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Everything posted by yikai

  1. the reason why i say singapore will be one of the last country to be considered is because we cannot compete with japan and the U.S. the buying power of these countries are too strong. we can only see and drool that being said, we do get tahiti shipments last time from reborn. the scotts fairy wrasse was one of them.
  2. Impossible cos Claire is extremely rare and Singapore will be one of the last countries to see it, if got a chance.
  3. i still cannot get over the fact that c. claire has finally been caught and photographed alive. although it's not the most beautiful species, the color combination is extremely unique and cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis is the only other species to possess such a combination of purple and golden-olive.
  4. bodianus neopercularis. if collected in tahiti means pacific ocean. neopercularis is the pacific ocean representative. if it's from the indian ocean, it's opercularis.
  5. they look a little bit roseafascia-ish. not very colorful and not the nicest species but one heck of a fish.
  6. world's first look at probably the rarest fairy wrasse ever. cirrhilabrus claire! more info : http://reefbuilders....t-fairy-wrasse/
  7. not a lemonpeel and not a hybrid as well. this is an aberration of Centropyge heraldi. CF bring them in quite often but as with most aberrant centropyge, they will revert back to full yellow in a few months.
  8. ooo sorry to hear. at least it wasn't very expensive. even the ones going for sale on LADD are very reasonably priced.
  9. i believe he has some frags for sale :-) just not sure how many. i'll be helping him to update his tank thread with the photos i took. probably later.
  10. Many of you here are familiar with HW33's super amazing red goniopora and his incredible GSP wall. here's a reefbuilder's article on HW33's corals! A big thanks to HW33 for letting us into his home and giving us details on his corals, as well as letting us photograph them. http://reefbuilders.com/2012/05/09/red-goniopora-flowerpot-coral/
  11. Many of you here know of HW33's amazing red goniopora and star polyp wall. here's a reefbuilder's article on HW33's awesome corals and thanks for letting us into your home to sample some pictures! http://reefbuilders....lowerpot-coral/
  12. and also, do you remember where this picture was taken from?
  13. i agree, but i trust waikiki knows what they're doing. although it seems bad now, it's probably temporary as the peppermint was just introduced into the tank minutes before the video was taken. some form of aggression is to be expected. also the peppermint has been in quarantine for a few months now and is probably fit for release. the bright lights could be dimmed though, but in no time, the peppermint angel will get used to it just like the abei angel which also lives in great depths and dimness. the lady voicing over the video is the curator for waikiki and she says she's going to remove the wrasse and there will be another peppermint coming in.
  14. IMO the peppermint should have gotten a peaceful deepwater tank all to itself. even if the peppermint was healthy and adjusted to this tank, i would still put it by itself. mixing two angelfish gods together somehow cheapen the fish and make it look commonplace. one god per tank should allow the rarity to shine.
  15. THIS is the NICEST, COOLEST clownfish YOU will EVER see. Do not argue with this post. You will lose. (j/k, everyone's entitled to their own opinion). Check out the uber cool copperband-esque stripes at the back. And what's this? It has a helmet, a cape and a shield? clownfish of the year.
  16. i agree. the previous one looked very crosshatch. this one has alot of blue on the mouth which makes it stand out more as a hybrid. very nice!
  17. PIA has a new crosshatch x bluethroat hybrid. this one is even nicer than the liveaquaria one because more bluethroat characteristics can be observed at the mouth area!
  18. Big encouragements to you guys and everyone else doing small scale breeding here in singapore and elsewhere. what stands out is the conservation attempt at hippocampus species. that's great and coincidentally, aquaculture and conservation tie together very well hand in hand. even though all the species here being bred are not new and nothing to shout about, the impact these guys have on our local market is tremendous. Singapore is a small country and with our breeders breeding orchids, sunrise and other fish species, we have completely stopped importing wild caught counterparts for said species already. some of these fish are only obtainable through captive breeding by them. may not sound like much, but it's a mini version of the master plan. that is, to reduce strain on WC individuals by way of aquaculture. a small step!
  19. really? chingchai is buying it? rufus lives in hawaii and that's where frank of RCT lives too. i hope the narcosis goes to frank so he can make some narcosis colini hybrids! but if it goes to chingchai, at least we'll get periodic updates on it. if it lives.
  20. i agree with your list. that is more or less the correct order of rarity in my opinion too. but your list is more of rarity in the trade. if it's rarity in the wild or number of observations made, then nahackyi will be ranked lower, and narcosis, abei, peppermint and all the uber deep water ones will go to the top. but personally i think the nigriocella and narcosis was just too epic of a deal already. nahackyi, peppermint resplendent etc doesn't cut it for me. i don't know why. perhaps they are too "famous" and well known already. the really unknown of the unknown like narcosis and nigriocella are very non-mainstream. i like.
  21. As impressive as that list is, it's still a close second behind what we've seen recently. nahackyi, debelius and abei have all been caught before and all have entered aquariums/trade. moreover, debelius has been bred before and abei has been filmed in the wild. nigriocella, narcosis and peppermint are the rarest of the rare. yes all three have been caught and entered the trade also, but virtually zero information and video existed of all three until now. nigriocella has had a nice HD video of it and peppermint has been filmed in the wild with it's harem. narcosis has a video update on youtube by rufus kimura but the link isn't working. the only way to top this would be to finally get some info of Apolemichthys guezei. it's a ghost. do you believe it has NEVER been seen or even heard off in the past few years? not even a mention of it anywhere and almost no one even knows it exists. jake was discussing with me recently how guezei could even be a myth! like bigfoot or the yeti.
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