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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Then came a whole bunch of photos lol. reused them to compile into one post. for tracking purposes made easy.
  2. then it progressed on to this. by now majority of my LPS have already been sold with the exception of the octo and the elegance. looking back, my LPS tank did look much better than my current softy tank. but i can't change anything now just take the opportunity to make the current 1 better! HAHAHAHA
  3. but after awhile, i got bored of playing with LPS. and after being poisoned into soft corals, i decided to convert my tank to softy dominated. i took this chance to remove most of the rocks too. so i removed and sold most of my powerful LPS. like euphyllias. then it looked like this. after the addition of some softies
  4. Started out with LPS. tank was packed with rocks, but also packed with corals. i have to say i loved how it looked. but the abundance of rocks meant that my fishes were unhappy. it was squeezy, and i cannot add in as many fishes as i would like. Not to mention the sheer amount of rocks meant i had less water volume to play around with. but the tank was beautiful in my eyes. and its certainly one of my favourite shots ever!
  5. well cya on 6th april peeps! will be flying off thursday morning! some pictures on how my tank has evolved thus far.... brings back memories looking at my LPS tank before. sometimes i wonder if i made the right choice to decom LPS for softies.
  6. actually i wasnt prepared for their spawning. i just saw the male flashing and i mistook it for his daily evening rituals. doesnt help that i have a wavebox and the eggs are pelagic. and im abit pajiao :x can't see. tomorrow will be my last night in singapore before i leave for my trip, hopefully they spawn again. this is their first time. not sure if they will do it again regularly or not.
  7. hey edwin great to see your cute little rhomrhom!! the colour is nice!
  8. the male rhomboid flashes extremely brightly. i think my tank isnt high enough for their preferred spawning rituals. i did see some hinderance the height posessed towards the pair. the ascent was rushed and could have lasted longer if the tank was deeper. imagine this but 10x brighter. even if i had caught a good picture, it will be too bright. a good dslr might work.
  9. i dont think anyone has raised wrasses from eggs before. im no breeding expert though. never heard of rhomboids spawning in captivity before. have seen flame wrasses doing it though. wow could this be a first? kakaka strange because i only have 1 female, she looks chubby. could be gravid? after the ascent, she looks noticibly slimmer. there's a video on youtube of a spawning flame wrasse and i think there's only 2 females in that tank. the wrasse still spawned nonetheless. there's no harem yet its still possible?
  10. ARGH UNBELIEVABLE!! my rhomboid male has been displaying to the female nightly and going into crazy flashing fits. today, i JUST WITNESSED THEM SPAWNING Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! AMAZZZZZZZING. NEVER DID I EVER EXPECT THIS!! THE FEMALE IS SO NEW!! it starts with the female hanging out the outer edge of the rocks, and the male will just swim circles around and around and really, its so amazing when he flashes, i swear he is emitting his own light lol. even the other wrasses backed off. this is not the usual flashing he does, it seemed different somehow. so i just watched and watched. next, he swims towards the female, and both dash to the surface with a slight splash. didnt get to see any eggs. wrasse eggs are tiny, pelagic, transparent, and think my eye too screwed up to see them. the two partners then decend down to resume their normal fishy activities. never did i expect them to spawn so soon, in a SHALLOW TANK OF ONLY 2 FT, and with only one female! i dunno if the eggs are fertile or not, but its certainly very very nice to see! i wanted to take a picture or a video of the male flashing but i have been trying to get good shots for the past 2 weeks to no avail, so i kinda gave up. regretted it lols. hope this keeps up!! FUEL, JOE, WANNA RAISE SOME RHOMBOID BABIES? ahhhhhhhhh hands are shaking as i type this.
  11. masudai is freaking sexy! the red and yellow OMG. i absolutely love this picture.
  12. i'm leaning towards a semi-morph diana? not sure. the white spots are quite "diana-ish"..
  13. ok first one i'm quite sure is B.masudai. 2nd one i dunno.
  14. the first one is very very nice! both should be bodianus sp.? im guess B. masudai for the first one..? or neopercularis? 2nd one im stumped..
  15. chromis abyssus. talk about the name being so descriptive!
  16. yeah its good. mine died and the skeleton vrey nice. lol
  17. my flashers i keep them with 6 females each female is 1 to 1.5 inch. the flasher is the only one i kept in a "harem" because they are cheap and easily found. and remain small unlike most fairies. the male is yah very very colourful and alpha. but recently he stopped expressing as much interest in the females. guess thats the downfall in having a small harem? bored easily? haha
  18. yes. agreed ^ alot of people fail to realise that wrasses and anthias don't exists in pairs or trios in the wild. they exist in large harems. so that's a reason i guess.
  19. correct meh? suspect might be these 2 only..very little info online
  20. i use my hand to stir up the surface lightly. to lightly churn the diatoms. i dont have any sandsifters except 1 sand dollar. but i think its quite useless.
  21. wtfreak! this is amazing! is this the first ever hybrid of euxiphipops? would like to see a majestic x six bar. where do you find these pictures!!! argh!! haha.
  22. why do you clean the sand bed? leave it to mature..... sand actually houses tons of beneficial bacteria and is sort of like liverock. by removing it and cleaning, you're killing all this. its like soaking liverock in water and re-introducing back into to your tank. if you want to remove diatom build up on the sand, a simple stirring on the surface is enough. or get some sandsifters to stir it once inawhile.. i never hear people removing sand to wash before...
  23. Cirrhilabrus Scottorum, the scott's fairy wrasse, till date has everyone baffled on why their colours dissapear with time. we're not talking about partial fading, but complete fading to literally BLACK. i used to be doubtful until i saw a 5 inch one that is totally black. its true some wrasses lose their nuptual colours, but its unusual for one to lose ALL colours. that's just weird and so far there hasn't been anyone i know who managed to prevent this loss of colour. not even harems of females, nor competitive rival males work. people even try cyclopeeze too but to no avail. i have been regularly feeding my fishes bananas and other fruits with no adverse effects, but no descernable difference either. have since stopped since there's no change IMO.
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