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Everything posted by yikai

  1. some funny pictures i came across. thought of sharing. still tons more funnier ones in my com, but they're too "adult" to post here. hehe.
  2. great!! good to have a goal!!
  3. all in the same genus can be placed together WITH CAUTION. i saw with caution because i have seen torch stinging hammers and vice versa. but not in all cases. genus as in Euphyllia sp = frogspawn, hammer, anchor, octo etc. eg, Blastomussa sp. = blastomussa wellsi, blastomussa merleti. etc. all in the same SPECIES can be placed together with NO PROBLEM. example, euphyllia parancora = hammer coral. all hammers can be put together. euphyllia divisa = frogspawn. all frogspawn can be put together. for more docile LPS like cynrarinas, prata, brain corals, all can be touching each other with no problems. but you may wanna watch out for the feeding tentacles at night.
  4. star polyps goniopora ricordea yuma goniopora
  5. my grandmother's orchid farm in LCK is opposite kranji resevoir... always see ppl catching fish there and sometimes offer me some because they cross into our housing area. can catch snakeheads. very big ones. not sure if its illegal or not.
  6. thanks bro. i hope the bubbles remain haha.
  7. thanks! i hope it grows well too! it's too near my lobo though. hope it doesn't expand any bigger or move closer. nah i've gotten some real horrible hitchikers. 20-30+ crabs, a couple of mantis shrimps, one giant pistol shrimp (still in my tank btw). but the best hitch hiker i ever got was this BTA! apart from some misc corals.
  8. its fake. tell your friends that haha! just dance is my favourite from the fame, and from the fame monster, i like all but my current obsession is speechless. her debut album the fame, has 5 number ones, comparable to the beatle's debut album. its diamond certified, having sold over 10 million copies. the only other debut album to be diamond certified was usher's confessionals in 2004. i've never had this much respect for any pop singer before. Gaga has certainly earned it
  9. update on my hitch hiker pink tip speckled GBTA. it has settled down nicely but at a weird position. its not in direct lighting...lol. anyway, if it's happy then i'm happy. the pink tips are not as prominent when it expands though.
  10. when you cover the top of the tank with eggcrates, that will serve as a hood. however, from the opening of the overflow to the top of the hood, there will be a space. maybe 2-3 inch gap. stuff it with cotton so that water can still flow down, but there will be a wall of cotton to prevent anything from going down. this will only happen if your cotten is not enough or not tight enough. fish can still jump or go through but get stuck on the cotton. refer to my above quote on how to fix this.
  11. male.. looks quite big. maybe alpha male
  12. it's not much use. powder tangs will attack each other regardless of size. maybe the PBrT will attack the PBT in return. tangs have a little blade at the caudal penducle (tail base), which are extremely sharp, and can cause serious injuries to humans. so handle them with care. that being said, when they fight, they use this "scapel" on their tail, to swipe against each other. it is not uncommon to see cut wounds on other tangs caused by this. the "scapel" on the end of the tail give them their common family name, the surgeonfishes.
  13. to increase your chances with success in the two powder tangs, introduce them simultaneously. the PBT is in for now, and introducing the PBrT later will be next to impossible. so i suggest before introducing the PBrT, catch and hold the PBT first. then rearrange some rocks to break the terriroty, and release both together. otherwise its goign to be very very tough to get the two powders getting along, much less the other resident YT and BT. even then, it might not guarantee that both powders won;t fight. but its possibl to keep many powder's together. just difficult. tang master has done so with PBT and PBrT. i have also seen PBT, PBrT, and PBlkT all kept together. even 3 PBT in 1 tank! so jiayou. it's possible
  14. nope. telephone is the continuation for paparazzi. the last part of paparazzi shows gaga going into prison. then in telephone, they picked up from there. in the LA prison for bitches. rofl! but i think video phone is gret too. i like the black and white bikini that beyonce wore in the front of the video
  15. was searching if the dogs are her's or not. then found out they don't belong to her, but she uses them in all her videos. and then found out one of them died. the one that died is named rumpus and is the son of the other dog, lava. im gaga obsessed lol. probably know more about her than her own parents do lol
  16. speaking of polaroid, i would like to own one one day. i think its great and really fun to use lol!
  17. so sad. those dogs are really beautiful! its only a one dog show from now haha
  18. one of gaga' great danes is dead lol.
  19. yes. the triangle ones are her heartbeat earphones. i WANT!!!!!! amazon is selling them but its too ex. around 200+. the red one is hot. badromance sees her wearing shoes and outfits from alexander mcqueen too. the very long lobster shoe and the golden ugly outfit, the black and white "dragon" looking heels which are btw, extremely sexy. these are designed by him. she made a deal with him. mcqueen debut bad romance on his atlantis summer fashion collection, and gaga featured his products in her video. sad that he commited suicide. i love gaga's pyrotechnic bra too. the only other time she wore it was at a MTV's performance where she did love game and poker face. the glasses she wore on the intro of the video, is made entirely of razor blades. cool right lol. there's meaning to that but i forgot. and notice her harlequin great danes appearing in all her music videos. if not all, then almost all. love those doggys.
  20. yes LOL. look at all the advertisments in telephone. her own heartbeat earphones produced by her, the diet coke, polaroid, which she is reviving, GUCCI specs, virgin mobile handphone (whatever that is), the mayo which she holds infront of the screen, the online dating website (which is LOL btw) there are still summore less obvious ones. really the most number of ads in any video ever. amazing. when you kill a cow, you gotta make a burger!
  21. and which artist will pull of concerts so amazing? here's here latest stunt on her hit paparazzi, performing with a giant monster. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6tJUrqKXSQ go to 3.50 for a funny treat rofl. viewer discretion advised. some adult language.
  22. everyone who believe for a moment she's a man has been fooled by the most intelligent pop artist ever. i mean come on. you see her wearing extremely tight corsets and what-not. how on earth would anything fit in there? there are some photoshoots where she intentionally wears a plastic...err.."you know what" down there. she says in the interview, "the biggest talking point was how everyone thought that i had a d**k, so i'll give them what they want" and she strapped on a plastic one. http://www.dailystab.com/blog/wp-content/u...-magazine-1.jpg
  23. still got solar wrasse and naoko's fairy wrasse, which i don't have pictures. the naoko's is in a friend's tank for safekeeping until i return. meanwhile, hope to see all of them when i get back!
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