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Everything posted by yikai

  1. oh believe me when i say i have had my fare share of crabs........... i have catch at least 20-30 in my set up from day 1 till now. and am proud to say i have NONE left.
  2. dunno if i should leave it in my tank or donate it away since im going away for awhile.
  3. and my favourite character rofl!
  4. went out with some reefers for dinner and was reminded of this. gotta love austin powers. rofl.
  5. It's a vietnam bubbletip. bought a liverock to glue my rics on and found this guy there. lol. yeah thanks! i never keep BTA before but always wanted one. i love the red one actually. but since this came with a liverock, will try to keep it alive. anyway, its only 1 inch. very very cute size. im assuming it can't cause much damage if it died or stung anything.
  6. oh my god. this is the BEST hitchhiker i have ever found!! its a hitchhiker BUBBLE TIP ANEMONE! and the colours are amazing too. a bright pinkish/red foot, neon green body with PINK TIPS! and what's more, the green body is speckled with spots. the best hitchiker i ever found.
  7. enjoy them now. in a few weeks/months when you add fish, you will see a dramatic decline in them. you'll then get so desperate for pods and wished you had some. even might resort to growing them or buying them out of bottles.
  8. LPS shipment at iwarna. plenty of extremely healthy true octos, hammer and anchors. trachyphyllia elegance goniopora. Vietnam shipment at pinnicle. zoas, all of the above LPS and mushrooms.
  9. i use a drinking glass to do crab catching last time. i flood the base with henry;s food and rest it against liverock. i flooded mine an turned off wavemakers for 1 night so that the food doesnt float out of the glass. next morning i say 5 crabs inside. but they looked dead. probably from the decomposing food causing mini ammonia factory within the glass lol. killed them all. the crabs were treats for my wrasses the next morning
  10. i think the mods have been playing nice guys for far too long, and action has to be taken. we can be nice if we want. but to any future clowns, listen up and listen hard. its time to take things seriously. don't test us because we will get you. doesnt matter what kinda games you want to play, we will track you down. SRC is not a circus or a funfare where clowns can come and do as they please. Some might treat this as a playground but to others, SRC is an important integral part of the reefing society in singapore. Being singapore's largest reefing forum, surey we can't allow such things to happen, and i hope neither does anyone else. let this serve as a warning to any future trouble makers/ clowns. the forum does not tolerate such hooligans. its time action is to be taken. the occasional warning etc like in the case of ahsiang/peter.tee is fine. we are all humans and all forums will have their occasional up and downs. but none of this daryl business will be tolerated anymore. as you all know, the mods like me and fuel, reddevils etc are very nice people and we are very VERY forgiving. believe it or not i have nothing to say. i think most who meet us in real life can think for themselves. but just because we give chance often, don't step on us because we too, have our limits.
  11. a hood over the overflow stuffed with cotton will prevent such cases from happening again
  12. available if you search hard enough in the east sometimes they pop up as hitchikers too.
  13. nice right! but my only question is, can the dial be set via control? or do we have to get wet everytime we wanna switch
  14. actually. it doesnt make sense lol. sea bees? sea BEES!! i guess it was funny at that moment but come to think of it, its rubbish rofl.
  15. lol. lucky you made it home alive. i'm still laughing now rofl.
  16. duncans are ridiculously hardy. mine grew from 5 heads to 15 heads in few months. but the heads were all tiny and grew simultaneously. in the end died coz i over fed. moral of story, overfeed your LPS, and you will regret. feeding them with mysis once in awhile will ensure their heads open ridiculously big. in a bunch, they look like smlal elegance corals.
  17. huh?! read slowwwwly and carefully
  18. bro glad you enjoy the rhomboid. wasnt the biggest but certainly the healthiest in the shipment was an easy choice picking the rose amongst the thorns. hope it survives long long and grow big for you.
  19. LOL! "ARGH!!! NO!!!" << LA-DI-DA-LA-DI-DA << ROFL!!
  20. good choice on not fragging. its slightly bleached. let it recover first. btw i love your chaeto frag station. lovely idea.
  21. question : why do alveopora look like flowers? answer : to be pollinated by the sea bees. lol i hope you found this funny. one of the well known reefers here and i laughed ridiculously long until i think i had a hernia. either that or we no sense of humour XD
  22. http://glassbox-design.com/2010/sicce-voyager-pump/
  23. my eyes are not worthy for the item A1!! not worthy!!! its beautiful!
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