of the acid. so don't worry about it "burning" your hands. hydrochloric acid and vinegar have very similar pH levels but extremely different corrosive properties anyway, get a new probe to test.
  16. thanks! i have them in blue+red, green+red, black+red and purple+red.
  17. some sneak peaks of my soft coral and LPS tank will reveal a FTS in due time. its not complete yet.
  18. no im studying now. exam tomorrow 11am finish
  19. siang i think i gave you 10% warn also for the hongkong website. not for the picture. i deleted the picture because the website was quoted together with it.
  20. sure. just don't repeat it again i hate to administer warning points, i hope you understand, that i have to do so even if i don't like it.
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